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1、外研版选修 第一模块Bseball模块整体解读及分析英语(新原则)高中选修7 Modue 1 Bskebll话题本模块以asketbl为话题,简介了篮球的基本规则、BA的来源和中外篮球明星的风采,通过本模块学习,学生要运用所学词汇口头评价自己喜欢的体育项目,简介自己喜欢的运动员。功能通过学习使用合适的形容词体现个人情感,让学生通过有关练习活动掌握有关的词汇。任务规定学生查找资料,运用本模块所学的词汇简介自己心目中最杰出的五名运动员所构成的“梦之队”,并和别的同窗分享。学时划分第一学时ntroducin, Readng ndcabulary第二学时Lstening, Fuctn, Everyda

2、 English, Speain第三学时Redig Practice, writg,Graar1,Grammar第四学时Cltural corner, Task,Modue Fie分学时教学设计及教案格式第一学时一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(新原则)高中必修7 Mle asktall教学对象高二学生教学项目教材内容Itrduton, aiga vocblary词语growp, aten h unrsity,withan verage of,构造Tere is nodob a其她pongua, soting grd, smll forwar,poweforwad, cnter教学目的语言知识En

3、lrge the Ssocbulary byaningt ew or语言技能To deveop ts rdig aili语言运用To undertand wht isthimodule abot.文化意识T me the Ss kwor about the cultre ofbasetball.情感态度To moiae Ss ehsias bout he spor an train hi spirt of pos.学习方略B lstenin a eadigstrteies.教学重点T deal wittheanga points i he tet.教学难点dveop a basic rdnil

4、analzinth tet.运用任务inidal-w,roup-work 教学措施Tskbedteaci, 教学媒体Blackbor, chalk, mul-mia二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学环节教师活动学生活动教学目的Stp1 led-inQ: Wat doyou hink of baetball?nvidl wok:anser tequstionTooue Ss interesinbaketbalStep ntouctonAssign th tasks: edthis shortpassaeand finsh Activity1,2,3.Indvidl wokkesu Ss now set

5、hing abouttheNBASp3 ReadingQ:(1)hts you favorite bsetllpyers inNBA? ()Doyouknow bascnformto abou hi/er?(g.Brn, eiht,BAcaer,ec.)Fat rading:AskSs t ea he tex ickly and cmplte heloing tae.Itesive readin: Ask S eadthe sage carfllyad fini theexercise of tives 35Idvid work andgroupwrkTo devel Ss bility to

6、 sumarizthe man deas f ech paragraphStep4 langue points1) Thee isn obthat he deseres the tl“ outstandig plyer of his geraion”)e fnished hisfist saso s oofthe opscorers i he lague, wthnaverag o 28.2 oinpergamIndvid worToenlage Ss vbuaryStpHewrk1.Rcithe newwrd2.skS to reviewlistning an speakngIndividu

7、alwokTo stengthen and revie he kowledge w hav larned.第二学时一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(新原则)高中必修 Modu 1Basktbal教学对象高二学生教学项目教材内容Liting,unction, Everyda nglih, Speaking词语Lad y, in thlead构造n-atribiv lausey whh其她tamna, ie, oerti教学目的语言知识reognizthe wordd setce strctur and rs he usage of m语言技能T pomotethSs lise ailiy语言运用Tr

8、actice te English in acul siuation文化意识 aete kno moreabout thecultu of basketball further情感态度To motivte Ss enthusism bout thesporndrain thr srtsofsors学习方略B lstningan si strtegies.教学重点To findou e ueioaon o understan he meanng of thelistening material教学难点Howtoget theman ia oh listening ateial运用任务iniviu

9、al-work, Grup-work教学措施Tas-based teain,教学媒体cboard, chal, muti-mdia二、课堂教学过程预设时间教学环节教师活动学生活动教学目的Step1 Lead-inask:a s o plain h new ordIndiiua wo:ansrth questionTock up h resultsf previeof SsStep ListeningTsk: fish theActivit1Indvdual wokMake sSs know somethinabo thelisteningStep ucton nerday nglshTs: f

10、nis the exercis onP8Indvidlwork T pactice usg o wrds nsence stucture.SteppeainQ:“eryne n Chia think th NBA is fantastc.” hat yuopinon?Goup wkTo devlo th Ss seai ailip5 HomewokAsk Ss previe radng an ractice dmmarnivda rkTstrengthen and prvithe knwldge hed o te第三学时一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(新原则)高中必修7 odule 1 Bask

11、tbal教学对象高二学生教学项目教材内容ReangPrctic, Writin, Gamar,Gramar2词语put iti thisway,f eesry构造Is (not) i onesare to do 其她it, e gtle教学目的语言知识trecogizethewrds nd seenc structreand asp the sgeof tem语言技能To pote theSs readingad wrig abiity语言运用o able thes towrit a shor esay文化意识Toae te kno mor but theultur of baktbal furth情感态度o mivte Ss euias about the ports and train their spits of sprt.学习方略By listenngandsekg straegies教学重点Toaquire te iformi of thepsag o rdevelo the reang abilityof Ss教学难点Ho tget hemn id of te ach pargraph运用任务indivia-wor,Gru-wok教学措施Tsksed teahing, 教学媒体Bck



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