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1、2022年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷含答案 xx.10 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)1. How about taking short break? I want to make call.A. the ,aB. a ,theC. the ,theD. a ,a2. What he said at the meeting suggested that hewith us.A. didnt agree.B. Shouldnt agree.C. not agreeD. should agree3. A new study suggests that yelling at ch

2、ildren may have consequences that go beyond _ of beating them. A. ones B. these C. that D. those4. Last month, part of Britain was struck by snowstorms, from _effects most passengers in Heathrow were suffering a lot, especially those with children.A. that B. those C.whose D. what5.Traffic conditions

3、 in beijing _ for decades. At first people only plained about jams during rush hours., but today every hour is rush hour.A. is worsening B. have been worsening C. have worsened D. worsened6. The dispute between the neighboring states led to Pakistan _ control of Bangladesh.A. lost B. losing C. lose

4、D. loss7. Male and female students are quite different from each other _ the age at which they begin to develop an intellectual self-discipline.A. regardless of B. in favor of C. in honor of D. with regard to8.School is over. How can we contact Robert? Try phoning him. He _ be home by now. He lives

5、only a stones throw from the school.A. would B. should C. will D. shall9. We havent settled the question of _it is necessary for him to study abroad.A. if B. where C. whether D. that10.Though the scheme was well designed, it _ because people were unwilling to cooperate.A. broke down B. breake throug

6、h C. break out D. break up11.The most exciting thing for him was _he found two tinned fruits in _ seemed to him to be a servants bedroom.A. what; that B.what; what C. that; that D. that; what12. After years of hard work, the writer finally had his book published _with farming methods.A. to deal B. d

7、ealing C. to be dealt D. being dealt13. All flights _ because of the air traffic control, the passengers had to wait in the hall.A. were put off B. having put off C. have been put off D. having been put off14. Dont worry about Derek. Police believe he gave a reasonably _account of what happened.A. a

8、nxious B. accurate C. absurd D. awkward15.Conductor, can I get to Market Street on this subway?Of course. Its leaving _, please.A. Take your time B. Mind your step C. Look out D. Walk slowly二完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)CarlWalterwasmypianoteacher.DuringoneofmylessonsheaskedhowmuchpracticingIwasdoing.Isaid




12、ttimeforbothwritingandpianopractice.Thereisanimportant27inthistimeyoumustgetintoyourworkquickly.Ifyou havebutfiveminutesforwriting,youcantaffordtowastefour28yourpencil.Youmustmakeyourmentalpreparations29,andconcentrateonyourtaskalmostinstantlywhenthetimees.Fortunately,rapid30iseasierthanmostofusreal



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