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1、Book8 Unit1 Revision (练习版)一种做-的方法+单谓live by 靠-过活live with和-一起住;容忍,忍受by no means 决不by this mean s/i n this way/with this method 用这种方法make on esway 前往keep up with不落后跟上 keep back隐瞒;扣下;留下 keep sb/sth out of 阻止一进入某人突然想到一、学习目标1. 掌握重要词汇、语言点、句型,并能在训练中准确使用。2. 训练学生的词汇,句型及语法的灵活使用水平。二、学法指导1. 通过知识梳理,构建本单元的知识框架。2

2、. 先独立完成各项练习,再通过小组讨论及教师讲解解决难点。三、知识链接重点短语:1. live on继续存有;继续活着;以-为主食live through度过;经历-而幸存 live up to不辜负;遵守;符合2. by means of 用-办法;借助by all mea ns 务必;当然能够,没问题 method/mea ns/way of sth./d oing sth.- a way to do sth. an approach to sth,/do ing sth.3. in a/the majority占绝大部分by/with a majority of 以绝大部分;赢得 the

3、 majority of + 复名+复谓/+不可数名词 major in 主修4. make a life习惯于新的生活,工作等make it成功;做到;赶上5. keep up坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗,传统)keep away (使)远离keep down控制;抑制 keep on (doing) 继续干-6. sth occurs to/strikes/comes to sb -it occurs/occurred to sb thatit hits/hit sb thatit strikes/struck sb thatit flashes/flashed upon sb that -7.

4、 back to back 背对背face to face 面对面 hand in hand手牵手;密切相关 shoulder to Shoulder 肩并肩地 side to side肩并肩地8. it apparent that/obvious that 显然9. team up (with)(与某人)合作,一起工作a team of 一队10. hire a hall for an evening 租礼堂用一晚hire sb to do sth 雇佣某人做- hire on eself out (to) sb受聘于; 受雇于hire sth out 出租某物 for/on hire 供租

5、用11. mark sth out划线;标出-的界限mark A with B 用-做记号;以-庆贺mark sb out as /for sth 选定; 挑选 -12. take in包括;吸收;理解;欺骗;收留take off起飞;脱下;成名;休假;中止,取消take on表现;雇佣;承担take over接管;掌管take up拿起;占据(时间,空间);以一为爱好;从事;继续take to开始喜欢take sth for gran ted把-看做理所当然13. a great/good many + n 很多;大量的a great/good many ofthe(these/those/

6、your)+ 复名.them/usa large/great nu mber of+ 复名doze ns/scores of + 复名quite a few+ 复名a great/good deal of+ 不可数名词a large/great amount of+ 不可数名词quite a little +不可数名词14. apply (to sb) for sth向某人申请apply A to B 把A使用到Bapply to 使用;适用于apply on eself to doing忙于做一15. be tha nkful for/grateful for sth/to do sth/t

7、hat- 对-感激;庆幸tha nk sb for sth因-感谢某人16. elect sb to sth把某人选入elect sb (as) sth 选某人作-elect to do sth选择决定做 run for election 参加竞选17. from differe nt an gles 从不同的角度18. establish a town of their own 建立他们自己的城镇19. grasp/seize the opport un ity of doing sth 抓住做的机遇重点句型现在分词完成式做状语1. It also has the distinction o

8、f being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world.What引导的宾语从句2 .The first people arrived in what we know as California.It is likely that 有可冃能 3. It is likely that Native American were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.Why引导的表语从句4.

9、 That is why today over 40% of California speak Spanish as a first or second Ianguage.It is believed that 据认为-5. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinet major racial or cultural groups.That引导的主语从句6. That he will come is certa inWhat引导的

10、主语从句7. What strikes me most is the beauty of the white clouds floating in the blue sky.四复习检测I 词汇检测1 Despite my friends warning against ake) in , despite everythingve learned , find that rm not onlywilling , but positively eager to buy that bridge she mentioned.2. He was a tall, th in man who lived a

11、lone and ppare nt) had no family and no visitors , except for the Meals- on- Wheels guy twice a week.3. The 64-year-old unpopular leader has said he will hand over power to a younger generation, but he repeatedlyresisted(in dicate) whe n that will occur.4. In this human world , things all go by cert

12、ain rules. Only by rasp) these rules can we make reformsand create someth ing n ew.5. On December 16th Turkish aircraft bombed ey said were Kurdish rebel positi ons deep in side northernIraq.6. Sometimes compa nies will ask you for a teleph one in terview before a face- to-face one. This is used to

13、narrowdown the number ofapply).7. The study also reveals, despite the fact that more and more modern mothers go out to work , the burdenof childcare still falls on them even if their husband is not in work.8. It is dangerous to drive with this condition , even though braking can be achieved , becaus

14、e only half the wheels brake).9. If you want to keep off the weight you lost , you must keepthe new healthier eating and exercise habits.10. John and his wife clashed on the question othey should have another child.n .单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1. One day that occurred to her that if she could nt avoid the pro

15、blem ,she might just as well try look ing at it from adiffere nt an gle.2. You should apply to the job immediately , in person or by letter.3. When he was at a loss , he was lucky to hear a nice voice from a loud speaker announcing that his lost luggage were found.4. I have been out of touch with the old place for a great many year.5. Mean while , only about 9 perce ntage of all stude nts feel optimistic about their jobs or career prospects.6. I realized I had to be team up with p


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