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1、浙江省温州市瓯海区八年级英语unit9学案(4)(无答案) 人教新目标版相关以往知识:_个性化教学思路及改进建议:_Step 1. RevisionT: How can we improve our English?S: T: We can talk in English every chance we get.Listen to recordings, watch English-language TV.Write English diaries every day.Read newspapers, magazine or web page in English.Learn to sing

2、English songs.Go to a language school.Have you ever ?2. Ask your classmates the questions on page 86. Find the classmate who has these experiences and write down his/her name.瞬间灵感或困惑:_Step2. ReadingT: We know it is very important to learn English well, especially it is a requirement of your future j

3、ob. Here are two stories about two new friends, Mei Shan and David Feng. What are their dreams? Have their dreams come true? Please read the article and try to answer these questions.Ask the Ss to read the articles again and find the new words which match the meaning.Ask the Ss to read the article m

4、ore carefully and answer the questions in the book.Explain some language points.Step3. WritingWrite an article about yourself for the school magazine. (3b)Ask some Ss to read their articles.Step4. Do the exercise in self-check. Step5. Homework板书设计 Period 5.相关以往知识:_个性化教学思路及改进建议:_这节课主要是对前面教学内容的复习,讲解作业

5、中的问题,再通过一定的练习对本单元的知识点加以巩固。Period 6.Step 1. Warming up (Before reading)T: Have you ever thought about traveling to a foreign country?Ss: Yes, we have.T: Do you want to know about the cities around the world? It can help us to decide where to go in the future. Now its time for us to share the informat

6、ion together.Ask each group to make a report about the city they know. (课前布置学生分别去调查有关莫斯科、纽约、巴黎和悉尼的信息)Step2. Reading StrategyAfter reading, write down three or more things you have learned. We always remember things better if we take time to reflect.Step3. PresentationT: Look at the map. Which countr

7、y is it?Ss: Its Singapore.T: Have you ever been to Singapore? How much do you know about Singapore?S: .Step4. While Reading1. Read the article and fill in the table.Location LanguageFoodInterestsClimate 2. Read the article and underline the new words and phrases. Then match the words with the correc

8、t explanations.3. Read the article again and answer the following questions:Why can we speak Putonghua in Singapore?Why is the zoo so special?Whats the weather like in Singapore? Why?瞬间灵感或困惑:_Step5. After Reading1. Complete the word map with the words from the reading.2. Add more words that you know to each group.3. Correct the false statements. Step6. Explain some language points.Step7. HomeworkWrite an ad for your hometown or for a place you have been to.板书设计



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