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1、英语教师实用课堂口语实用课堂教学用语(一)1.上课las bgn./ Istimefo claLts he / sart h lesn.Lets egn u esso.起立Stan up.同窗们好God ring. afternoon, everyeeryboy/ bos and girls.4.请坐S dwn, pleePleasee sated.5.今天谁值日?Wh is n dutytoday?.人们都来了吗?s anyon bsent?.出席多少人? an sdensare rent?.班级共有多少人?How ma tuens ae terein yor cl?9谁没来?ho is n

2、othre?Who ist at school today?Who doesnt cm toschoo dy?1你懂得她为什么没来吗?Whatsthe mater with im? Do younow?1.今天几月几日?Whas eate ay?1今天星期几?at s t tday?13.今每天气怎么样?Whats the wether like today? / How is th weather?14.今天很冷是吧?s verco, snt i? Its a col day, ist it?15.李雷,去看看是谁?Go and ee, LiL.16.请进Ce in, ples.请回,下次早

3、点来G to ur seat, leas.But do b at nxt tmeGo ad siton.Come earler nex ime.1.坐好了,请脱帽 Si stht, please. Te ff yor ca,pase.19.讲讲你星期天都做了些什么事好吗?Wht idydo lsSndy? Can o tell us?Would yo please ll u htyoudd lat Suda?20.那么,你能给我们讲一种故事吗?Wll, old youtellusa tory?实用课堂教学用语(二)21.谁乐意到这儿来给人们讲一种故事?Whod lik otell s a st

4、ohere?2.到谁的了?Whose urn (is it )?23.小张,到你的了,到这来给人们讲个故事Xio hang, iyoturn.Comehreand tell us stoy.4.人们注意听,然后就她讲的故事进行问答Listen thm carefully,then as and answr bou the oy.25.就你所喜欢的话题进行对话.akeadialog in pairs abtanyopics ou lke26.好了,该学第八课了Wel, is ime to lenLesn 8.Well, lets lar tth leso.27.今天这节课,我们学习新课,第八课.

5、Today in thi classwll learn new lesson,Lessn 828.学习新课前,我们复习一下第七课的生词和短语Bfore the e lesoLetsrviete nw worand rae inLeon7.29.拿出练习本来,我们来听写.Tak ut orexrcieooks. Lse dictatin.30我叫两个学生到黑板上来写I asktw student torie e bakbard.3.谁愿来写?An volters?Wh would likeo do i here?h wuld like to com ere ad rite oe lckbord?

6、2.准备好了吗?开始!Are u eay? (Le ) Begin33.就听写到这,把你们写的交上来So uc o e dicatn Please dhe in.34目前看图,两人一组进行问答.Now loo at he ictures, hn as andanswrin pair5.谈论这幅图,可多可少Tl abot te icre Yu cansaymoe ress.Sy smethng out the picture moe o ess.36表演第七课的对话Ac out e diaogue n Lesson7.37看教学挂图,回答我的问题.Lok at th al charts and

7、nswer m/ the queion8.在图上你能看到什么?Wat a y see in the pcture?9.尚有吗?尚有什么吗?Anthing le / moe?An he thns?实用课堂教学用语(三)1看图一,猜一猜发生了什么事?ok at Pictur 1,and gues wat (has ) happened?.谁能回答这个问题?Whoouldlie toanswer tis usion?Who can aswer it?.会的举手!Hands if yu can.Pu up/ Raise yor hands f you w hee.4好,你来答OK,you pleae5

8、.下一种,你请来(答,做) Net / The nextone, yo pleas.6小李,你能回答这个问题吗?Can (anwe his oe),Xi ?7.小林,你呢?(你能回答吗?)What /ow abou you, iin?8.你来回答这个题好吗?Would you iketo /pleaseansweh one?.试一试,错了没关系.Jus ave ty. It dsnt marif umakean sake.1.与否对的?( Ishe / th/ t )ight r wrong?Yes orno?11.对的/错误iht./ Y/ Wong.o.12对的吗?( si/ that /

9、 he) ight?3.是的,对的.Ye,( it he) s rgh.1不,不对的N, (it/h) is wrng.15.谁来再做一次?Wowoldle/ antst oit gai?6.谁能用另一种方式来做?Who n o/ s it indifrent other ay?17.谁有不同观点/见解? Whosadferen idea/oinion?18.你是什么观点?/你的见解如何?hts your opnon?19.没听清,请你再说一遍( bg or ) aron?Ididt hear clearly. Ple say it gai/repet it0.请大声点.( A te)oe,

10、plese2.稍慢点读Read(a bit )sower22肃静,你们最佳不要在课堂上说话B quit./ ep silent oud betr ak in ass.23.管好自己的事/别管闲事.Mid your ow busnes.2不要朝窗外看Dont look outothe wndow.实用课堂教学用语(四)5.下面学习生词Now ordstuy2注意发音ayattenion o your prnuncaion.2.注意听我说,并观测我的动作,然后猜词意Listn t me arefullyand watch myacins, then ues themainof twod.28你们听

11、明白懂了吗?Are yo clea?Do yocatcm ide?29这个词是什么意思?What te meaning te wod?0.汉语意思是什么?The Chnese( eaning).Gie h Chineorit.31.好了,我们学习第二部分对话.ell, lts c toPartII, the dialge.Well, lets com thedale iPt II3.下面听录音,听前迅速看一下黑板上的问题ow liten tothe tape. Before lteni, rethrough h quetis on te lakboar33.听音时合上书Cose h yur b

12、oshileisnig.Books cloe. shuthilelisteng oh tape.Lento the tap wihour ooksclosd/ shut.iste o the tape ittyorboks.34.回答黑板上的问题Answer hquestions on the bckbor.5.我们来核对答案Let chck te anses.36.一题,哪个对的?No, whic on s right?7.下一种,哪个对的?ext,which ishe ight ansr?38.最后一题最难,对的答案是C,选对的举手Tlast( one ) isthe ms ificult/ hardet erighanswrisC. Put yor hadsiyou cose rght.39.再听一遍,并跟着读Lste t th tapeaganandd after t.Now, once aginor ovr, rad aftert



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