2020Unit 1 Breaking records Period 3 GrammarWriting 同步精练人教版选修9重庆专用

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 1 Breaking records Period 3 Grammar & Writing 同步精练(人教版选修9,重庆专用)时间:45分钟.用所给动词的适当形式填空1_(be) everything OK?2Nobody_(know) the answer to the question.3Ten divided by two_(be) five.4Most of the drinking water_(be) from the Black River.5Not only she but also I_(do) morning exercises ev

2、ery day.6Either you or she_(have) made a wrong decision.7The family_(be) spending the weekend together.8Bread and butter_(be) her daily breakfast.9The police_(be) trying to catch the thief.10The number of people invited_fifty, but a number of them_absent for different reasons.答案1.Is2.knows3.is4.is5.

3、do6.has7.are8.is9.are10.was;were.完成句子1. Ignorance and carelessness_ _ _ _ (导致了这个错误)2The injured_ _ _ _ _(得到很好的照料) in the hospital.3He is the only one of the students_ _ _ _(经常迟到的)4Here_(走来了) the dancer and singer.5More than 80 percent of the work_ _ _(已经完成了)6I get up early every day,_ _ _ _(我弟弟也这样)7

4、I,_ _ _ _(你的朋友), will try my best to help you out.8The public_ _ _ _(是最好的裁判)9It is I_ _ _(是我错了)10Whether we can hold the sports meet_ _ _ _(得看天气)答案1.has caused the mistake2.are taken good care of3.who often comes es5.has been done6.so does my brother7.who am your friend8.are the best judges9.who am

5、wrong10.depends on the weather.单项填空1_in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum.AAnything BNothing CEverything DSomething解析句意:我的一生中,印象最深的就是第一次去参观故宫博物院。考查不定代词的用法。从题中so.as.搭配来看,设空处需要否定词,而nothing与比较结构连用,有“什么也不如”的含义。答案B2_thats important is that you are doing your best and m

6、oving in the right direction.AOne BAllCEverything DAnything解析句意:重要的是你你正在尽最大努力并且朝正确的方向前进。句中thats important为定语从句。one某一个,代指可数名词,表示泛指;all所有,后加that引导的定语从句,相当于what 或who引导的名词性从句;everything 一切;anything任何事物。根据句意可知选B项。答案B3Wow! Youve got so many clothes.But_of them are in fashion now.Aall Bboth Cneither Dnone解

7、析句意:哇!你有这么多衣服啊。但是现在没有一件是时尚的了。根据句意,空格处应用否定词,应排除A、B两项;衣服多,应该是大于三者,用none。注意neither和none的不同用法。前者表示“两者都不”,后者表示“三者或三者以上都不”。答案D4_is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous.ASuch BThis CThat DSo解析句意:这就是电视的力量,它能使人突然成名。such is.这就是;就是这样的。答案A5Its important for the figures_regularly.Ato be upda

8、ted Bto have been updatedCto update Dto have updated解析句意:这些数据定期升级是很重要的。考查非谓语动词。figures与update之间为被动关系,故排除C项和D项;此处表示一般性动作,故排除B项,选择A项。答案A6. Its no use_without taking any action.Acomplain BcomplainingCBeing complained Dto be complained解析句意:不采取行动而只是抱怨是没有用的。考查非谓语动词。Its no use doing.是固定句式,所以选B。答案B7_Barbara

9、 Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.AWhich BWhat CThat DWhom解析句意:Barbara Jones展现给她的粉丝们的是诚实和快乐。考查主语从句。what引导主语从句,在从句中作offers的宾语。which引导名词性从句需有一定范围可供选择,如:Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?茶和咖啡你更喜欢哪个?that引导名词性从句不作成分,故排除;whom用来指人,也应排除。答案B8. It was never clear_the man hadnt reported the a

10、ccident sooner.Athat Bhow Cwhen Dwhy解析句意:为什么这个人没有尽快报告这起事故还不清楚。考查主语从句。it为形式主语,真正的主语为设空处以及其后面的从句。答案D9. Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious_the problem itself is.Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhy解析句意:在一个问题得到解决之前,必须要清楚问题本身是什么。考查名词性从句。根据句子结构可知it作形式主语,后面的“_the problem itself is”作真正的主语,该从句缺少表语,故用what引

11、导。答案A10It is still under discussion_the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.Awhether Bwhen Cwhich Dwhere解析句意:那个旧公交车站是否应该被一家现代化宾馆所取代仍在讨论中。考查名词性从句。It作形式主语,“_the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not”作真正的主语。根据句意及题干中的“or not”可知答案为whether,wether.or not在名词

12、性从句中意为:是否。答案A.短文改错Dear Jerry,Im glad to know that you had an interest in Chinese1._food.Here Id like to tell you something about them.Chinese2._food if famous with its wide variety.The food in one area3._can be easy told from that in another.For example,Shanghai4._food,a little bit sweet,differ from

13、 Sichuan food that is rather5._hot.However,every kind of the Chinese food is worth trying,6._because each has a delicious taste and good for health.Since7._the restaurant in China usually serves special dish of different8._areas,you can enjoy various Chinese foods whenever you9._are.Im looking forward to meet you here so that I can tell10._you more about Chinese food at table.Best wishes.Jin答案1.hadhave2.themit3.withfor4.easyeasily5.differdiffers6.去掉定冠词the7.在good前加上is8.dishdi


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