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1、2022-2023年考博英语-南昌大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题It is a curious paradox that we think of the physical sciences as “hard”, the social sciences as “soft”, and the biological sciences as somewhere in between. This is interpreted to mean that our knowledge of physical systems is more certain than our knowledge of

2、biological systems, and these in turn are more certain than our knowledge of social systems. In terms of our capacity to sample the relevant universes, however, and the probability that our images of these universes are at least approximately correct, one suspects that a reverse order is more reason

3、able. We are able to sample earths social systems with some degree of confidence that we have a reasonable sample of the total universe being investigated. D.Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned by new dis

4、coveries. Even the folk knowledge in social systems on which ordinary life is based in earning, spending, organizing, marrying, taking part in political activities, fighting, and so on, is not very dissimilar from the more sophisticated images of the social system derived from the social sciences, e

5、ven though it is built upon the very imperfect samples of personal experience.In contrast, our image of the astronomical universe, of or even of earths geological history, can easily be subject to revolutionary changes as new data comes in and new theories are worked out. If we define the “security”

6、 our image of various parts of the total system as the probability of their suffering significant changes, then we would reverse the order of hardness and see the social sciences as the most secure, the physical sciences as the least secure, and again the biological sciences as somewhere in between.

7、 Our image of the astronomical universe is the least secure of all simply because we observe such a fantastically small sample of it and its record-keeping is trivial as compared with the rich records of the social systems, or even the limited records of biological systems. Records of the astronomic

8、al universe, despite the fact that we see distant things as they were long ago, are limited in the extreme.Even in regard to such a close neighbor as the moon, which we have actually visited, theories about its origin and history are extremely different, contradictory, and hard to choose among. Our

9、knowledge of physical evolution is incomplete and highly insecure.1. The author believes that our knowledge of social systems is more secure than that of physical systems because_.2. The chances of the physical sciences being subject to great changes are the biggest because_.3. We know less about th

10、e astronomical universe than we do about any social system because_.问题1选项A.the records of social systems are more reliableB.it is based on a fairly representative quantity of dataC.new discoveries are less likely to occur in social sciencesD.it is not based on personal experience问题2选项A.new informati

11、on is constantly coming inB.our knowledge of the physical world is inaccurateC.the direction of their development is difficult to predictD.contradictory theories keep emerging all the time问题3选项A.theories of its origin and history are variedB.our knowledge of it is highly insecureC.only a very small

12、sample of it has been observedD.few scientists are involved in the study of astronomy【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:D【解析】1.判断推理题。文章第一段提到尽管我们对社会制度的认识在许多方面不准确,但也不太可能被新的发现彻底推翻(Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned by new d

13、iscoveries),由此可知选项A“关于社会制度的记录更为可靠”符合题意。2.推理判断题。文章第二段第一句话提到我们对于天文宇宙(属于自然科学)甚至地球地质历史的图像形象都很容易发生受到革命性的变化,因为会不断有新的数据和理论出现来推翻之前的理论(In contrast, our image of the astronomical universe, of or even of earths geological history, can easily be subject to revolutionary changes as new data comes in and new theo

14、ries are worked out),由此可知自然科学之所以不断变化是因为时刻有不同的理论出现,选项D符合题意。3.推理判断题。文章第二段倒数第一句话提到人类对于天文宇宙的记录是非常有限的(Records of the astronomical universe, despite the fact that we see distant things as they were long ago, are limited in the extreme),所以人们对天文宇宙的了解很少。选项D符合题意。2. 单选题Competition, many people believe, the nat

15、ional character rather than corrupt it.问题1选项A.enforcesB.confirmsC.intensifiesD.strengthens【答案】D【解析】than决定了这里的corrupt(腐坏,破坏)与空格处的词相对,所以空白处应填入D,表示“加强”的意思。句意:很多人相信竞争会加强民族性格而不是破坏它。3. 单选题If we continue to harm the environment we live in, we will the course of human being into danger.问题1选项A.turnB.start outC.putD.carry【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。Turn into “进入,变成”。句意:如果我们继续破坏我们居住的环境,我们会让人类陷入危险。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题In order to repair barns, build fence, grow crop and care for animals, a farmer must indeed be _.问题1选项A.restlessB.ceaselessC.availableD.versatile


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