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1、毕业设计(论文)类 型:毕业设计说明书 毕业论文题 目:浅谈高职毕业生的自主创业Self-employment of Higher Vocational College Graduates学生姓名: 专 业:应用英语(商务)班 级:英语081学 号: 时 间:2011年4月Self-employment ofHigher Vocational College GraduatesByCai TengfeiUnder the Supervision ofZhu XiSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Certifi

2、cate of GraduationForeign Language DepartmentNantong Vocational CollegeApril 2011AcknowledgementsUpon the point of finishing this paper, Id like to express my sincere thanks to all those who have lent me hands in the course of my writing this paper.First of all, I would like to take this opportunity

3、 to show my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dear Professor Zhu Xi, who has helped me through all the stages of writing this thesis. She has given me so much useful advices on my writing, and has tried her best to improve my paper. This thesis could not have been finished without her guidance and

4、 encouragement. Secondly, Id like to express my gratitude to those teachers who have taught me during those years. Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper. At last, Id like to thank my college, classmate and friends for their support.浅谈高职毕业生的自主创业摘 要 现代年轻人


6、西需要学习。本文从毕业生创业的现状、障碍以及方法来探讨创业前景。尽管此过程困难重重,但毕业生创业仍成为当今不少年青人的选择。他们想掌控自己的工作,自己的生活。为实现自己的梦想,努力奋斗。关键字:自主创业、高职毕业生、创业前景Abstract The rapid economic growth and fast-paced life give rise lead young people to get-rich-quickly thinking. Due to the increasing employment pressure, more and more graduates can not

7、land jobs. The traditional way of paying your dues, kissing up to the boss,and sacrificing years of youth in order to climb up the corporate ladder is no longer appealing to young people. Instead, young people leave the traditional job in the office and venture out to work for themselves. They are g

8、oing to build their own business, including those who just graduate from college or university. They cherish their dreams, enjoy challenges, and like to do everything in their own way. Nowadays, more and more graduates plunge into the pioneering work. However, many fail in their first startups. They

9、 encounter many problems and barriers they have never imagined, such as funds, team, place, market and so on. They are full of passion, but most of them lack perseverance. In addition, there are few colleges and universities in China set any courses related to self-employment. Graduates have too man

10、y things to learn after graduation. This paper looks into the present situation of young graduates startups, examining the obstacles and challenges of setting up businesses, finally, explores the possible methods and measures for college graduates to get over difficulties and achieve great success.

11、Even though there are many thorns ahead, quite a number of young graduates still perceive starting business to be a great opportunity to fly their dreams. They want to take control of their fate, their work, their life, and make their dreams come true.Key words: self-employment, college graduates, p

12、rospect Table of Contents PageAcknowledgements . I摘要 IIAbstract. IIITable of Contents. I. Introduction.1II.Self-employment.22.1 Self-employed business.22.2 Self-employment in China.22.3 Advantages of self-employment.32.4 Disadvantages of self-employment.4III.Graduates Self-employment in China.53.1 More on-lookers, less doers .53.2 Slim chance of success.5IV.Analysis on the failure of graduates startups.64.1 Lack of education on startups.



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