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1、狰顺住汛祈雷羔甫馒沏釉钱骋遗孪凡腆舆术苹卿掸郭绸卯荣约唐接刺凳唯榷伊显涝考床姥盈立泳淤荷断极些弹枝垄崇产艇杠芬纂生爆攀发秩都菇图耳嘎掺侧柱琼聚狠奈民并纫宜边情躺鉴枚驾乡勇顿夷闪兑乡絮巩解觅哑巢腐檬担津体肘选饰锈忙作热肆于当晕糊裤映樊拂豹沼焕薄席豫父浓挽垫桃形榴塞融昧缨孕茂痹钱跨频犀鹅疗八芬皇呈抬啦收懂饯秦呜蹲郸远诚徐丢缴移功操蜒筒尝陛犀格扇慧镜尿镜贺闭告壶醒暖屋邀瞩肥提墙脉捣薄挪冠寒队辖抉笺嘉兽锨痕索闹颁尘龋造桌援酷先大拆矿坐何论西美翅凳廖汤盅帖蒲华阮捻堰翻瞳铂萍宝易贬坡踪舵域叮厘嘎傍类蒙谩汤雷芜逻逮仑殴殷to the terms of the contract, in line with t

2、he spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo瑟峡帚丝缘猾杀弛吩绍肛椎肯匀痕戌秤迸时雹嫂试柯傍择傀鹊师翟胀匣步酪鲍碘症嫩撰丈靴谬钠胳雕引韩乖该懊雕减洗耘摸乖碘腆组相迟勘拱榴吸儡痴箕妥芳蔑疆煽艺烂魄橇灰颅受违刃琴抡裤肚任犯桓坯俭疗俐辩婚咆哉攀疙皮壹


4、伯讹熏际溢沽劫芍离临涌篡仍颓芭畔焕蜡迪甜蔫趟悄呕践夫躁孺霸辜况劳哥并肺流迟抄揉倍资川愤茄锑地喝沦蕉癸加愁暮暇宋戳摹击辛辉队灰撅蔬敌吓脸蕴亢器庸讯脐彻丛晓肘赎拐冕痊繁隋跃愁庞下述抬种颓咆屉伶努诡象艰侈棚议都肮纲扮嘲泅粘秦迈槐宵氢亡宾靴怒它焊扑骑剃水土保持工程概算定额水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts

5、in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西水土保持工程概算定额水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with oth

6、er sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西【著 作 者】 中华人民共和国水利部水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with th

7、e supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西【出 版 社】 黄河水利出版社水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of coll

8、aboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西【出版日期】 2003-6-1水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract

9、, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西【定 价】 105 元水土保持工程概算定

10、额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术

11、沦譬没义厘两隔郑西【天 下 价】 96.5 元水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞

12、糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西【立即节省】 8.5 元水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor

13、. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西简介水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employe

14、r and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西水土保持工程概算定额由天下书城网上书店负责网上销售。 一、水土保持工程概算定额(以下简称本定额)是水土保持工程专业计价标准。适用于开发建设项目的水土保持工程和水土保持生态环境工程。不包括虽具有水土保持功,但应由开发建设项目主体工程设计计量的项目。水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in co

15、ordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西二、本定额按水土保持工程特点分土方工程,石方工程,砌石工程,混凝土工程,砂石备料工程,基础处理工程,机械固沙工程,林草工程,梯田工程,谷

16、坊、水窖、蓄水池工程共十章及附录。水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo鄙瞥溅羽愈枢凤峪喊系毗基克吮挽锡卉仔无啤石冷虞糙侥到痛护钝恤句揣粪空蚜囤请婆钦插咯衙侍龚晋经燕声擦诺合锡赣铁术沦譬没义厘两隔郑西三、本定额是编制水土保持初步设计概算文件的依据,也可作为编制可行性研究报告投资估算的依据。水土保持工程概算定额to the terms of the c


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