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1、商务英语的10种抱怨信函写作Complaints & Claims (抱怨和索赔信函)抱怨、索赔信函的目的是为了获取更好的服务,对已出现的问题求得尽快的、妥善的解决。它通常是买方由于对收到的货物不满而书写,如:货物未按时到达;货物虽抵达,但与订单所载不同;货物有损毁现象;货物数量短缺或多余;货物质量与样品不符;服务不合理以及收费过高等,这些均是抱怨、索赔的正当理由。 书写抱怨、索赔信函时,不妨开门见山出原先双方同意的条件,然后列举事实以表示有何不满,以及为什么不满,最后提出解决的方法。内容应明确、清楚、有理,语气要简洁、坚决。避免使用愤怒和使对方过于难堪的措辞(除非你所抱怨的问题反复发生,且多

2、次投诉而毫无结果)。 1) For Delay in Shipment (由于发货延迟而抱怨) Dear Sirs , The furniture we ordered from you should have reached us a week ago .Needless to say , the delay in delivery has put us to great inconvenience .It is therefore imperative that you dispatch them immediately .Otherwise we shall be oblige d to

3、 cancel the order and obtain the goods elsewhere. Please look into the matter as one of urgency and let us have your reply as early as possible . Yours faithfully,XXX 亲爱的先生们:我方从贵方订购的家具应于一星期前收到。不用说,发货的延迟给我方带来了很大的不便。因此,贵方必须立即发货,否则我们将被迫取消订单,到另处订货。 请紧急处理此事,并尽快告知结果。 2) For Poor-Packing (由于包装不妥提出索赔)Dear S

4、irs , We are writing to inform you that the toys covered by our order No.519arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition that we have to lodge a claim against you .It was found upon examination that 10% of them are broken and some are badly scratch ed , obviously due to the improper packing . Therefo

5、re, we cannot offer it for sale at the normal price and suggest that you make us an allowance of 20% on the invoiced cost .This is the amount by which we propose to reduce our selling price .If you cannot accept , Im afraid we shall have to return them for replacement . Sincerely yours , XXX亲爱的先生们:我

6、们写信通知贵方,519号订单玩具已收到,但货物状况很不令人满意,故我们不得不提出索赔。经检查,我们发现有10的货物破损,而且一些也有严重磨损现象。很明显,这是由于包装不妥造成的。因此,我们无法以原价售出货物。建议贵方依照发票金额给予20的折扣,这是我们所建议降低的售价额度。如果贵方无法接受,我们将不得不退货,要求替换。 3)For Damage of Goods (由于货物损坏而抱怨)Dear Sirs, Our order No.JT-8 The glassware you supplied to our order of 3rd July was delivered by the ship

7、ping company this morning .The 160 cartons containing the goods appeared to be in perfect condition .But when I unpacked them with great care , I regret to report that 10 cartons of glassware badly cracked . We trust you can understand that we expect the compensation for our dam aged goods . Yours f

8、aithfully,XXX 亲爱的先生们:订单JT8号我方于7月3日从贵处订购的玻璃器皿已于今早货运公司送到。装有货物的160个纸箱完好无损。但当我们小心打开检查时,发现有10箱玻璃器皿严重破损。相信贵处能理解我方要求对损坏货物进行赔偿。4) For Incomformity(由于货物不符而抱怨)Dear Sirs , On March 12, we ordered 1,200 shirts size 42. But unfortunately ,we received completely different articles-children clothes today .We can o

9、nly presume that a mistake was made and the children clothes were for another order . As I have several customers waiting , please arrange for the replacement s at once. Faithfully yours,XXX亲爱的先生们:三月十二日我订购了一千二百件四十二号男式衬衣。但不幸的是,今天我们收到了完全不同的货物儿童服装。我们想贵方一定搞错了,儿童服装是另一份订单。由于有几位客户在等货,故请贵方立即安排更换货物。 5)For Un

10、acceptable Substitute (由于无法接受替代物而抱怨)Dear Mr .Cliff, During the past three months I have placed two sizable orders for The Handy Desk Companion by Roy .specifying the hard back binding .But both time you sent me paper-back binding because you were out of stock on the hard-back . Fortunately ,I am sti

11、ll selling a few of the paper backs ,but more and more customers ask for the hard-back ones .(At least two of our competitor s have this reference book in hard-back in our cities). Enclosed is my order for 75 copies of The Handy Desk Companion in hard-back . Please do not , under any circumstances ,

12、send me anything else . I have plenty of the paper-back in stock . Very sincerely yours , XXX亲爱的克里夫先生:在过去的三个月中,我两次向贵方订购了相当数量的由罗伊所著的便利的办公伙伴一书,指定需要精装本。但贵方由于精装本缺货,两次寄给我的都是平装本。 值得庆幸的是,我仍卖出一些平装本,但越来越多的顾客索要精装本。(本对少有两家竞争者出售此书的精装本)。 随信寄上订单,购买75本便利的办公伙伴精装本。请无论如何,不要寄给我其它替代物。我现已大量平装本的库存。6)For Shortweight (由于短重

13、而要求索赔) Dear Sirs , We have just received the Survey Report from Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau evidencing that all drum s of apple juice weigh short by form 1 to 5 kilogram ,totaling 300 kilogram. As the drums were intact , it is obvious that apple juice was short weight before shipment .Under

14、 such circumstances , we have to file a claim against you to the amount of RMB 850 plus inspection fee . we are enclosing the Survey Report No. TE(95)115 and looking for ward to your settlement at an early date . Yours faithfully,XXX亲爱的先生们:我方刚刚收到上海商检局的栓验报告,证明所有苹果汁每桶少一至五公斤,总共减少三千公斤。由于果汁完好无损,显而易见,苹果汁估

15、装运前就不够重量。在这种情况下,我方不得不向贵方提出八百五十元人民币的索赔,另加检验费用。现随信附上第TE(95)115号商检报告,希望早日解决这一问题。7)For Over -Shipment (由于到货数量过多而抱怨)Dear Sirs, We thank you for promptness in delivering the Chinaware we ordered on 20th Dec .The number of cartons delivered by your carrier this morning was 360, whereas our order was for on

16、ly 320. Unfortunately , our present needs are completely covered and we cannot make use of the extra goods .Please inform us by fax what we are to do with the extra goods . Yours faithfully ,XXX 亲爱的先生们:对于我方12月20日订购的瓷器,非常感谢贵方及时发货。然而,今早贵方承运人送来360箱货物,而我方只订购了320箱。很不幸,我方目前的需要已完全饱和,无法接受多余的货物。请传真通知我方如何处理。8)For


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