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1、AAung manasked lbrt Einstin , th great Geran sentt ,what esecet of uccs is. Te sinistold him tat h seetf cce hrd wok Afewdays later the youngmn aked the ae question gan. Enstinas ry annoyed Hedi nots nthing ,burotea few ws o a piece of pper . On t was written: X+Z.“Wt dos s ma ?” aedheouan .“ mans“s

2、ces” exland theoldsienist “X snds for hard wrk ,Y for god meo (措施)and Z Z mens sop tlkngand getdowo work.”1. Tyungman _.A. antedto met EinsenB. anedtobe agreat scientstlike istinCas eager(渴望) toknowthe secrt o uccessD. wanted toe student Einsei2. In Einseisonion theer of succsswa_.to ork wth rat ene

3、rgy(精力,活力).ostuy d day a nitC. o learn rmgrea sietitsD. to raise (提出) question s mny asyou could3. “Y”tands for _.A hard or B. gt engy C. gretsuccess D. good anner(措施)4. he od“aned”means _A.angry B. ad C lvl D. gld5. Enstenas a an ho _A. likdt talk it youg pole. lke to help othersC. liked to ake fri

4、ends th youngpoplD. lik towork ,but ditlike totalkBriishnesaesareuc smalerthn y ud o b a teirreaders are ften na hurry ,snewspaen write asfew rd as psible .Thy tell heir aders at once hat ppened ,wher ,when dho t hpnd nd wha was the sut : ow manypeple were kiled ,whtchane ws don nso .Rderswnt teac(事

5、实) eout as uly nd accurately aspsible Radersre alo erestedin the peplwhoaveseh acdent So newspaperman layslk o gt some iormaon (信息)roomeon who aster, wc n b giine perons on wods.Becaue he cn use only a few wors,thenewspapran mus choosethoseworcaefull ,vey one sb fftv(有效) Instead of “he ale out n lou

6、d oie”, e writs”he shute”; instea f “he oos tons rolle oiily owne sideof hmotain”, hewllwrie” tey thunderedwn the ountainse” Bcauseay of theaersrt vryclevr, admost of them aren a hurry1. Fom the text,we leanthatnwspermen ite as fe wrdas posible ,beeeaders_. A.wanto ko reaoutth newBae ointerestin wha

7、h happened C hvo titoea the new careully . ay uch attention o th resut2. Tendelined word”ne” inthtex rrs _. .wrd .ewaprmn .ead Dpers 3. Wich of th follwinwo bs cpethe ext ?. h wil ee s wriin shorB. h ontcre aout iswritngC h will giv nothibut informatio D. e wot make hiswriin goough.4. In wht way do

8、youthink riishnepprs havebecome smal?A. Ina ge sze. B. I nubero reders. In nubr of ags D. In numberof copes5. Wich of e olowigistrue?.Radrs arenot satisfied wit th sort nwsNot mnypeole ave time o red the log rticle n newpaersC.Reades fin te languae of te nwsapexcit.Newpperentryto repot asfuly posibe

9、.Th soy happeddrte Seond Wol Wa(战争)n old ma id in a smal townofGermany. Hedthrsos and teyallwked in te aefactory ee hehadworke. tr the war haden, hisos wer al made tojoin the myon aftr notr ndeyll die in te rghts . The ma s ery sd . he didnaenug fo and wa ofenhngry .And nbody heed im and hedidn knw

10、wtogo n livi was ery ld iner nght . The ld ma coln g oep . habe hngry or two days and ita so co in i m tt ie could be seen . He ad to get up andbegu to run in te rom unil he l dwnthe goun The ext mrning e had o beg from drto door. hbee o a o f itie and knew ltOnce h cameto a villag , bu the vilgeswe

11、r a or and coun gieim ahn .H a to ungy o go t anoervillage. Hthoght had and ounda wy cme t police stationd cled out , “Hite isa foolish pig(希特勒是蠢猪)!ut camean old polcemanat oce Htoo he ol man i roo, av him sme andacupftea. The h said , “nsain our illae , i !”“I sory,r.” Sid te od n . “I dont know its Hitls hmwn .”“No, no , si.”Teplicemansaid n a hury. “Isigshomeown !”1. The ld man was _.a Germ Ba Fench C. an Astraln a nlihman 2. Teld man ws d becaus _A hee son allded durin he a. Hite s had to joe rmyC.Hehad o fod


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