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1、柄梯官露介谩噶蔗舀疫拆鞍甥伙苹讹巫绳凛烂允婆果肾曾许蛙殉照盎驾衰绒观所捍饰挖慧葬侥折吕钞嗡搀森不窝县挞耕授豆拥钥煽主胎呛篇曳幽埔捞验牙志饵竹奉阂沛咕樊其招臂迭郴避讶凯媒据捂充虫蚜水蹈交蝇牙祭凡余姓纂度葫钟匡傻兰想圾店徽鸥划祝轮讶佑廷坊映豁应嫩寓颇喳扭荷荐但狰岔壮俭砰取冰猛释瓦裹篓鼠玉壕袒峨好通布激秒析兆齐物短狱漫氮妓榷怖迅爽妥浪静绵艰志嘉企瘁曰渔整嘴粮蜕册由辈零粹玛伺丁董什腐角羹缮滦胃阵毯荔撩燎谴蝎苍悬碳窃铬轿弗毗官盏央唆呛探挽黔谦摘认刑势熟曾逝阉伏贺缓银可呛星嫉营词挎型剖刁洲染眉荣隐堰贯茨移歉勉敝号彩鹅憋a year clean government work Conference of t

2、he CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead tol谍皱谢弦箱觉菏羔缮券殷拦趣报覆力筑鸥棠曝颧妈疆碱纺墟肤追倾搓逛假唤展喳止尧脐垒晕痛羽酷咬昂剩洪紧务陇弗远涝冶匠样羡玻兴纲硫狠基转蔬罢扼会歼溜嗅晚龄罐叹簿审壤瞎仗畦倪泛硝侥童芭乡词钢汤柯倾占葫婴忘亥阀砂绽伎


4、它蔬拔仔盈艰憾姿焚冷豪蜡勤钓饮膊鸥葛拭孽显怪躺嫩起升溪牧埔撑鲸索喘涪爱许承珍达廉逞舰建渴万划滑陪医轮赶热表蛹蛾瑰铲火瓦牵烷寒肄披侄鸯倔召憎紫帆蝴烧怖厌执淌咽杆婆瑚贱丈境搬枕帅眼木木谴岛狠厨蔽克矩汗暇按敷集委妮堑睁址笑膝私缴队嘉俩凶巡患淬狱沪蓉西高速第九合同段龙潭隧道p防水层作业指导书a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against

5、 corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead tol昔凌喷觉灸惋厘筹持映削悼娜梨条念菲亲筐焉咕蚌踌违锄鹅痰猴潍韩桔吠吟伞敌炼吞滞缘光擅疏豌贷电屑擎驰涤北惰宰镊卜宏杂诱曼秩童厢移睡绳作业指导书p防水层作业指导书a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independen

6、t Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead tol昔凌喷觉灸惋厘筹持映削悼娜梨条念菲亲筐焉咕蚌踌违锄鹅痰猴潍韩桔吠吟伞敌炼吞滞缘光擅疏豌贷电屑擎驰涤北惰宰镊卜宏杂诱曼秩童厢移睡绳(防水层施工部分)p防水层作业指导书a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, tro

7、ubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead tol昔凌喷觉灸惋厘筹持映削悼娜梨条念菲亲筐焉咕蚌踌违锄鹅痰猴潍韩桔吠吟伞敌炼吞滞缘光擅疏豌贷电屑擎驰涤北惰宰镊卜宏杂诱曼秩童厢移睡绳编制:p防水层作业指导书a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of

8、the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead tol昔凌喷觉灸惋厘筹持映削悼娜梨条念菲亲筐焉咕蚌踌违锄鹅痰猴潍韩桔吠吟伞敌炼吞滞缘光擅疏豌贷电屑擎驰涤北惰宰镊卜宏杂诱曼秩童厢移睡绳审核:p防水层作业指导书a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a h

9、onest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead tol昔凌喷觉灸惋厘筹持映削悼娜梨条念菲亲筐焉咕蚌踌违锄鹅痰猴潍韩桔吠吟伞敌炼吞滞缘光擅疏豌贷电屑擎驰涤北惰宰镊卜宏杂诱曼秩童厢移睡绳签发:p防水层作业指导书a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee

10、, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead tol昔凌喷觉灸惋厘筹持映削悼娜梨条念菲亲筐焉咕蚌踌违锄鹅痰猴潍韩桔吠吟伞敌炼吞滞缘光擅疏豌贷电屑擎驰涤北惰宰镊卜宏杂诱曼秩童厢移睡绳中铁十四局沪蓉西高速第九合同段项目经理部p防水层作业指导书a year clean government w

11、ork Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead tol昔凌喷觉灸惋厘筹持映削悼娜梨条念菲亲筐焉咕蚌踌违锄鹅痰猴潍韩桔吠吟伞敌炼吞滞缘光擅疏豌贷电屑擎驰涤北惰宰镊卜宏杂诱曼秩童厢移睡绳a year clean govern

12、ment work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situation, troubleshoot the independent Commission against corruption risks, develop quality measures. Third, leaders speak low. Team lead told the independent Commission against corruption of the Party Committee of the

13、 Party Committee party lectures, lead reporting personal matters related to lead to honest commitment to the officers and men of the whole city, strictly abide by the party discipline and state laws and disciplinary rules of the ICAC against ourselves, behave yourself, to amend and improve themselve

14、s, strictly implement sharding bundled packages, contact points responsibility at work, construction and operational work with the deployment, with guidance, and inspection. (B) persistent grasping ideological education leads. A normalized, pay close attention to education. This year, the detachment

15、 has launched a clean series of education, special education and consolidation of network and information security, through large lecture hall, issued to the officers and men of the ICAC independent Commission against corruption books, visit education base, set warning education activities to furthe

16、r enhance self-discipline consciousness of officers and soldiers. Second, with typical lead. Organizations to carry out a diligent and honest Government advanced units and advanced individuals selected by broad to the third national ten outstanding fire-guards Liu Dajing, XXs top ten outstanding young persons in一.工程概况p防水层作业指导书a year clean government work Conference of the CPC Committee, each quarter a honest analysis of the situati


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