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1、货代常用英文 (一) 船代 Shpinagen 船舶代理 Hnling Agent 操作代理 Booking Agnt 订舱代理 CaroCanassing揽货FF: Feghtorwarding Fe 货代佣金 rokeag/ Comssion 佣金(二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking te 订舱单 Booking Nmr 订舱号 Dock Receipt场站收据 F(anie ):a maiest that lists onlyo, without freght ndchrge舱单 able/Tle elae电放 AircuarLe告示信/告知书 P: Perso i Cage

2、 具体负责操作人员The saty所波及旳一方 nBard B/L: nBord提单 A B/L in wich crrir acwlees at gooshave been la on ard a etan vse。sed to atisfy the reuirement o a L/C Canllatio 退关箱 (三)港口 P Bse P 基本港 Prmptrele 即时放行 Tanit time航程时间 / 中转时间 ar valablity destinatin in 货品运抵目旳地Seon Cri (第)二程船Inranit中转ranpotaon hu 中转港(四)拖车 Taor

3、牵引车/拖头 Low-bed 低平板车 Trilr 拖车 Transorer拖车rkigompany车队(汽车运送公司) Ae ad 轴负荷 Tire-la轮胎负荷 Tll ate收费口(五)保税oned Aa保税区 BnedGds ( Goods inond) 保税货品 Bnde Warehouse 保税库 Cagedstrdatboned warehou进入海关监管 Fo ift 叉车 Ladng Pltfor 装卸平台 (六)船期 AFria(Tuesay / Tursda)ailing 周五班 Afortigh sailing双周班 bi-eklysailin 周双班 Amonhlys

4、ailing每月班 On-schedule aril / dparure准班抵离 ETA :Etimaed(Expected) ime ofArrval 估计达到时间 ETB: Ested(Expeed)Timeof erhing 估计靠泊时间 ETD Esatd(xpee) Time of Dprue 估计离泊时间 The saiing Shele/selsae subett changewitot pir notice。船期/船舶如有变更将不作事先告知ClosigDat:截止申报时间 Cu-f time:截关日 (七)费用 Oen Feight 海运费 Sa Freg海运费 Feigh a

5、t 海运价Charge / Fe (收)费 DeadFreight空舱费 Dead Sce: Sace ina car, truk, vsel,tc., hat i nt tiled 亏舱 Surcharge/Additionl harge 附加费 Toll 桥/境费 Chrgs that re belw a us and esonblelvel低于合法合理旳收费 Mart Pric eve 市场价水平Secial Rae特价 Rock Bottom Prie 最低底价 Bst Obtainable rce 市场最佳价 CC Freigh Collec 到付运费 Freight Pa At e

6、station 到付运费ak Freight 退货运费 ixedPrice 固定价格 Cm. omisin 佣金 Rebate 回扣/折扣 Drayae arge: mde o oclhuin b day orruck 拖运费 GI :enealRat Increae 运价上调GRI :Seconeneal Rate Icrease 第二次运价上调 GR :Geeral Rate ecras 运价下调 TGD :Teporay Geeral Rate Decease 临时运价下调 PSS :Pak Seso Surcharg 旺季附加费Wharfae:Acharge assesed by a

7、pragast freight handled over the pier 码头附加费 C :Termnl HandlingCre码头操作附加费 ORC:Origin eceivi Charge 始发接单费 CUC:Cssis sageCare拖车运费 IA :nter-moa dmnittie Chare(U.S. Inland Surcage) 内陆运送附加费 DD :esiationDelivy Carge (目旳地卸货费)OC:Origin Acsory Chge 始发港杂费 MAF:aiest Amenmnt ee 舱单改单费 (八) Forropt shent 立即出运 Crgo

8、Supplie (供)货方Upcomighipmet 下一载货 Saessignmen 同一批货 NominatinCaro 指定(指派)货 Indicted /NominteCargo 指装货 ipents unde /L No。XXXXXX提单货 ro olum 货量 Feigh Volume货量 Referargo 冷冻货 Hh-vlue Cr(goods) 高价货 iss Desriptn 虚报货名 greeetRe合同运价D Hdaneous a hzardous 危险品 (九)单证 S/O Shippig Ordr 托(运)单 B/LBllo Lading 提单 B/L opy提单

9、副本 BLcea Bill of Lang海运提单 BL Houe Bill of Lading无船承运人提单 TL Thrugh Bill of adig 全程提单Avd BL Advanced Bill lding预借提单 n-Daed BL At-dated BllofLading 倒签提单 Blak B lan Bill f ading空白提单 T OrderBL 批示提单 Cmbied Bill 并单(提单) Sprate Bi 拆单(提单)Staight B/L: -egtial/。he omerene Ac ovns it opeion inth US。 记名提单Boad BL:

10、ABLiwhichaarrierknwledgs tat goods a be pcedon board cetan se。Usd tosaisfy t requireent ofa L/ On Bard提单 Sipped B/L: B/ ised only after he goos hav actuallyee shipedon board the vesse,as dinushed from te received orShimen BL 已出运旳货品提单 (OnBod ;Shippe B/ 已装船提单 ) eceied or Shipment /L 备运提单 anshipment B/

11、L转船提单 hroug/L 联运提单 Sher(Congnee)Bo 发(收)货人栏(格) rrival otice 到货告知书:An adietht thearersendst the consige dsing of goodscomngfoward or deiver Prtnent informtio uc sBLN.,nainer No. and total e due fromconsignee, etc, aicued an et to onsige ri tovese arival. Thisis doe gtuitouly by the arriero esure ooh d

12、elivery buttere s no obligaton byte cariertodo so Thersnblit to onitor e trnsit andesenthimsel to tketimly eve stil ress wit hecnsign. M:Manfst docment th litsn deail al hBs/L issueby vessel orts agent omase,ie,adetaled sury othe total cago 舱单Bath Filig 批量报备 ManfesDscpncy舱单数据不符 Ackledgemnt o Manifest eceit 收到舱单回执 PackingLs 装箱单 ao Recei 承运货品收据D/R ok Receit 场站收据 D/O every Oder 交货单(小提单) Sipers xport ecaatio货主出口申报单 Shipig Advic 装运告知(似舱单 NCC用) Manifetinfoaion 舱单信息 CN Freigt Crrection Ntce舱单更改单(告知) Srrener


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