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1、外研英语七下 Module 5 Shopping Unit 1 What can I do for you教学目标1. To un dersta nd con versati ons.2. Talk ing about going shopp ing.3. Questions: What? How many / much ?教学重点Key vocabulary: market, supermarket, biscuit, lemon,strawberry, Mother sDay, size, take, may, try, try on, certainly,wait a minute,sa

2、le,price,look,fresh,adva ntage教学难点Key structures: 1) Can I help you? / What can 1 do for you?2) I d like to buy3) What colour does she like?Purple.4) What size does she take?Small.5) May I try it on?Certai nly.6) There s a sale on today. Everyth ing is half price.7) OK ! I ll take it.8) Wait a min u

3、te!9) Howmany / much would you like?学情分析冋学们对英语有一定的了解和基础了,但在听说读写 方面基础不强,还有待提咼。学法指导Liste ning and speak ing教学过程教学内容教师活 动学生活 动效果预 测(可 能出现 的问 题)补救措施修 改意见Step 1 Warmi ng up1. Showsome pictures of school things.Say whatthey are.2. Read the words after the teacher.3. Introduce the new words.Step 2 Work in

4、pairs.1. Ask the studentsto read the words inActivity 1.Clothes shop market supermarket2. Look at the pictures carefully in Activity1.3. Match the words and expressi on from the boxwith the pictures.4. Check their an swer with a part ner.5. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the an

5、swer.6. Ask the stude nts to read the words.biscuitlem onsausagestrawberryT-shirt7. Say where you can buy these thin gs.Step 3 Liste n and an swer the questio ns.1. Ask the stude nts to read the questi ons inActivity 2.1) What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mother s Day?2) What is Betty

6、going to make forhermother ?3) Whe n are they going to the shops?Step4 Liste n and an swer the questi ons1.Is there a sale on today?A. Yes, there is.B.No, there isnt.C. Yes, there isnt.2. Does Lin gli ng want to buy any sausages?A. No, she does nt.B. Yes, she does.C. Yes, she does nt.Step 5 Complete

7、 the table.1. Read the con versati on aga in.2. Now complete the table.1. Show some picturesofschool thi ngs. Let them Say what they are2. Askthe stude nt storead the wordsin Activit y 1.3. Call back thean swer from the whole class and check the an swer.4. Play the recordi ng5. 引导 学生们 讨论。1. Read the

8、 words afterthe teacher2. read the words in Activ ity 1. Match the words and expre ssi on from the box with the pictu res. Check their an swe r with apart n er.3. read the words.biscu it lem on sausage strawbe rry T-shirt and Say1在听 的时候 可能会 听不懂 对话, 教师可 以引导 一下。2. 在 Guessi ng game.这个环 节可能 不会使 用特殊 疑问词

9、提冋。T-shirtSausagesStrawberri esHow much1.3.5./ many do they buy ?where you can buy these thi ngs.4.Liste n and an swer the questio ns.1) What is Lin glin g goi ng to buy for her mother on Mother s Day?2) What is Betty going to make for her mother ?3) Whe n are they going to the shops? 5. Liste n and

10、 an swer the questio ns 1sHow much is it / are they?2.4.6.Step 6 Guess ing game.1. Show some pictures.2. Ask and an swer:1) What colour is it?2) What size do you take?3) How much is it?3. Show so rme pictures.Step 7 Summary :la nguage poin ts.Step 8 Do exercirses:there a sale on today?A.Yes, there i

11、s.B.No,there is nt.C.Yes, there is nt.2. Does Li nglin g want tobuyany sausage s?A.No, she does ntB.Yes, she does.C.Yes, she does nt6. Liste nandan swer the questio ns 1s there a sale on today?A.Yes, there is.B.No, there is nt.C.Yes, there is nt.2. Does Li nglin g want tobuyany sausage s?A.No, she d

12、oes ntB.Yes, she does.C.Yes, she does nt7.Do a guess in g game8Doexercis es:板书设计Un it 1 What can I do for you?Key structures:1) Can I helpyou?/ What can I do fo汀 you?2)I d like tobuy .3)What colourdoes she like?Purple.4)What sizedoes she take?Small.5)May I try iton? Certai nly.6)There s a saleon today.Everythi ngis half price.7)OK ! I ll takeit.8) Wait a min ute!9) How many / muchwould you like?在百度里借鉴资料。r参考书目及推荐资料教学反思



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