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1、Unit Nine What time is it ?缩略词及词义:Tteacher BbBlackboardPpupil Pssome pupilsCthe whole classPeriod I一 教学内容:P44 Vocabulary Target P45 Practice 1、2 P46 Activity 1二 教学目标:1.生词:数词one到twelve, oclock, time.2.运用十二个数词询问整点时间: What time is it ? Its eleven oclock. Is it twelve oclock ? Yes, it is.三 教学重点:初步掌握询问时间

2、的两种句型:特殊疑问句用“What time .?”和一般疑问句用“Is it .?”四 教学难点:1.twelve 的读音和拼写。五 教学准备:时钟模型(师生准备), a watch ,小黑板,11 pears, 12 peaches(吹塑纸)六 教学过程:Step 1. Warming up 1.(show ten book) T: What are these? C: They are books.T: How many books? Lets count the books:C: One, two, three, . ten.2.T:Good.Can you sing the song

3、“Ten Indian Boys”?Lets count the boys and sing.Step 2. Presentation and practice.3.(stick 11 pears on the Bb) T: What are those? P: Theyre pears.T: How many pears? Lets count. C: One, twotenT: Eleven. Theyre eleven pears.(板书:eleven)4.Drill: eleven.(Rows,2 Teams)5.(Show 12 peaches.) Count the peaches

4、 and learn “twelve”. (板书:twelve)6.(show a clock.) T: What time is it? Its ten/eight/one oclock. Learn and drill: oclock (板书oclock)7.(Task Ps) T: What time is it? Ps: Its oclock.8.T: Who can ask me? Ps: What time is it? Its oclock. (板书:What time is it ? Its eleven oclock.)9.Read the pattern on the Bb

5、; Pair work.s play a game: Guess the time. T:(反转时钟,调钟点.) Ps guess: Is it oclock? 猜错:No, it isnt. 猜对:Yes, it is. Model:(板书:Is it oclock? Yes it is. No, it isnt.) Ps -T; Pair work.11.(Open the books at P44) Listen to the tape. Listen and read ”Vocabulary”, ”Target”. Read together.Step 3. Consolidation

6、 12.(Turn to P45) Practice 1.Listen and number.13. Practice 2. Pair work.14.Play a game: Bingo. 学生在表格中填入十二个时间,顺序与老师相同的说:“Bingo”15.(Turn to P46 ) 完成 Activity 1.Look,read and match.Step 4.Summing up 16.Today we learn to ask about the time. How to ask ? “What time is it? Its ” “Is it oclock? Yes, it is

7、. /No, it isnt.”17.Copy the new words and phrases.七 板书: Unit Nine (1) eleven What time is it ? twelve Its ten oclock. oclock Is it ten oclock.? time 否定回答: No, it isnt. 肯定回答: Yes, it is.Period 一 教学内容P43 Conversation, P46 Song, P47 Activity 2、3.二 教学目标:1.巩固运用询问整点。2.做相应的巩固练习。 三 教学重点:准确地写出整点的英语表达式。四 教学准备

8、:时钟模型;综合练习;整点卡片。五 教学过程:Step 1. Warming up 1.(show the time cards, C read the time phrases.) Its one oclock/two oclock/three oclock/four oclock/eleven oclock/twelve oclock.Step 2. Presentation and practice.2.T:Lets have a contest, guess the time.Ps: Is it oclock?3. (1) Listen to tape . And think whos

9、e watch is wrong. (2) Answer the question. (3) Listen and read the Conversation. (4) Pair work. Act out.4. (Turn to P46 ) (1)Listen to the song:” What time is it, Tony?” (2) Listen and sing. (3) Half of the class to sing. (4) Sing in pairs.5.( Turn to P47) Lets do Activity 2. Each of you write the t

10、ime on the watch. Then ask each other.(1) Model: A (Have Number ask about Number Number 2. What time is it?B: Its five oclock. Who can write correctly is the winner.(2) Pair work6.Activity 3. Who can guess the time once?(1) Model: A Number 2. Is it two oclock?A: Number 2. What ti

11、me is it?B: No, it isnt. Its three oclock. (2) Pair work. Draw and ask.7.Exercise:一、看图写时间: _ _ _ _二看时间画时针和秒针:five oclock nine oclock 三看图完成句子:1. What time is it?_ _ _.2. Is it seven oclock ?No ,s _ _. Step 4.Suming up8.Check the answer.9.时间是抽象词,回答时用单数it.Step 5.Homework 10.Read conversation 5 times.六

12、板书: Unit Nine (2) What time is it ? _ _ _. 看时间画时针和秒针:Period 一教学内容:P48 Sounds and words;二教学目标:1.学习元音字母i在开音节的发音。2.Listen and chant.3.每课一测。三 教学重难点:掌握开音节词的特点及字母发音。四 教学准备:图片(a bike, white ,a kite, rice, a light)一课一测题五 教学过程:Step 1. Warming up.s sing the A B C song .2.说出五个元音字母: Step 2. Presentation and pra

13、ctice3.(Show the pictures.) (1)Whats this? Its a kite /rice.( 板书:kite,rice) (2)(Draw five kites.)How many kites? Five kites. ( 板书:five) (3)What color is it ? Its white. ( 板书:white)4.(Show a bike.) T: Whats this ? Its a bike. ( 板书:bike) Learn and drill “bike”.5.T: Can you ride a bike? (Tact to ride a

14、 bike.) Yes,I can. What about you?TPs, PsT ( 板书:ride) Learn an drill:“ride”.6.(Show a light.) It this a ball ? No,its a light. ( 板书:light)Learn and drill “light”.7. (1)Read the words on the Bb. (2)Do you know the same of the words.Ps: They all have the letter “i” ? Ps: .8.Good. Lets listen to the tape.



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