Unit 6 Planting Trees (第二课时 词汇句型教学)

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Unit 6 Planting Trees (第二课时 词汇句型教学)_第1页
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《Unit 6 Planting Trees (第二课时 词汇句型教学)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 6 Planting Trees (第二课时 词汇句型教学)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Planting Trees (第二课时 词汇句型教学)中山市三乡镇新圩小学 陈文丽一、 教学内容分析广东版英语六年级上册 Unit6 Planting trees 第二课时vocabulary 和Target部分的内容,主要包括plant/planted等八个动词及其过去式的知识点,还有句型Did you have classes yesterday? No, I didnt. / Yes, I did. What did you do yesterday, Ben? I planted trees yesterday.我们首先借助图片进行情境导入学习,培养学生预测或推测能力,

2、通过思维导图的方式去帮助学生学习并掌握这些词句,培养学生发散性思维,利用所学单词去创编歌曲,来培养学生的创造性思维,在学习过程中,还让学生通过小组合作的方式去进行自主学习探究,培养他们思维的灵活性。二、学生分析六年级学生已经学习了story 第一课时的内容,对单词planted和句型Did you .? What did you do?,已经具备了一定的语言基础。学生现在的思维比较活跃,对创新性的知识点不能很好地把握,因此在这节课的设计主要培养学生思维灵活性、发散性、创造性的思维品质。三、教学目标:1.能在At the tree planting camp的语境中发散思维,展开头脑风暴,从多角

3、度建构词汇的意义,掌握目标词汇的音,义,形,提升思维角度的多元化;2.能在At the tree planting camp语境中运用语言形式Did you do sth.? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. 和What did you do yesterday? I 进行询问和应答。3.能灵活使用目标语言完成report的拓展任务,有效实现语言的综合应用。四、教学重难点 (1)教学重点:A、理解和掌握8个动词以及过去式。B、用句型“Did you.?” 或What did you do?”进行询问并做出相应的回答。 (2)教学难点:在教学过程中,培养学生的思维能力,进一步培养

4、学生巧用动词过去式,提高学生语用能力。五、教学策略 1、采用思维导图的教学策略,发散学生的思维能力。 2、采用情景教学策略,让学生对学习的内容有一个整体性的感知。六、教学过程: Step1: Lead in:Warm up and Free talk1、T: Hello, boys and girls. Whats the date today?S1:Its _T: Whens the Tree Planting Day?S2: Its _T: Did you plant trees on the Thee Planting day?S: _.T:But Tony planted trees

5、last year.【设计意图】词汇课导入前,结合植树节活动,老师提出一个问题When is the Tree Planting Day?去激活学生已有的知识经验,并建立新旧知识之间的联系,顺利地实现情境话题的导入,为后续词汇课教学做好铺垫。 2、Guess T:Look at this picture.They were at the tree planting camp. What did they do? Guess with the sentences: “Did Gogo/Dad .?” S1: Did Gogo/Dad .? T:Maybe.【设计意图】通过看图片,图片把部分动作去

6、掉了,让学生猜Gogo/Dad在做什么,培养学生思维的的预测能力。Step2 :Presentation 情境导入,新授单词和句型。Read the story book and find out the answers: What did Gogo and Dad do? 文本:Last year, Tonys family and his friends were at the tree planting camp. Tony planted trees. Gogo helped him. Dad washed the boots. Mom painted a picture. Ben c

7、ooked some food. It was tasty. Lisa called her friend. They were very busy. But Jenny listened to music and Ann watched the video with ipad . They were so free.【设计意图】呈现情境语篇,激活学生已有的学习经验。学生在情境语篇中去学习新单词和句型,并通过绘本阅读与查找单词的过程,去激发学生思考的动力。1.Ask and answer: T:Did Gogo plant trees? S:No, he didnt.T:What did Go

8、go do?S:He helped Tony.(show a word card: help/helped)T: Did you help your mother do housework?S:Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.【设计意图】利用图片中的情境进行询问,引出新学单词help/helped,然后再通过Did you . 这个句型去询问学生,让学生在真实的情境中去回答,培养学生思维的灵活性2.Look at the picture againT: Did dad wash the car?S: No.T: What did dad do?S:He washed the

9、 boots.(show a word card:wash/washed)T:Did you wash.yesterday?S1:Yes.S2:Did you wash. yesterday?S3:Yes, Idid./No, I didnt.Group work: Ss ask and answer with the sentences: “Did you wash - - -? Yes, I did./No, I didnt.” Choose groups show in the class.【设计意图】学习单词时,教师利用思维导图的方式,让学生针对这个词去进行组词,思考更多的词组,从而培

10、养学生发散性的思维。还通过一般疑问句型进行俩俩对话,除了进一步巩固单词的读音外,还让学生思考更多的词组,进行丰富的语言交流,提高学生学习的兴趣。3. Use the same method to teach “watch” T: Did you watch TV? S: No,.T:What did you do yesterday? S:I .4. Read the story book.1)Read the story book again and find what did they do?What did LisaAnnMomBen do?Find the answer and cir

11、cle the key words. (call/called、listen/listened、cook/cooked、paint/painted)2)T:What did you do yesterday? S: I.【设计意图】由于cooklistenpaintcall这四个单词之前都有学过,用老师的“导”去激发学生的“学”,再次阅读绘本,并根据问题,让学生找出答案并圈出关键词,通过探究式的学习去掌握其他四个动词的过去式,还利用思维导图的方式让学生去说出这些单词的词组,说得越多越好,并引导学生能运用重点句型“What did you do yesterday? I. ”按实际情况进行问答,

12、很好地培养学生自主探究学习能力以及语用能力。 Step3:Practice: 活化教材,运用知识1、 Listen and chant【设计意图】通过学习Chant去活跃课堂气氛,让紧张的课堂变得轻松、愉快。2、Chant activities 创编歌曲【设计意图】让学生进行小组创编歌曲,把刚学习的单词加进歌曲中,目的是培养学生提升信息转换的语用能力及培养学生思维的创造能力。Step4:Production: 能力提升,拓展新知。 调查p68 Make a survey and report1. T make an example.2. Ss do by themselves.3. Show

13、in the class.【设计意图】通过调查及汇报的任务,去深入教学活动,引导学生进一步掌握单词及句型,培养学生听、说、分析和思辨的能力。通过问一些分析性和创造性的问题去检测学生对单词及句型的理解,从而激发学生思考的欲望,并在单词及句型中习得基础语言,有效地去运用。Step5 Homework1、 Oral:Read the words and target fluently2、 Write a report : Hello, my name is.。Yesterday I cooked some food and washed the dishes . Chen Ming planted flowers. Li Xiang . 【设计意图】作业是一堂课的延伸和检测,整节课就是不断去朗读单词,相互询问去进行对话操练,根据给出单词或图片信息写出自己小组成员做了哪些事情,目的是检测学生对本课单词及句型学习的掌握程度,从而形成整体的知识链,让学生更不容易遗忘。七、板书


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