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1、英语演讲稿3分钟励志英语演讲稿分钟励志 演讲稿是为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己看法、看法或汇报思想工作状况而事先打算好的文稿。在生活中,越来越多地方须要用到演讲稿,还是对演讲稿一筹莫展吗?以下是我整理的英语演讲稿3分钟励志,欢迎大家共享。英语演讲稿3分钟励志has,lng procss akes us fe red, but we should hav enou atiee,ater all w haein soety the VT strggled orso lon Thik abou the pat,wetid mny kins f xruciting hiliatio, econred

2、mny imes cheatin earaced ad mbaassmnt f discriminaon,t breathe w many times an insi and sair ifiultie ad seback,ow malitrs ofho ers shed, sntmch of er door to the state o i,h mc tired out body self. ome in th past cannot becalclated, but n with n feastautes are th msthapp tut, e paytouc oouc, thus f

3、orgg stronhart. Peope ayhaen s good, the airy musi Bhind the ucc o ars?Thefaypeopledid, uniting t sprs no pais n prctis, frit t ixit . With he fruisof thir laor or, wilalways bewee;T fly n hsown lfe, swysbrigt. Someday, w wil fn th dea of life,t fnd atruy belng to ou sy.Bt bforehat, pleae sulodli th

4、e i tme: want tofly ghe.英语演讲稿3分钟励志2 I believe in the 0perce thery. Haf te tm things re bette tan nomal; th ohe haf, they ar wrse I belive life a pendulum swin.It take ime nd eeiceo drstan whatnrma s,andtha givs me the perspcive to dealwith the srries ohe fuur. Ls benhmark tharmeter: es,I wl ie. Ive

5、eatwithteaso th parts,a bst fried,a beoved boss n chershed pets. Se ofths eaths avebevlent, befo my ee,r slowand goiig.Badstf, and it elogstteotmofhe scale Then here arthoshigh points: omacead mrri to th rtpers; hving a child and ding hseDadthigs lik coching my sos asallteam, padi around te crek n t

6、h oa wileh swimmi ith thedogs, dicving hicompasios dee t manfests even inis kdnesso snails, iiminato so vivid he buis a spaehprom a caterd l of Lgo.Bt there isa madow of life in e midd,werethed an the ood fipl acrbaticaly. This s hat cvnes eto bee i the 50perce theory. On sprng I pante cor o eary in

7、 abottmland o floo-pronehat eighos laughed I fet chagrinedat tewastedeffrt.Smmer trned brutal - the worsthet wave and roght n m lifeime. The ar-nitinr die, he wellnd, he marage ndd, tejob lost, e mony gone. Iwas living lrics frm outry une -music I loted. nly a srgingasas i Ryas tem,ond fotheir irtWo

8、rld Sies, bo y prits Lookng baon that hrriblemmer, I son understood tat aluccedngood thigs erely ofset thebad. orsanorlwoudt last log. I m owed and avor th alcyimes. heyreivigorate me forte next nasty spise and ofer assurnce that I ca iv. T 0 percnt heryeven helpsme se hope byond my Rasecnt slum, a

9、feldo trugglng rookies sw so hatsoe easoon weanrep anOctober harvst. Oh,yeah, hecrn crop?For t o bstering umer, e gond ire was strih,plating arlyalowed polnainbere hat withred he top, d te lack o rain saed the tandng on frm food That witer myrib oerlowd wth corn-a, healthythreet-a-stak ears illed wi

10、th kenls fro heel to ti - ilemy neihbors fids yede onl brown, emty sks. Alhougplantins pas may have len elow the 50-ernxpection, andthey prbb will againin thefut,Iam sll ssaie by thecrpthatflore duringtherught 我信奉对半理论。生活时而无比顺畅,时而倒霉透顶,好坏参半。我觉得生活就像来回晃动的钟摆。读懂生活的常态须要时间和阅历,也正是这样才练就了我面对将来荣辱不惊的生活看法。 让我们掂量这

11、些点点滴滴:是的,我注定会死去。我已经经验了双亲的仙逝,一位友人的亡故,一位尊敬的老板的离逝,还有心爱宠物的死亡。当中一些变故突如其来,直击眼前;有些却长期熬煎,苦痛不堪。糟糕的事儿,它们驻留谷底。 当然生活也不乏熠熠光彩:坠入爱河缔结良缘;哺育幼子身为人父,训练儿子的棒球队,当他和狗在水中游戏时,摇桨划船前瞻后顾,感受他如此剧烈的怜悯心即使对蜗牛也善待有加,发觉他如此活跃的想像力即使零散的积木也能堆出太空飞船。 但在它们发生期间有一片宽广的草坪,在那儿上演的各种好事坏事像耍杂技一样地翻新。这就是让我信服对半理论的缘由。 有一年春天,我在一片简单被淹的低凹地过早地种下了玉米,邻居们都为此讪笑我

12、。一番心血付之东流让我懊恼不已。接着我生命中最难熬的酷暑来临了热浪袭人,酿至旱灾。空调失灵,水井枯竭,婚姻裂开,惨遭失业,积蓄挥空。我正经验某个乡村调频描绘的情节,我厌烦这种音乐。只有一支人气攀升的堪萨斯皇家棒球队的小组因他们的第一次出征世界大赛团结起来使我精神激昂。 回想那个可怕的夏天,我不久就明白了全部的好事坏事不过是正负抵消。不顺心的境遇不会延宕过久。太平常光是我应得的,我要尽情享受。它们给我新的活力以应对突如其来的险境,并确保我再度辉煌。对半理论甚至帮我在我宠爱的皇家棒球队最近的低潮中看到希望这是一块艰难行进的新手们耕耘的土地,播种了,假以时日我们就可以收获十月的金秋。 哦,对了,玉米

13、收成?就那年燥热的夏天,庄稼地的湿度恰到好处,过早的种植使授粉避开酷热在顶梢干枯前完成,雨水稀有使地里长着的玉米免遭水灾。那年冬天,我的粮仓里堆满了玉米饱满牢固的玉米每株秆上结三个,每个玉米从底到顶端长满了玉米粒而我的邻居们地里长出来的只是暗沉干瘪的壳。 尽管过去播种的收获没有达到50%的期望,而且将来也可能是这样,我仍旧要为经验旱季依旧丰收的.玉米而坚守阵地。英语演讲稿3分钟励志3 Whatvr the past, t no tter hw he fture will ,wshud ae oreaon to le oeslf beome a commoacs doig nothg very falur n rvealing,eacualy ntfar fro succss, r deam wil tte l to livrprio als, tkey i


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