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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。0X考研复试英语面试自我介绍 考研成绩出来后,大家都在陆续准备考研复试面试了,大家准备好在面试中做自我介绍了吗以下是小编搜集整理的22X考研复试英语面试自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴! 20考研复试英语面试自我介绍范文1 Gnngfternoon, y dea tecers(m darrofesors)。 I amverygla t b e fo ur inrview. My i _.I a _ yer ol. I cm frm _, a ery etifcity. My undegdate perod

2、 wi accompishein _univesty in Juy,02X. nd now, am tryigmy best or obtaininga keyo _ nivesit. enerlly akn, ma hard-workin suden I wil try mybest to finish nomae howdiffiult it s.Whe was sophomoe, foudwebdsign ery inrestig,soIleare t veyhard.To weave a hmeafrye, I tayed it my psonal cmpr forhal a monh

3、, and I he firstone myclass woown hs homepae.Furhrmore, I am a perso wth rea perseveran Durngthe days prering for he it xamnton, insit orun eeryda, no attewhathe weather was like. ndust wning ts, I ol cncenrat omy studyand succeded in he ndell, i myspaeme, I likebasketball,tnns anCise chess. Als, En

4、glis is y avorite. ofe go oEngish corner o prctimy ral nlsh on very Thursdy, ad wiecomosiios oe my written aility. But Inow my Englisis t o enouh, l coiestudng Ok, tt&suo;s al,thanou fo your atnton.202X考研复试英语面试自我介绍范文2 Godmonig/aftrnoo, y dea prfessr am very ladto hre or yurnteriw Mnae is _, _ yeard.

5、 I comrom _,ave beautiul ciyMy ndegrauae priod will bcmplished in _unvrsit in July, 202X And ow, I m tring my best for otaing a e to _ University.Geneally speaing, I a ahr-worki stde. ily bst o finist no mattr how dffcut it is. he I waspomoe, founwb dsgveryinteresng, so I leed it veryhard. T e a hpa

6、ge ormyelf, I styed wit my prnalcomputefo hf mnt,and I a thefit one in my c wh n his homeageFurthermor, a a person wt gre perseeance.Duing the days prepring or h firs examiation, I isit n running evey dy, n mtter wtte eterwa ike ndjustownigothis, cou conenraon my sdy an sucee i te n. Well, in my sar

7、etime,Ilke asktball,teni and Cne hes Also, Eglsh my farte I ofte go toEnglish cono practic my oral Enlis on eer Tursday, d rite compositios to pove y wrtte abilit. Bt Iknow my Enlish s nt od nugh,I ill otie stdying. k, hatrsqu;sal, hank y for you attenion. 02X考研复试英语面试自我介绍范文 Resctdfesos,Good afternoo

8、! 9;rat honored oee yu hreow allo met gea brif self-itruction. I39;m,26 yearsold ,rn in ity ,Prvic.In h arof ,I ente Universit, majorin in Mchincl Degng and Producing. Ding those ears&39;stu,I wored h I was alays ati inariosvitis. Igaind he rst scholarsip or fur time and I joined Cmunst Pay at collg

9、e. Afte my grautnin n,worked n copany. I got a postonnthe Tehnlogy Dearment h frst y and I wsinvolvedin seveaiternet pects, uch as th ne for Collge student Recrumnt inHenavinc nd th e for Computer ene in Matmatis Dpatmen inZhengzou University. Ownin to myhad ,I wa awarded t Best Ncoe rie n te yea .

10、Th net year,I was trnserred nto th PincpalCtm Deprmet,rponsible for veloping ndstegtennga good reationhip betwn the iialustomers an m company.woa cutomers, enan PrvinilDpatmentof ransportton nd HennProvnial DpartmenofPersel, are under my work. Hower,with tim gin o ,the me Ieperieced,te clerr I rezed

11、 tat &#;m really inested in thEterpri agmn .I fin man enterise e the pobem oan unmthd maamn o itsdevelopng peed . I'm eagerto lear orebou mngement and I hope I an study furthe in this Univeriy o I rsigne n August , 202Xdstarted hewy topusuig m studis Afr abou alf yar'shardwork, I&;m inallann

12、 bfoeour honorabl profesrs nw. I; ally excted.houg Ive sacrifced muh on m ay o puingstude, belive it#39;s worthwi I believewokng hard will finlly b prepared. Thank you ! 20考研复试英语面试自我介绍范文4 Good orning,everyone! I am gdo beherefr ths intriew. rst, e me introuceyslf to yo. My naeis Li Ming. was bo onril 3, 18. Iaa ocalpern. I am grauatng fro University hs June. I majorn Cineselieatr IhopeIcould get teopportnityofihmy stgrdue orsin ek UniversitwhhI have dee fo


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