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1、七年级(下)单元重点句型、词组Unitl1 .Where is your pen pal from?-He s from Australia.=Where does your pen pal come from?-He comes from Japan.Where are you from?-I m from the United States.2. Where does she live?-She lives in Paris.3. What Ianguage does he speak-He speaks French.4. Where is Toronto?-It s in Canada

2、.Unit 21s there a bank near here (in the neighborhood)? -Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.No, there isn t.2. Where s the supermarket?-It s across from the post office.3. Go straight down New Street and turn right.4. Turn left at Bridge Street.5. There s a pay phone on your left.Unit 31. Let s see

3、 the koalas.-Why do you like koalas?-Because they re very cute.2. Why does he like elephants?-Because they re kindhbresting.3. Where re lions from?-They re from South Africa.4. What (other) animals do you like.-I like dolphins.Unit41 .What does she do?/ What s her job? /What s she?-She is a doctor/r

4、eporter/bank clerk/waiter2. What do you do?-I m 曲op assistant.3. Where does she work?She works in a hospital/TV station/bank/restaurant.4. What does she want to be ?-She wants to be a policewoman.5. Why does he want to be a policewoman?-Because its an exciting job.Unit 51 .What are you doing? I m wa

5、tching TV2. What is he/she doing?He/She is cleaning.3. -What are they doing?-They re talking on the phone4s Nancy doing homework?-No, she isn t. She s writing a letter.5. -Do you want to go to the movies?-Yes, I do./Sure./That sounds good.6. When do you want to go-Let s go at 8:00.7. Where is he eat

6、ing dinner?现在进行时)-He s eating dinner at home.8. -Where do people play basketball?匸般现在时) -They play basketball at school.Unit 6上周1. How s the weatheJiaxing? =What s the weather like iiiaxing?-It s sunny and hot. (windy and cool)2. How s it going?-Pretty good/Great/Not bad/Terrible/Just so-so.3. What

7、do you do when it s raining?-I stay at home and read a book4. 现在进行时的用法:5.V-ing变化规则:Unit 71. short/curly/long/straight hair:短 /卷/长/直发2. medium height/build:中等高度 /身材3.look like :看起来象4. the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长5. be a little bit quiet :有点儿少言寡语6. stop doing sth.:停止做某事7.l ike play ing che

8、ss :喜欢下棋8. wear glasses 戴眼镜9. a pop sin ger: 一个流行歌手10. a new look: 一个新的形象11. black/brow/blonde hair:黑色/棕色/金黄色的头发 12.last mon th:上个月13. a woma n with long black hair:一个有着长长金发的妇女Unit81. What kind of:哪一种2. would like sth.:想要某东西3. a small/medium/large bowl of no odles 小冲/大碗的面条4.orange juice:桔子汁5. green

9、tea 绿茶6. a dumpli ng house/House of sumpli ngs: 一家饺子店7. phone numbe:电话号码8. tomato soup:西红柿汤Unit 91. do one s homework :做家庭作业2. play socce: 踢足球3. clean onW s room:打扫某人的房间4. go to the beach 去海滩5. play tennis:打网球6. go to the movies: 去看电影7.last weekend 上周末8. do some reading 阅读9. practice En glish :练习英语1

10、0. study for the match test 为数学考试准备 ll.last week :12. on Saturday morni ng :在星期六的早晨13. a talk show: 一个谈话节目14. go for a walk:去散步15. a nice day:晴朗的一天16. play with :与一起玩17. a busy weeke nd 个繁忙的周末18.look for :寻找19.watch a movie: 看电影20.It s time to do sth:是做某事的时候了Un it101. visit sb.拜访某人2. summer camp :夏令

11、营3. visit museum :参观博物馆4.on vacati on:度假5. great weather 好天气6. all day/night/year:整天 /夜/年7. have great fun playi ng: 玩得高兴8. be crowded :拥挤9. find sb. doing sth.:发现某人正在做某事10. be lost:迷路11. help sb.do sth:帮助某人做某事12. make sb. do sth:.使某人做某事13. be tired:疲倦14. decide to do sth:决定做某事15. The Great Wall长城Un

12、it11I .talk/game/spors show 谈话/游戏/体育节目2. scppera肥皂剧;连续剧3. situation comedy/sitcom:情景喜居U4. don t mind/like :不介意 /喜欢5. can t stand:不能容忍6. thinkof:认为7. agree with sb: 同意某人意见8.in fact:事实上;实际上9. a thirteen-year-old boy: 一个 13 岁的男孩10. sports shows 体育节目II .Animal World:动物世界12. Tell it like it is!:实话实说13. C

13、ulture China:中国文化14. Chinese cooking 中国烹饪15. key ring:钥匙链16. ask sb. about sth问某人关于某事17. colorful clothes:颜色鲜艳的衣服18. English Today今日英语19. Sports News运动新闻Unit12 1 .be late for class 上课迟至U2.listen to music: 听音乐3. have to :不得不4. what else别的什么5. sports shoes 运动鞋6. go out :出去 7.after school/class 放学 /下课以后8. Whats up ?什么事?9. school magazine 校干U10dont .either.:我也不11.on school nights :在学生有课的晚上12. Children s Palace:少年宫13. school/family rules :校 /家规14. make dinner:做饭15. wear a uniform:穿制服16. gym class:体育课17. enjoy nice words about my looks:喜欢赞美自己的话18. wash the clothes:洗衣服


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