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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The community health nurse often notes the devastating effects on family members as the patients chronic illness takes its course.问题1选项A.develops graduallyB.deteriorates suddenlyC.recovers ultimatelyD.recurs frequently【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. develops gradually 逐渐发展 B

2、. deteriorate suddenly 突然恶化C. recovers ultimately 最终恢复 D. recurs frequently 频繁发作【答案】A【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】根据句意:社区卫生护士经常注意到,家庭成员会受到毁灭性的影响,当病人的慢性疾病应该是慢性疾病的慢慢发展会给家庭带来毁灭性影响。划线词组takes its course“顺其自然”,也就是病程。因此选A develops gradually“逐渐发展”与划线词词义相似。【干扰项排除】B选项deteriorate suddenly 突然恶化,不符合划线词词义;C选项recovers ultimate

3、ly最终恢复,不符合划线词词义;D选项recurs frequently频繁发作,不符合划线词词义。【句意】社区保健护士经常注意到病人的慢性疾病的病程对家庭成员的破坏性影响。2. 单选题5.问题1选项A.He is a lawyer.B.He is a doctor.C.He is a travel agent.D.He is an immigration officer.【答案】B【解析】M: Well, tell me about your trouble.W: Two hours after eating, I get pain, and then I feel it.Q: What w

4、ould the man do?【解析】推断题。对话是医患诊疗的过程,据此推测该男士的职业是医生。3. 单选题问题1选项A.Japan.tB.France. tC.The UK. tD.South Korea.问题2选项A.Low obesity rates.B.Inadequate health resources.C.Advanced medical technology.D.High levels of alcohol consumption.问题3选项A.Obesity rates in different countries.B.Dietary patterns in differe

5、nt countries.C.Life expectancy in different countries.D.Alcohol consumption in different countries.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C【解析】第1题:男性说到“A new analysis found that by the year 2030, the South Korea will be the leader with an average life expectancy of 90 years”,说明韩国人的预期寿命会在2030年领先。第2题:最后一句说到“But in the UK,

6、 there has been a lot more drinking”,说明在英国,喝酒的现象很多,因此D选项“大量饮酒”正确。第3题:对话以一个问句“which country do you think has the current highest life expectancy(你认为哪个国家的预期寿命最高)”开头,再讲到了日本、韩国、英国及法国的一些情况,说明本段对话讲的主题就是各个国家的预期寿命情况,C选项正确。4. 单选题16-20问题1选项A.A blood test.B.A gastroscopy (胃镜检查法).C.A chest X-ray exam.D.A barium

7、 X-ray exam.问题2选项A.To lose some weight.B.To take a few more tests.C.To sleep on three pillows.D.To eat smaller,lighter meals.问题3选项A.Potato chips.B.chicken.C.Cereal.D.fish.问题4选项A.Ulcer.B.Cancer.C.Depression.D.Hernia.问题5选项A.He will try the diet the doctor recommended.B.He will ask for a sick leave and

8、 relax at home.C.He will take the medicine the doctor prescribed.D.He will take a few more tests to rule out cancer.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A【解析】W: Well, (16) your barium meal did not show an ulcer. But it did show that you have something we call a hiatus hernia (食管裂孔疝) . Do you know what that i

9、s?M: I think my grandmother had one. But I havent much of a clue, really.W: Now Im going to explain how we can try to get rid of your stomach and heartburn problems. I think it would help if you were able to lose a bit of weight. Youll be less likely to get the pain if you can eat smaller, lighter m

10、eals regularly. Standing upright after eating for a while helps so that your stomach is less likely to come up to your gullet then when you lie flat. Lastly, Im going to give you some tablets that will stop your stomach from producing acid. Perhaps you could tell me what you feel about it?M: Well, I

11、 worry that it might be difficult to eat the meals you suggest, because Im a lorry driver and have to be on the road most of the day. And Im not sure if I want to take those tables.W: Yes, I understand you might have some problems with the diet Im suggesting, especially as roadside cafes usually sel

12、l meals with greasy food. However, (18) perhaps you could keep to fish and chicken, and avoid chips and fried eggs. You say youre not keen on taking tablets, why not?M: A friend of mine had them, and then got worse. And 6 weeks later they found he had stomach cancer.W: I see.so you were worried abou

13、t having cancer?M: Well, I was a bit. I suppose if my X-ray only showed a hernia, I must be clear. (17) But are there other test you can do to absolutely sure?W: Yes, there are. (17) But I dont think its necessary to do them at present. Well want to see how you get on over the next few weeks with a

14、change of diet. What about the tablets I suggested? I dont think its possible that they caused your friends cancer.M: (20) I think Id rather try changing my diet first of all. Then, taking the medicine you prescribed for me last time.W: Lets try that for the next 4 weeks. Then, Ill see you again.16.

15、 What medical procedure has the man undergone?【解析】对话开头就提到他做了barium meal “钡餐检查”,检查未显示他有溃疡。17. Which of the following is NOT among the doctors suggestions to the man?【解析】解析对话中,男士问医生是否还需要做其他检查以确诊,医生说不用。故选B。18. According to the doctors advice, which of the following foods should the man avoid?【解析】医生建议男士要注意饮食,可以继续食用鸡肉和鱼肉,但不要吃薯条和煎蛋。故选A。19. What is the doctors diagnosis of the



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