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1、collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is still a lack of the knowledge structure of archiv

2、ists is not comprehensive enough, still can not meet the needs of archives work, in-depth development of the archives work. Measures to solve the Bureau will in future work of archives management to be improved effectively. One is to overcome the shortage of personnel difficulties, concentrate on fi

3、nishing a good historical archives. The second is to further strengthen archives management training efforts, focusing on the study of archives management, utilization and archives laws and regulations etc. Knowledge to further enhance archival consciousness of cadres and workers and do a good job i

4、n the consciousness of the archives work, improve the efficiency in the use of archives. The third is to further improve the level of archives management equipment, with the continuous development of the archives work, overcome the financial resources, lack of material enlarged the file management o

5、f equipment investment. In a word, on the basis of insufficient to improve, global will work together, I Bureau of archives management work standardized track to play of archives work in the protection of peoples livelihood, improve the livelihood of the people, the fundamental role of serving the p

6、eoples livelihood.XX County Culture and sports and News Publishing Bureau is responsible for the main work is the work of sports culture, press and publication work. In order to further improve my bureau of agriculture related funds management, strengthen regulation of agriculture related funds, imp

7、rove efficiency in the use of agriculture related funds, effectively improve and enhance the peoples production and living standard of people. According to the (precious Zhengban pass 2015 No. 40) the spirit of the document, I Bureau in a timely manner to global within the scope of agriculture relat

8、ed special funds for the project source, uses, use of self-examination and self correction, self inspection shall be reported to the Sue.A work of self correction, agriculture related funds (a) report of lottery funds of agriculture related funds of self-examination and rectification workThe cat cha

9、se chase chase were received by 2013 the lottery public welfare fund project funds use: I Bureau Finance Bureau file your wealth 2013 No. 603 file, your wealth 2014 45 file. Your wealth 2014 45 file notice: 2013 farmer sports fitness project and village level public service basketball field construc

10、tion capital of 690 million yuan, of which (Wei Dong Tang Cun, Li Xiang Xin Cun, Li Xiang Fu Tuan Cun, Li Xiang Tan Yang village, Hong Cheng Zhen Shan Cun, Qingfeng Zhen Tai Xing Cun 1.15 million yuan). The funds have been the County Finance Bureau of the budget shares issued directly to the townshi

11、p wealth County tube office, has been allocated to the township specific units . your wealth chasing 2013 document No.淮滨二高2011-2012学年第二学期质量检测高一数学试题(6)一、选择题(本题共12小题,每题5分,共60分。每题只有一个正确答案)1已知点P()在第三象限,则角在A第一象限B第二象限 C第三象限 D第四象限2我校高中生共有2700人,其中高一年级900人,高二年级1200人,高三年级600人,现采取分层抽样法抽取容量为135的样本,那么高一、高二、高三各年级

12、抽取的人数分别为A45,75,15 B45,45,45 C30,90,15 D45,60,303已知与均为单位向量,它们的夹角为,那么等于ABC D44. 图1是某赛季甲、乙两名篮球运动员每场比赛得分的茎叶图,则甲、乙两人这几场比赛得分的中位数之和是A62 B63 C64 D655在中,有如下四个命题:; ;若,则为等腰三角形;若,则为锐角三角形其中正确的命题序号是A B C D 6. 将函数的图象沿x轴方向左平移个单位,平移后的图象如右图所示. 则平移后的图象所对应函数的解析式是 A BC D7给出如下四对事件:某人射击1次,“射中7环”与“射中8环”;甲、乙两人各射击1次,“甲射中7环”与

13、“乙射中8环”;甲、乙两人各射击1次,“两人均射中目标”与“两人均没有射中目标”;甲、乙两人各射击1次,“至少有1人射中目标”与“甲射中,但乙未射中目标”,其中属于互斥事件的有( )A1对 B2对 C3对 D4对0.频率组距40506070808200辆汽车通过某一段公路时的时速的频率分布直方图如右图所示,则时速在60,70)的汽车大约有( )A30辆 B 40辆C 60辆 D80辆 9. 函数是 A 周期为的奇函数 B 周期为的偶函数i=11s=1DO s=s*i i=i 1LOOP UNTIL “条件”PRINT SEND (第10题)C 周期为的奇函数 D 周

14、期为的偶函数10.如果下边程序执行后输出的结果是990,那么在程序中UNTIL后面的“条件”应为 A. i10 B. i8 C. i=9 D. i911.下列各式中,值为的是A B C D12.在腰长为2的等腰直角三角形内任取一点,使得该点到此三角形的直角顶点的距离不大于1的概率为 A B C D二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)13已知扇形半径为8, 弧长为12, 则中心角为 弧度, 扇形面积是 14. 已知与之间的一组数据为0123135-a7+a则与的回归直线方程必过定点_15已知样本的平均数是,标准差是,则 16已知2,则的值为;的值为三、解答题(解答应写出必要的文字说明和演算步骤)17.(本小题满分10分)已知,当为何值时,(1) 与垂直?(2) 与平行?平行时它们是同向还是反向?18.一纸箱中放有除颜色外,其余完全相同的黑球和白球,其中黑球2个,白球3个.()从中同时摸出两个球,求两球颜色恰好相同的概率;()从中摸出一个球,放回后再摸出一个



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