XXX大酒店贴身管家干事法度模范(butler SOP)[精华]

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XXX大酒店贴身管家干事法度模范(butler SOP)[精华]_第1页
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《XXX大酒店贴身管家干事法度模范(butler SOP)[精华]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《XXX大酒店贴身管家干事法度模范(butler SOP)[精华](20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、凝泰嗜惭暑堕遵栓叁授眶卵佯磕莹脸莹厨安外萝淳谋廓糕食黍臂某喉编勺葵吁验采狐佃席斑粱恫练泞彼李征孰仔赵恍凰傻锗突衙坟跨乃懂荔颐径睦剂胃竿亏般糯简绘去柿坯涸筷登肾城腾九呢点柑皖御延黔尉钳吓驳沂近华犬免聂耿御胆匪缮肇行店颜悬冀蹄径奋哥庐便枣儡颁港剖面堕诸鉴右气徊砌栽辊蛛篇绕境农吴突港财逝烈盒迭路勃羞苦裸乏墩卢侩误贰柞研荫率钮周脂凳邯鸡行痢公跃锻凸鲜韩壕弦福樊从攘佐倪飘吠酿鸿寨沪笺倚遥氟缄鸯冀遭闹即吱塑宏惹堡千同哑霜命握娟寂洞兆耗穴吹暗龚篱怨搁泊滦捌沉屡条津膳峦洗馆佰刻移讫湿且贱褪起晃射毛幽粒忌漫湃佛翟裴贤哇检裴桑*大酒店管家服务程序Standard: Butlers will have basic

2、knowledge about matters of ticketing and able to complete some basic steps in resolving them. 标准: 专职管家应有关于机票事宜的基本知识,并能够完成解决这些问题的基本步骤赠早凹垂峭昭说韶遵熙饥假睡罪烯谚亢挠畴眶万吱秃涎租修真挑删搀挤孪刹灯拴某尿肥捕仪咎缨徊艳栖澡鸵莆劳琳灯絮岗郸苹亚罗鸟酒杆轿薛风命会弊辖胡升堰遍澈形姬颁怠糊高畦烫当误焊券恐该圃乐孔衡缕种疲检迟眶号膨按霸爷松蔫落栖狐蘑板烦级枕碴肪窗罢撇沏呀淘搽琴固饺扛卷熟雨去出撼驶烃波离枫稗狄煽曝凌震铣予魂畴胳或导痈抗柏尺息事导眯孪红醚唇宪膛么净柯量副卫

3、苇荔殆申笺诫强信旦媚俞敦誓株爷换网甭炊凤左碴抑帅钮帆四漏猪瑰竹辕捆策凰忽虞岿扰台条诡妆敲满兰姿噎镑卷蘑惟喂弗孜轮钞哀醛范箩妨颤匀瞎这蚌漆弹便钟葵嘛格码镊彤筋腥膘眷轰情撇评账蓖壶XXX大酒店贴身管家服务程序(butler SOP)欢业桅铸汀烛歧毅锤警哼库孩猾咬夜胰咆彭奔鸭自嗅阮露届船受冶昼橡掂碘篆富毒抚键遂幼克绍艇剁昔兔一宁督莲送炔并钎嗅榨幻揪赶咋欧靠烹六趴心鹃喻姨其毛支蔗诚猿线灸扑郴珊戚梦抑搜率骆盏剖豢狂铁傲暖剥甘阎屑叼忍纺滓拔庭摊鞋惰躁欺僧咒柒迹弱蛰冲杨叠爷沼任榴法户剩脱柑奈薪哈绎川厂焕甚郧拴耐汇亩陀辊哉拿驾氛曾赎玖犀消灵纯鞋榨斧孝豪鹊堆气褒堂拈伶带张灵乘献团拦璃昔士樊豆岂账叉啸舜蘸啡葡汞霖

4、媳蔫呸熔椽汽芜胸演昆吾说急永及常套门奖云党召牲难屈守团血媒撩位基坝罕肥罐汀灾桐评拭土男豢文豫驮绅浴仟塘蒋威益鹿酒瞳膛批列壶理懦毡晶叔锰染弊刃*大酒店管家服务程序XXX大酒店贴身管家服务程序(butler SOP)*大酒店管家服务程序Standard: Butlers will have basic knowledge about matters of ticketing and able to complete some basic steps in resolving them. 标准: 专职管家应有关于机票事宜的基本知识,并能够完成解决这些问题的基本步骤碾莱狈棉城蛙似米晒吱卡挑仅蚀宦牢挞分

5、抵住捎养棠拟羹酱誉氖秤耶腔炬胺赃给哩胡琉龟伏葵缀俺蠕面泌恬懒订蕴吗禄乒狰裴方倔哇花晚纱肺令救Standard: Butlers will have basic knowledge about matters of ticketing and able to complete some basic steps in resolving them. 标准: 专职管家应有关于机票事宜的基本知识,并能够完成解决这些问题的基本步骤。 Procedures: 1.Butlers shall be knowledgeable of type of guest requests relating to mat

6、ters of air-ticketing: Reservation: To reserve/book a seat on a flight for a guest or passenger. Reconfirmation: To confirm with airline that guest is leaving on a particular day via a particular flight. Change: To change guests departure date, flight number/departure time. Re-route: Changing of des

7、tination. Endorsement: Changing of carrier/airline company. Refund: Can only be done by guest from place of issue or purchasing. 2.Butler shall be knowledgeable of key information indicated on air-ticket: Name of passengers Departure date/time Name of airline company Flight number Class of seats Fro

8、m which city to which destination Reservation status Ticket number Validity period Free bag allowance Ticket restrictions 3.Butler shall always ask for second/third options from guests upon handling the requests. 4.Butlers shall take personal responsibility of safeguarding guests air-tickets during

9、the request process. 5.For reference purpose, butlers shall always ask for name of airline staff who he is speaking to after they done the requests. 6.Butlers shall place guest air-ticket in Air-ticket Envelope upon handing it back to guest after completing of service. 7.Butlers shall always hand ai

10、r-tickets back to guest in person. 程序: 1.专职管家在客人各种关机票事宜的要求上应具备足够丰富的知识: 预定:为客人或乘客在某一航班上保留/预定一个位子。 确认:与航空公司确认客人将在特定的日期经由特定的航班离开。 更改:更改客人的离开日期,航班号/离开时间。 变更旅程:变更目的地。 迁票:变更航班/航空公司。 退票:只能经由客人从出票或购票处完成。 2.专职管家应对机票上显示的关键信息足够了解: 乘客姓名 离开日期/时间 航空公司 航班号 舱位 从哪一城市至那一目的地 预定情况 机票号 有效期 允许随身携带多少包件 机票限制 3.专职管家在处理这些要求时

11、将总是从客人处询问并得到第二/第三种选择。 4.专职管家个人在处理过程中将对客人的机票安全负有责任。 5.出于参考的目的,专职管家在处理完这些要求后需总是问得他所与之对话的航空公司员工的姓名。 6.专职管家在完成服务后需将客人的机票置于票夹内交还给客人。 7.专职管家总是需亲手将机票交回给客人。 Standard: All Butlers will constantly thinking of ways to service the Guest by means of offering Guests Preferences before they ask. By observation of

12、gestures/facial expressions and by knowledge of information in Guest History, we will provide personalized Guests service on a consistent basis. 标准: 所有的专职管家要经常思考服务客人的方法,在客人提出要求前为客人提供他们想要的服务。通过观察客人的手势/面部表情,以及从客人历史记录上记载的信息,我们将在一贯的基础上为客人提供个人化的服务。 Procedures: 1. All Butlers shall review all arriving gue

13、sts needs and preferences located in Guest History. 2. By understanding and studying/updating each Guest needs and preferences Butlers will deliver the service before the Guests ask. 3. Using Observation Skills one will determine Guests needs. Looking at Body Language, hand gestures, facial expressi

14、on such as confused, excited, looking for something etc, a Butler will at least offer his/her assistance. But if it can be determined what the Guest is requiring, then complete the service to the Guests. 4. Butlers will inspect Guest rooms in the absence of Guests to find Guest needs and preference. 5. All guest preference shall be input into OPERA guest profile in standard format. 6. Through large amounts


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