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1、麻尾镇教师集体备课教案学科:英语 六 年级:第 一 单元课题Unit one How can I get there ? Lets learn ,make a map and talk 主备教师 备课时间课时(数学英语在此处加一个教学内容)第 2 课时教学目标1能够听、说、读、写单词:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital. 2能用句子“Where is the .? Its next to the . ”来替换有关询问和回答位置.教学重点掌握单词:science museum, post office, booksto

2、re, cinema, hospital. 教学难点熟练句型“Where is the .? Its next to the . ”There is a .in my city 教 学 活 动 过 程集 体 备 课 区 域个人备课区域教师活动学生活动1. Warm-up (热身及预习展示) 学生复习对话,教师请学生两人一组表演朗读对话。 2. Presentation and (1) 教师出示Robin, 并说:Robin is a robot. Where can we find Robin? 引导学生说出单词 science museum. (2) 教师出示地图,并说:Robin want

3、s to sent a post card, its near the museum. Where is it? 引出单词post office. (3) 教师根据地图继续引导学生:Robin wants to buy some books, the place is next to the post office. Can you find where Robin want to go? (4)以同样的方法教单词cinema和hospital (5)教师领读单词,学生小组内读单词,相互纠正发音。 (6) 教师利用地图,请学生描述每个地方的位置。 (7)学生进行操练,先同桌互练,再在全班表演 3. Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸) 请学生拿出事先画好的地图两人或四人为一组,以一问一答的形式描述地图上的位置。教师请个别小组展示对话。 4. Summary(总结)5. Practice 6. 完成练习册。 Unit 1 how can I get there Where is the cinema Science hospital It is next to near There is a教学反思:


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