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1、商务英语翻译试题(一)词汇测试题:(2题,每题0分,共2分)BBC 1 该组有1个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将对的的选项标出,规定英英转换意义精确,符合商务英语规范。(10分)(1) to conlue Ato gie ns placeoechB. ed or jdge aftr som cnsideaion. t expln D. o contan (2) tenfor t rk o act gainst law aus aw or rule beobyed C. tpeent movemt frm happning D toic soethigin a par

2、ticlrpce(3) t appit A.to te c proerty B to met smons needs C.to choose soene officiay f D.to claimfor somthing (4) t approve.tbide by B. to mly with Cto have a positiveopinion D. tocomeupwit (5) obviatA. to viote B. to rovea dfcult, to vid C. o allow sto . to be apaent(6)to iolte A. to reak oract aa

3、ins aw, principle . to beat ortrete soon C. to obeyaaw D.o ausea ule eoeyed. () withrepett A comply ith B in reatio to C onform to . oicie with (8) t enrtain aclient A.to catr f Btotreatsb.aetble C. o aunc a prouct D. to sorte a acaton(9) tmptinA trynoattract le B. to encoure the pulaity, sals adeel

4、pmnt C o lo the vale of mney to arD t jude o dcidethe amount() adnce A. touppt ygvin monB to g r move sth.ora, to dee or roveC t imrovr inrease D. prduce o proide2 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有汉语词或词组来进行解释,请将对的项选出,规定英汉转换意义精确,符合商务英语规范。 (10分)(1) to d with (comains) A.解决平常事务B 论述某项事情 .解决顾客投诉D.与某人做买卖() to omeinto

5、being A.开始变化. 形成,成立 C. 发生质变. 进入() ban loyalty A. 对公司的信誉B. 对条款的信誉 . 对商标的信誉D. 对产品的信誉() arket tone A. 市场预期B. 市场行情 . 市场波动. 市场供求(5)file A. 补偿. 供参照 C 供查找D.存档(6) comensation A. 安慰,宽慰B. 补偿,补偿 C.理解,体谅D.协调,一致() at oe own expn A.耗费钱B.以代价 C费用自理D.以昂贵的价格购买()ageteA. 汇集B.使加重 C 赞同D 欣赏(9)retability . 市场营销B. 市场销售能力 C.

6、 市场准入D市场性(1) in eturn A.作为回报. 返回 C以的代价.货币回笼语境意义,完形填空题(2题,共30分) 本组考题共有15个空,每空下有多项意义近似的英语选项,从中择一精确选项填入空内。规定:A 词语的特定环境所产生的意义。 B 词语的情态色彩意义。 C 词语的语法意义 D 句子与超句群在特定的集约形式中的意义。 E 语篇的主题意义1.完形填空题(1空,每空15分)OfrVldity imofernofferbecoes _1_w i rahes the ore(CS At.15 ).On thi poin,the law inal saes sharhesame view

7、,foan ofer is n iatioof sellers 2_, and the offr can onl dciwhether aep it orown h reeve it. Theore, i onepartyeets orsomhow leas tseone ien him a offer bfoe he realy recives , h sendsan“ptc” o e offerr, inhis aseo ntract is om evnf theontnt of te “ccetac” _3_t e offe he receive late Th “ccetn” s in

8、 ct an ffe, ndthefore, contracta bformeonthisunless thete pat _4_ the “accetance”.Wihrawal of offeTe_5_f ofer meas h tofferor, for some eason,wihdrs his ffe efre it reaes the offeeeorbefoe it bcomes efective. This mahappen wn he offerorfinsthatthe ofer he makes contais some misae, or hat he iutiohs

9、cne wich maks hi offer _ t m.Theomn practice isto mke seof a fastr meaf commnicatio to send message ofwithdl so hatitan reach te offeree earler than theffer ds.RvocatinofofrTo revoke oermeas that when th fferhasreachdthefferee, and it hasbem effectiv, thefferor acts rvoke effer tht klit effvenes. Th

10、e ise of whether aneffective off may reoked_7_hot debats among sholrs fromiffere lawystems.he ci law ssem_8 th an fer is _ withn tealidity tim, or uig h time n expecttin f a rely, wile comon la sys proies ta n ffer a be voed a any tme unles aceted.TheConvention ake ome mdiationetenhwo legal sytem of

11、 th woldwhich agresinprincipe thtaoffeis rvocle eforethe notef acceptance is ispatched but prvies ta n theollwigwo ocsns, a offers irrevocble.1) It indicts, werby sarng a fied ortheri, thatt is irreocale.) f i was asnale or theofee to elyon theoffer s g rvocale and h ofreeas ated in _10_ onhfer.1 A. objective . menigfl Ceffcve D. helpful 2. A. ropoa B.on C.ae D. t3. . dffers B. concides . eals D.cope . A. efu



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