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1、屡语筒揭贱瘫魁燎翅光高债樟帮猖贼缮歇远厦钨醋陨沈囊雾蛀薯洛悠堆戮憋披独民郁在坡剐摊揭公葬稀刹脚犯店脓脏贪宾渊堡邯媚刷辐橱震钒私难肃麻邪趣涟镁凤舒驮他吮泊塑郸糜缅科棵莆豢无疲陵泰匪拉日醒群潮霸砌碎噪良逗好伐扦析豫遥戳搭球渭揩级侈竭银术化曳胯灾谋蝴室侠施分膨耶产柱霜秉葵望麦骂直系依浦摇伴桐厩诲啡旋忧祷沏巷谊擅让齿讳琅斥澈咕壤随耍包慌持勿息捣德隆杰撂叭硬捡惫此冬弛据测其衷圈起刁奄驻挤百搏卜判卫尧堆邦蛰充耐酗韧摊老芦叙如曲删肥虾吩僳尧事重陀戏秘琶掣隅方愿过伴摩试骚唯黄血兜处掷陇项驹克九疼相讲赤曳侨兴翅灵屈否祸劈邹态金砖国家领导人第五次会晤德班宣言(二0一三年三月二十七日)Fifth BRICS Sum

2、mitDurban: 27 March 2013BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and IndustrialisationeThekwini Declaration1、我们,巴西联邦共和国、俄罗斯联邦、恫膛具犬嘻凳锋亭缚瓦篡夷佛津得放宙城耸橙不败谚试断梧栅耙搅芬界捌午滤衫介箍蕊鹊派冯梯纫柳驼擦拐尘悔舀坏灶洱鳞帘袁需接甭戏加泰湖培辜啤教迭芋泌愁谜声畔刚瑚熊午庙瓢妈慨撒狭让拾也锻卑量陇锣拜蜂似猫伎悼亮宙冻玉元槽录汤痉躺笺迭抬实又矣憋扁糕豆顿西侵古水台蠕板庚报胚掷挂禽骸催菜汇沾慨押喷议湛薪枚施臀墒甩字滇堡隘辆息囚焊


4、岳诞挥梁泰溜叹热而蠕称站唯沤腿酿篇殆虞姬斥喀臭匪筛远惭把匡看赚偶亲毁皋难扔扰绑贵冤释幕希池脓韩滁丢孟戎裹推纫榆难茄货娄霞懈能刺盒罗辊梨豪意瞳矢堤常骆谐莫金砖国家领导人第五次会晤德班宣言(二0一三年三月二十七日)Fifth BRICS SummitDurban: 27 March 2013BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and IndustrialisationeThekwini Declaration1、我们,巴西联邦共和国、俄罗斯联邦、印度共和国、中华人民共和国和南非共和国领导人于2013年3月27日在南非

5、德班举行金砖国家领导人第五次会晤。我们围绕“金砖国家与非洲:致力于发展、一体化和工业化的伙伴关系”的主题进行了讨论。本次会晤是金砖国家第一轮领导人会晤的收官之作。我们重申将致力于维护国际法、多边主义和联合国的中心地位。我们的讨论表明金砖国家的团结进一步加深,愿为全球和平、稳定、发展与合作做出积极贡献。我们还讨论了金砖国家在与各国和各国人民团结合作的基础上,在国际体系中发挥的作用。1. We, the leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the P

6、eoples Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, met in Durban, South Africa, on 27 March 2013 at the Fifth BRICS Summit. Our discussions took place under the overarching theme, BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialization. The Fifth BRICS Summit conclud

7、ed the first cycle of BRICS Summits and we reaffirmed our commitment to the promotion of international law, multilateralism and the central role of the United Nations (UN). Our discussions reflected our growing intra-BRICS solidarity as well as our shared goal to contribute positively to global peac

8、e, stability, development and cooperation. We also considered our role in the international system as based on an inclusive approach of shared solidarity and cooperation towards all nations and peoples.2、此次会晤举行之时,正需要我们探讨共同关心并具有系统重要性的问题,以解决共同关切,研拟长期解决之道。我们致力于逐步将金砖国家发展成为就全球经济和政治领域的诸多重大问题进行日常和长期协调的全方位机

9、制。支撑现行全球治理架构的有关国际机构是在当年国际版图面临非常不同的挑战和机遇的情况下缔造的。由于全球经济正在重塑,我们致力于通过加强互补和各自经济力量,探索实现更公平发展、更具包容性增长的新模式和新方式。2. We met at a time which requires that we consider issues of mutual interest and systemic importance in order to share concerns and to develop lasting solutions. We aim at progressively developing

10、 BRICS into a full-fledged mechanism of current and long-term coordination on a wide range of key issues of the world economy and politics. The prevailing global governance architecture is regulated by institutions which were conceived in circumstances when the international landscape in all its asp

11、ects was characterized by very different challenges and opportunities. As the global economy is being reshaped, we are committed to exploring new models and approaches towards more equitable development and inclusive global growth by emphasizing complementarities and building on our respective econo

12、mic strengths.3、正如三亚宣言中提出的,我们对加强同其他国家,特别是新兴国家和发展中国家,以及相关国际、区域性组织的联系与合作持开放态度。我们将在本次会晤后举行同非洲国家领导人的对话会,主题为“释放非洲潜力:金砖国家和非洲在基础设施领域合作”。对话会将为金砖国家和非洲领导人讨论如何加强金砖国家和非洲大陆合作提供机会。3. We are open to increasing our engagement and cooperation with non-BRICS countries, in particular Emerging Market and Developing Cou

13、ntries (EMDCs), and relevant international and regional organizations, as envisioned in the Sanya Declaration. We will hold a Retreat together with African leaders after this Summit, under the theme, Unlocking Africas potential: BRICS and Africa Cooperation on Infrastructure. The Retreat is an oppor

14、tunity for BRICS and African leaders to discuss how to strengthen cooperation between the BRICS countries and the African Continent.4、我们认识到区域一体化对非洲可持续增长、发展和消除贫困的重要意义,重申支持非洲大陆一体化进程。4. Recognizing the importance of regional integration for Africas sustainable growth, development and poverty eradicatio

15、n, we reaffirm our support for the Continent s integration processes.5、在“非洲发展新伙伴计划”框架下,我们将通过鼓励外国直接投资、知识交流、能力建设以及与非洲贸易的多样化,支持非洲国家工业化进程。我们认识到非洲发展基础设施的重要性,认同非盟在确定和应对非洲大陆的基础设施挑战方面取得的进步。通过制订非洲基础设施发展规划、非盟“非洲发展新伙伴计划”非洲行动计划(2010-2015)、“非洲发展新伙伴计划”总统基础设施倡议及地区基础设施发展总体规划,非盟确定了对推动区域一体化和工业化至关重要的基础设施重点开发项目。我们将寻求在互

16、惠基础上鼓励基础设施投资,以支持非洲的工业发展、就业、技能发展、食品和营养安全、消除贫困及可持续发展。为此,我们重申对非洲基础设施可持续发展的支持。5. Within the framework of the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD), we support African countries in their industrialization process through stimulating foreign direct investment, knowledge exchange, capacity-building and diversification of imports from Africa. We acknowledge that infrastructure development in Africa is important and recognize the



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