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1、1、车用增压柴油机在增压器发生故障后、可否拆掉增压器,使柴油机继续运转? 作为应急措施,可以在汽车行驶途中, 增压器发生故障无法立即修复时拆去增压器, 使车辆驶向最近的一汽效劳站, 采取措施尽快排除增压器的故 障。因为,当增压器拆去后,柴油机的动力性能必然会下降,燃油消耗也会上升。在拆卸涡轮增压器时, 应将柴油机气缸体上原通向涡轮增压器的进、 回油管分别用螺塞堵塞住, 使机油压力腔不泄压,一定不要将进、出油口联通,这将使柴油机光滑机油无法形成足够的机油压力,进而发生烧损柴油机曲轴、连杆等零件的恶性事故。2、在增压柴油机使用过程中最关键的本卷须知是什么?答:最关键的是保证增压器转子轴承的压力光滑

2、。增压器的转子组件,在工作时的额定转速高达每分钟 10 万转 以上,这样高的转速下,任何滚动轴承已无法正常工作。所以增压器所采用的是用压力油把轴托浮起来的液压轴承。 保持一定压力的光滑油,在特殊设计的轴承压力室中,产生一个向中心的力、保持轴与套不产生金属接触磨损。同时 循环流动的压力油还把运转过程中的热量带走,保证轴承的工作温度在允许的范围内。为此,使用增压柴油机的司机朋友们要关注以下几点: 1 增压柴油机在每次启动后要怠速运行3 5 分钟, 使机油泵工作正常并建立必要的机油压力, 保证压力油到达位于柴油机最上端的增压器轴承处。 2 不要突然关机停车, 应逐渐降低柴油机转速到怠速运行3 5 分

3、钟, 待增压器转子的转速大幅度下降后再关闭油门。 3 新车启动前或长期封存不用的增压发动机再次启动前, 要在增压器进油口加注纯洁机油 50ml 以上 牌号与 柴油机油一样 。3、增压器在全负荷工作时,废气涡轮外壳烧呈暗红色高温状态属正常吗?它的极限工作温度是多少?柴油机正常排气温度在600700 ,而增压柴油机的高温燃气在涡壳内推动转子高速转动、涡壳的温度能到达近 750 ,外壳在黑暗环境下呈暗红色属正常现象,它的极限温度在1023K 750 。当增压器涡壳温度过高时,往往发生柴油机工作不正常,增压器转子超转速现象,应立即降低负荷停车检查, 以防烧损涡轮部分零件,高温的主 要原因如下: 1柴油

4、机喷油泵供油量过大,柴油机工作粗暴或燃烧不完全,排气温度升高。喷油泵调速失灵而。飞车引起增压器转子超速,也要发生高温。 2柴油机喷油咀喷射压力低,积碳,雾化不好,燃烧不良。 5喷油泵的出油阀或柱塞严重磨损,形成二次喷射燃烧不充分。 4喷油提早角过小、柴油燃烧时间短促,燃烧不完全。 5排气背压高、排气不畅,排气散热才能削弱。 6增压压力下降可能是进气不畅,空滤器堵塞,或进气管漏气进入气缸空气少、燃烧不良而高温。4、涡轮增压器采用什么牌号的机油?在使用光滑油中的日常质量控制有哪些? 答:增压器长期在高温燃气腐蚀条件下工作,轴承温度很高,工作条件恶劣。所用光滑油必须具备防止高温沉积,抗腐蚀和抗氧化才

5、能。所以应采用 CD 级光 滑油,推荐使用 15W 40CD 级或 15W 30CD 级。加注机油要注意机油的清洁度,标准要求杂质颗粒度不大于0.015mm ,当添加补充机油时要使用同一品牌机油。由于增压器与柴油机共用同一油池油底壳 ,所以日常检查要注意机油是否变质,有无柴油漏入而稀释的问题。对整机三滤进展保养时,要特别注意增压器油路上的畅通,滤清器脏了要及时更换,漏油处及时修复。5 、增压柴油机日常保养时有关增压器部分要做哪些工作 ? 1检查各连接部位的结实性紧固松动的连接螺栓或螺母。 2检查各环节的密封性,各部接口无漏气现象,特别注意压气机后的环节发生漏气,将影响到压缩比,进而 造成功率下

6、降,油耗增加。 3涡轮增压器属于精细产品,只要运转平稳,无漏油现象一般不允许拆卸保养,但在运行过程中发现有异响或异常情况,那么要停机,然后拆开压气机壳和空滤连接处,手动检查转子转动的灵敏性,细心观察和倾听有无叶轮与壳体的擦碰声。 4检查有无漏机油的现象,特别注意涡轮外壳工作时温度很高,机油泄漏接触涡壳会引起火灾。当增压器产生不正常噪音时、决不能继续使用、否那么有可能导致发动机全面损坏。应找出原因,加以消除。必要时先关闭发动机。然后对增压器进展检查。用手拨动转子,假设很快停顿或有碰擦声,应按维修手册进展增压器拆检也可送至有条件维修站修复。注意: 必须持增压器发动机停机后才可脱开压气机前管道, 否

7、那么运转中的增压器会因压气机端强大的吸力, 造成人员伤害。另外可能有外来物吸入增压器而损坏叶轮。Proper use and maintenance of the supercharged diesel engines1 cars with turbocharged diesel engine turbocharger failure, can tear down the turbocharger, the diesel engine to continue running? As an emergency measure, traveling in the car on the way, t

8、urbocharger failure can not be repaired immediately to remove the supercharger the vehicle towards the FAW service station, to take measures as soon as possible to rule out the failure of the turbocharger. When the turbocharger is removed, the dynamic performance of the diesel engine will inevitably

9、 decline in fuel consumption will rise.In the disassembly of the turbocharger, the diesel engine cylinder body Uehara should to the turbocharger inlet and return pipe plug to plug to live, not relief, must not enter the oil pressure chamber, the oil export Unicom This will allow the diesel engine lu

10、bricating oil is not enough oil pressure, and then burning of the diesel engine crankshafts, connecting rods and other parts of the serious accident.What is the most critical in the process of turbocharged diesel engine use precautions?A: The most crucial is to ensure that the pressure of the turboc

11、harger rotor bearing lubrication. Turbocharger rotor assembly, in the work of the rated speed up to more than 100 000 per minute, turn, such a high speed, Rolling does not work. Turbocharger oil pressure axis prop float hydraulic bearing. To maintain a certain pressure, lubricating oil, in a special

12、ly designed bearing pressure chamber, resulting in a force to the center, to keep the shaft and the sleeve does not produce metal contact wear. Also during operation of the circular flow of oil pressure in the heat away, to ensure that the bearing operating temperature range allowed.To this end, tur

13、bocharged diesel engine driver friends to pay attention to the following:(1) turbocharged diesel engine to be idle after every time you start to run for 3-5 minutes, so that the oil pump is working properly and establish the necessary oil pressure to ensure that the oil pressure reaches the turbocha

14、rger bearing in diesel engine top.(2) Do not shut down suddenly stop, should gradually reduce the engine speed to idle running for 3-5 minutes, until the turbocharger rotor speed dropped significantly and then close the throttle.(3) a new car before the start of long-term storage without the superch

15、arged engine is started again before the turbocharger inlet to raise more than pure oil 50ml (grade diesel engine oil).(4) the turbocharger in the working hours of full load, the exhaust turbine housing burned dark red high temperature is normal? Its operating temperature limit is how much?Normal di

16、esel engine exhaust temperature of 600 -700 , high temperature gas turbocharged diesel enginedriven vortex shell rotor high-speed rotation, the the volute temperature can reach nearly 750C, the shell in thedark, dark red is a normal phenomenon, its limit temperature of 1023 K (750C). Often occurs when the hightemperature of the turbocharge


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