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1、wordESSENTIAL根底 ENGLISH OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING航空工程英语根底LESSON 1 THE B737 FUSELAGE机体一、生词飞机Airplane半硬壳式Semi-monocoque机身Fuselage起落架Landing gear动力装置Power plant支柱Strut分为Divide into包括Contain天线Antenna玻璃纤维Fiberglass蜂窝状物Honeyb整流罩Fairing铰链Hinge压力密封隔板Bulkhead驾驶舱flight partment进口Entry机上厨房Galley登机梯Airstair电子

2、设备舱Electronic equipment bay检修口Access door旅客舱Passenger cabin货舱Cargo逃逸Escape舱口Hatch空间Space燃油箱Fule bank终止Terminate辅助动力装置Auxiliary power unit水平安定面Horizontal stabilizer桁架Truss排出Exhaust设计Design和一样The same as伸长stretch延伸Extension脊鳍Dorsal fin增强Strengthen相对于Relaviate to 滑轨Skid结构structure修改revise二、TEXT1. the B

3、737 is a low wing airplane. B737 has semi-monocoque fuselage and fully retractable landing gear. Two power plants are located under the wings on short struts.波音737是一种下单翼飞机。它拥有半硬壳式机身和全收式起落架。两台发动机位于机翼下方短支架上。0. The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41 , section 43 , section 46 and

4、 section 48 .波音737机体为为四局部:41、43、46和48.0. Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeyb fairing, hinged at the top. aft of the pressure bulkhead, above the floor, are the flight partment and forward airstair and its door, and the electronic equipment bay .this section has two lower

5、 access doors.41局部包括铰接在蜂窝状玻璃纤维雷达罩后面顶部的雷达天线、压力隔板后方与地板上方区域是驾驶舱和前登机梯与其门,还有电子设备舱。这局部有两个下检修口。Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo partment.43局部包括客舱和前货舱。5. Section 46 contain the center and aft portion of the passenger cabin ,two overwing escape hatches and aft entry and service d

6、oors. The space below the floor includes the wing center section (fule tank), air-conditioning bays, wheel well, hydraulic bay and aft cargo partment. this section terminates at the aft pressure bulkhead.46局部包括客舱中后部,两个逃生舱与入口和服务门。地板下的空间包括中央油箱、空调舱、轮舱、液压舱和后货舱。这局部终止于后压力隔板。6、Section 48 contains the auxil

7、iary power unit(APU) and horizontal stabilizer truss. Access to this section is through a door on the left side. Aft of which is the APU access door and APU exhaust.48局部包括辅助动力装置和水平安定面桁架。可以通过左侧口盖接近。在它们的后面是APU检修口和APU排气口。7. The 737-300 is the same basic design as the 737-200, with a body stretch of 104

8、 inches, a wing tip extension of 14 inches, a horizontal tail extention of 36 inches, a larger dorsal fin and strengthened stabilizer.737-300与737-200具有一样的根本设计,机体伸长了104英寸,翼尖延伸了14英寸,水平尾翼延伸了36英寸,还多了个大的脊鳍和增强的水平尾翼。8. The 737-400, relative to the 737-300, has body stretch of 120 inches, tow additional ove

9、rwing exit, tail skid, and strengthened landing gear.737-400与737-300相比拟,机身伸长了120英寸,多了两个逃生出口,尾部滑轨与加强了起落架。9. The 737-500 uses the 737-300 basic structure with a 94 inches shorter body and a revised forward and aft fairing (wing to body).737-500使用了737-300的根本结构,机身短了94英寸,并且修改了前后整流罩机翼到机体。LESSON 2 THE PNEU

10、MATICS SYSYTEM 增压系统一、生词目的Purpose压缩空气pressure Air 压缩空气pneumatic环境Environment阶段,相位Phase得到Obtain发动机引气Engine bleed外部的External车Cart接头Connector整流罩Cowl热的Thermal防冰Anti-icing也,此外Also提供provide饮用水Potable water液压的Hydraulic启动器Starter在之内Within正常的Normal取代Substitute满足Meet需要,要求Need上部、顶部Top图形Figure绝缘Isolation活门Valve管

11、道Duct结合、连接Join交叉、跨接crossover管理、调整govern适当的appropriate二、TEXT1. the purpose of the pneumatic sysytem is to supply pressed air for a controlled temperature and pressure environment during all phases of flight and ground operation .air is obtained from engine bleeds. APU、or from an extermal ground cart

12、through a connector located on the fuselage.增压系统的作用是为飞行与地面所有阶段的温度和压力控制提供压缩空气。压缩空气的来源可以是发动机引气、APU、或通过机身上的连接头与地面气源车相连供气。2. The pneumatic system controls the temperature and the pressure of engine bleed air source. The pneumatic system provides high temperature, high pressure air for the air conditioni

13、ng .pressurization, wing and cowl thermal anti-icing .also, the pneumatic system provides pressure for the potable water system, hydraulic system and engine starters. The engine bleed air systems are located on the engine and within the support strut.增压引气控制发动机引气的温度和压力。增压系统为空调、增压系统、机翼与整流罩热防冰系统提供高温、高压

14、引气。同时,增压系统还给饮用水系统、液压系统和发动机起动系统提供压力。发动机引气系统位于支架内部发动机上。3. The normal cabin air source is obtained from the 5th-stage of the engines at low engine power, 9th-stage air automatically substitutes to meet user system needs.正常情况下,客舱空气来自于发动机低能量的第5级,9级空气自动分配以满足用户系统的需要。4. On the top of figure 2-1, the isolati

15、on valve separates the left and right halves of the system. On the left side of the isolation valve, the APU bleed air duct joins the left side crossover duct; on the right side ,the pneumatic ground service connector joins the right side crossover duct. From these ducts the user system are supplied with pressurized air ,governed by the appropriate control valves.在图2-1的上方,隔离活门将左右系统分隔成独立的两局部。在隔离活门的左边,APU引气管道立连接着左



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