【最新】高中英语外研版必修2习题:Module 3 第3课时 Word版含解析

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1、最新教学资料人教版英语Module 3 第三课时.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或中文提示,写出该单词的正确形式。1The Beatles may be generally considered as the most famous b_ of all time.2The singers latest a_ turned out to be a success and soon became a bestseller.3The professors explanation of the question was so c_ that we could not understand it.4

2、Violent programmes on TV may have a bad i_ on children.5The tune of the song sounds beautiful, but the _(歌词) are hard to understand.6The _(讲师) has been speaking for two hours, and the audience are getting tired of it.答案:plex4.influence5.lyrics6.lecturer.用适当的介词或副词填空1I want to download that music _ th

3、e Internet now, so can you wait for me for a while?2I usually write _ important things I must remember, like meetings or doctors appointments.3I have never heard _ such a man.4France is famous _ its wine.5His parents were happy _ what their son had done to solve the problem.6Many people like to drin

4、k whisky mixed _ water.答案:1.from2.down3.of4.for5.with6.with.选择方框内的短语,并用其适当形式填空,每个短语限用一次。know aboutsplit uprefer tooffer tomake a note ofno way1When he graduated from college, he _ go and teach in the poor village.2Can I copy from you in the exam?_; do it yourself.3We must let teenagers _ the dangers

5、 of drug use.4Jack didnt _ me in his letter, which made me feel so disappointed.5My wife used to _ the money she spent every month.6Nobody really knew why the couple, who had been considered perfect,_.答案:1.offered to2.No way3.know about4.refer to5.make a note of6. split up.完成句子1The boat shook from s

6、ide to side _(在的影响下) the big waves.2He said he would lend me some money, _(如果这样的话) ,I can buy that computer.3All the employees of this department were _(分开) into groups to play the game.4What a mess! Someone has _(弄乱)all the forms.5The doorkeeper _(记录) the information of visitors.6My mother _(听说) th

7、is school through Leslie.7We couldnt _(买得起) a new car.8So far, several cases of a disease, _(作为而为人所知) H7N9, are reported to have been found in the country.答案:1.under the influence of2.if so3.split up4mixed up5.kept a record of6.heard of7.afford8known as.语法填空1Class 1 is selecting _ new monitor. Peter

8、 is so popular that he may be elected _ monitor.答案:a;/句意:一班正在竞选一位新班长,彼得如此受欢迎因此他可能被选为班长。第一个空用不定冠词表泛指;monitor在此处表示职位,故第二个空用零冠词。2I cant stand _(work) with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _(stop) talking while she works.答案:working; to stopcant stand后跟doing sth.表示“不能容忍”;refuse后用to do sth.。句意:和简

9、在一个办公室我真受不了,她不愿意在工作时停止说话。3Is that person honest? I find _hard to believe what he said.答案:itit为形式宾语,真正的宾语为动词不定式to believe what he said。4As an _(influence) philosopher with a lot of teachings, Confucius had a great influence _ Chinese people through generations.答案:influential;oninfluential“有影响的,有势力的”;

10、have an influence on “对有影响”。5According to research, children whose parents split_ are more likely to have difficulty _(concentrate) on their studies.答案:up; concentratingsplit up“分离;分裂”;have difficulty(in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”。由句意可知第一空用up;第二空用concentrating。6As a doctor, I cannot afford _ make any mista

11、kes. It would be dangerous for the patients.答案:tocannot afford to do sth.“花费/担当不起做某事”。句意:作为一名医生,我担不起犯错误,那样对病人来说可能就危险了。7In the supermarket foreign names of the products got _(mix) up, and I was confused about what to buy.答案:mixedmix up“混合;混乱”。句意:在超市,产品的外文名字非常混乱,我不知道买什么了。8Are there any English story b

12、ooks for us students in the library?There are only a few, if_.答案:any考查省略句式。句意:图书馆里有适合我们学生的英语故事书吗?如果有的话,也只有一些(不是很多)。if any“即便有的话,如果有的话(也不多)”,根据句意可知用any。9I found _ impossible for _to work out the maths problem.答案:it; him句意:我发现对他来说解决这个数学问题是不可能的。it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to work out the maths problem,介词后用人称代词的宾格。10

13、Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet _ life has developed gradually.答案:where考查定语从句。句意:斯蒂芬霍金认为地球不可能是唯一有生命逐渐发展的星球。分析句子可知横线处引导定语从句,该关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,所以选用关系副词where。.完形填空Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daug

14、hter, Lauren was giving her _1_ concert. She had been waiting for this _2_ for years and years. “Now it is here at last!”She thought. “How beautiful her _3_ is.”The song made her _4_ to the days when she was Laurens _5_. As a young _6_, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied _7_ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a fine _8_ in the future.” her teachers told her. “But you must be _9_ to study hard and work for many years. There will be _10_ time for anything but music in your life.”D


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