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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?第四课时Section B(2a-self check)【教师寄语】Do what you say, say what you do. 做你说过的,说你能做的。【Free talk】总结问路和指路的交际用语。【Learning tasks】1. 学会本节的单词、短语和重要句子。2. 通过独立思考和小组合作,能熟练进行问路和指路。3. 熟读2b,并能就短文内容回答问题。【Importance and difficulties】叙述某一场所的位置。【学习过程】一、超前预习. 预习Section B(2a-self ch

2、eck),写出下列单词。1街区 2. 钱 3. 花费 4. 爬 5. 容易地_6. 享受 7. 免费的 8. 阳光 9. 空气 10. 经常 11. 路_. 写出下列短语。1. 花费时间 2. 在周末 3. 看猴子四周攀爬_4. 看起来像 5. 到那儿 6. 清新的空气和阳光_7. 生活中最好的东西 8. 到达公园 9. 住在一个喧闹的街区 _ 10. 很容易的到达图书馆_IV. 找出你的疑惑: _ _二、课中学习I. 预习检测英译汉:1. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.2. The zoo i8s on the right.3. I

3、love the clean air and sunshine.4. When I read books , time goes quickly.II. 解决疑惑 自主互助学习III. 学习过程:(一) While readingFast reading and answer questions (速读课文回答问题)1. What does Anna like doing in the zoo? 2. Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why? 3. What does John like to do at the park? 4. How do

4、es Lisa get to the library from her home? Careful reading (细读课文)Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 31. Answer: 1) Where does Anna like to spend her weekends? 2) Where does John often exercise?3) Wheres Lisas favorite place?2. 写出下列短语:1. 沿着长街走 2. 在北街左拐 3. 从你家到那儿 4. 在上学的日子 5. 有一些空闲时间 6. 做我喜欢的食物 (二)学生自主学习(

5、小组合作完成)After reading完成2c. 小组合作完成3a and 3b【课堂练习】假如你叫Mike, 你的朋友Larry明天要到你所在的城市,但是你没有时间去机场接他。请给他发一封电子邮件,告诉他怎样从机场到你家。要求包括下面的要点,不少于50词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。要点提示:1. 先乘出租车从机场到和平路。2. 沿着和平路走,经过一家超市向右拐。3. 穿过第八大街,当看到一个邮局时,向右拐。能看见一座红色的房子,那就是我的家。Dear Larry, I know you are arriving tomorrow. But I am sorry that _ I ho

6、pe you have a good trip. Yours, Mike【要点归纳】1. I like to spend time there on weekends. 2. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. 3. I enjoy reading there. When I read books, time goes quickly.【拓展练习】一、根据句意和首字母完成单词1. If you want to send a letter, you must go to the p_ o_.2. There is a s_ near here

7、, and we often go there to buy everything.3. We often get money from the b_.4. I am very h_. I would like something to eat.5. The hospital is b_ our school and the bookshop.6. Is there a garden in your n_?二、用所给单词的反义词填空。1. The supermarket is on the _ of the street. (right)2. They are doing their home

8、work in the _classroom. (noisy)3. Next to the hotel is a _ house with an interesting garden. (big)4. Go _ this street and you can find the shop. ( up)5. My English book is very _. (old)三、课外阅读Johnson likes swimming in a small river near his house. But then his father goes to work in a big city and Jo

9、hnson goes with his family . Their new house has a garden ,but the garden is very small Johnson is not very happy. “Is there a river near the house ?”he asks his father on the first morning .” No, there isnt . But there is a big park near here. And theres a pool in it. “ “We are going there this aft

10、ernoon. “says his father. Johnson is happy. Johnson and his father go to the park in the afternoon. Johnson wants to walk near the pool, but he sees a sign . His father reads it to him: “Warning : This pool is dangerous.365 people fell into it. “Johnson looks into the pool carefully , then he says ,

11、”I cant see them. ( )1.There is a _ near Johnsons new house. A. small river B. big park C. small garden D. big pool ( )2.John isnt very happy because _. A. there isnt a big park B. theres a pool C. his father goes to work in a big city D. there isnt a river near the new house. ( )3.There is a _ near the pool. A. sign B. river C. garden D. tree ( )4.The warning tells people _ near the pool. A to look into it B. not to swim C. to be careful D. not to look into it (



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