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1、2022年考博英语-中国科学技术大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Claims left behind in bankruptcy generally have only a _ chance of being paid, since they are unsecured and not backed by assets.问题1选项A.slenderB.slimC.sizableD.spare【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. slender 微薄的,不足的(数量或尺寸) B. slim 微薄的,不足的(没有想要的、期待的那么大) (a slim chance 机会渺茫)C. s

2、izable 相当大的 D. spare 不用的,闲置的【答案】B【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据关键词since,可知句子前后表示因果关系,因为在破产中遗留下来的债权没有担保和资金支持,所以得到偿付的机会_,slim符合语境,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合相应的逻辑关系。【句意】在破产中遗留下来的债权通常只有很小的机会得到偿付,因为它们没有担保,也没有资产支持。2. 单选题Many products, including prescription drugs, are regulated by the federal government. However, the

3、 states have laws that allow injured consumers to sue a manufacturer.问题1选项A.complainB.chargeC.executeD.punish【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. complain 埋怨,发牢骚 B. charge 控告,起诉C. execute (尤指依法)处决;实行,执行 D. punish 对判罪【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】sue的意思为“控告,提起诉讼”,这里指各州的法律允许消费者起诉制造商,charge的词义与之相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意

4、】许多产品,包括处方药,都由联邦政府监管。然而,各州的法律允许权益受到侵害的消费者起诉制造商。3. 填空题In addition, changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the citys buildings and highways, to make them more resistant to quakes. A B C D【答案】C to make改为making【解析】【考查点】非谓语动词。【解题思路】C部分到句尾是句子的状语,前面

5、说到洛杉矶修改了建筑法规,这一举措使城市建筑和高速公路更坚固,伴随而来的是抗震能力提高了,C部分到句尾这部分为伴随状语,因此C部分应为making。【句意】此外,在过去20年里,洛杉矶对建筑法规进行了修改,加强了城市建筑和高速公路的抗震能力。4. 单选题The physical devastation caused by the Civil War, the freeing of the slaves, and the chaos of the Reconstruction era had ruinous effects on Mississippis economy.问题1选项A.impac

6、tB.disorderC.offenceD.folly【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. impact 巨大影响,强大作用 B. disorder 杂乱,混乱C. offence 犯罪,罪行 D. folly 愚笨,愚蠢的想法(或事情、行为)【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】chaos的意思为“混乱,杂乱”,指的是重建时期的混乱,disorder与之词义相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】南北战争造成的物质破坏,奴隶解放和重建时期的混乱给密西西比的经济带来了毁灭性的影响。5. 单选题There exist some proposals, like c

7、reating a series of lasers that would sweep the trash back into our atmosphere, where it would mostly bum up.问题1选项A.particlesB.garbageC.dustD.ashes【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. particles 颗粒,微粒 B. garbage 垃圾;废物C. dust 沙土,尘土;灰尘 D. ashes 灰烬【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】trash的意思为“废物,垃圾”,这里指把垃圾扫到大气层,garbage与之词义相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰

8、项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】有人提出了一些建议,比如制造一系列激光,把垃圾扫回来,扫到我们的大气层,大部分垃圾在大气层都会燃烧。6. 单选题As they attempted to board the vessel, Israeli security guards on board opened fire with pistols, forcing the pirates to _.问题1选项A.revoltB.restoreC.retrieveD.retreat【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. revolt 叛逆,违抗 B. restore 恢复(某种情况或感受)C. re

9、trieve 取回,索回 D. retreat 退却,撤退;离开【答案】D【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】pirates和横线处构成主谓搭配关系,指的是以色列保安人员用手枪逼迫海盗_,retreat符合语境,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合语境。【句意】当他们试图登船时,船上的以色列保安人员用手枪开火,迫使海盗撤退。7. 填空题People are most likely to say they have been dreaming if they are awakened during a period of so-called rapid eye movement, at

10、 this time distinctive changes in brain activity are observable. A B C D【答案】D this改为which【解析】【考查点】从句。【解题思路】D部分引导定语从句,对rapid eye movement进行修饰,D部分在从句中充当状语,this不能引导从句,which代表物,可以在这里引导从句。【句意】如果人们在所谓的眼球快速运动时期醒来,可以观察到大脑活动的显著变化,那么他们最有可能说自己一直在做梦。8. 填空题The languages of Aboriginal Australians constitute anoth

11、er unrelated group, and it is _ whether all Australian languages form a single family. (debate)【答案】debatable【解析】【考查点】形容词。【解题思路】根据关键词is,可知横线所在内容为表语,应该为形容词,debatable“有争议的”符合语境,指的是是否所有的澳大利亚语言都是一个语系这件事存在争议。【句意】澳大利亚土著居民的语言构成了另一个不相关的群体,是否所有的澳大利亚语言都是一个语系,这是有争议的。9. 填空题Austrian physician Alfred Adler theoriz

12、ed that people are primarily motivated to overcome inherent feelings of _. (inferior)【答案】inferiority【解析】【考查点】名词。【解题思路】feelings of _是名词所有格结构,所以横线处应为名词。根据关键词inherent feelings,可知这里讲的和感受相关,feeling of inferiority的意思为“自卑感”,inferiority符合语境。【句意】奥地利医生阿尔弗雷德阿德勒提出理论,即人们的动机主要是克服内在的自卑感。10. 单选题The first two decade

13、s of this century were dominated by the microbe hunters. These hunters had tracked down one after another of the microbes responsible for the most dreaded scourges of many centuries: tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria. But there remained some terrible diseases for which no microbe could be incriminated: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, beriberi. Then it was discovered that these diseases were caused by the lack of vitamins, a trace substance in the diet. The diseases could be prevented or cured by consuming



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