1、2023年英语辞职申请书 2023年英语辞职申请书1Dear All:Now it is time for me to say Bye to everyone of you for being co-working in the last more than two years.Here, Id express my sincere thanks to you for the demonstration of team work spirit , and your professional technical/ Management skill and experience really im
2、pressed me deeply.Once you plunging into a new job, that means a new change will happen in your life. Surely, I think it s a totally new life-style for me to work in _x. there have abounds of definite difference compared with my originals, I am still astonished these changes in my personal life happ
3、ened in this two years. Maybe these will still keep a marked sign in my future life.Good Luck.Yours foreverDavid2023年英语辞职申请书2尊敬的校长:您好!我是来自上海第一中学的援教英语老师,很遗憾向您提出辞职申请书,结束我的援教工作。由于我缺乏藏语基础,无法在教学过程中有效的沟通,因此不能发挥出我的英语教学水平,藏族孩子们也不能很好的学习英语,我很感到愧疚,毕竟千里迢迢来到西藏却做不了太多的贡献,真的特别的遗憾。理想和现实总是差距很远,当初我报名的时候,以为我语言能力挺强的,到这边