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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit 51. 西蒙受他父母的影响,在蔬菜和肉类之间喜欢蔬菜。( influence, prefer)2. 这支包括四名工程师和两名教授在内的队伍明天将前往那个偏远的村庄。( including)3. 看到动物被杀的残忍方法后,她变成了个素食者。( cruel)4. 这本书含有一切你所需的资料。5. 音乐会有12个表演,其中一个是由美国学生表演的舞蹈。(contain, include)6. 我们不再用木头而用塑料。( instead)7. Tom 没出去踢球而是待在家里了。( instead)8. 我们是走路去参加讲座的而不是乘车。( ins

2、tead)9. 我不想影响你,你必须自己决定。( influence)10. 他非但不听我的劝告,反而事事与我作对。( instead)11. 上下班高峰时候,公共汽车挤满了乘客。(crowd)12. 这些有关肉类工业的节目对素食者们有很大的影响。(influence)13. 昨天他们去购物了,没去爬山。(instead)14. 家长的行为将极大地影响孩子的成长。(influence)15. 如今越来越多的人用电子邮件而不是信件来和朋友保持了解。(instead)16. 这支队伍由10人组成,其中包括两名医生。(include)17. 他一下午一直在玩游戏而不是做作业。(instead)18.

3、 这菜的怪味让我倒了胃口。(appetite)19. 专家建议我们最好多吃含有维生素的蔬菜和水果。(contain)20. 为了防止母牛得病,农民们给它们吃药。(drug)21. 孩子们总是被各种各样的电视节目所影响。(influence)22. 孩子们通常每天要花一到两小时完成回家作业。(spend)23. 这则关于饮食和健康的短文使我失去了对肉的胃口。(appetite)24. 吃饭时,他们改变了话题而不是谈论是否吃肉。(instead)25. 自从他生病以来,他已经很久没有这么好的胃口了。(appetite)26. 毫无疑问,环境对孩子的成长有很大的影响。(influence)27. 营

4、养均衡的膳食正越来越受大家的欢迎。( popular)28. 美国被称为“ 熔炉”, 因为在那里可以找到拥有各种文化的各种人。29. 不要冒着生命危险去爬山,这对你很危险。(risk)30. 市民们被警告要当心老鼠,因为已经有人看到了很多。( warn)31. 这篇文章中,你能区分哪些是事实,哪些是观点吗?32. 最后全家决定去海南岛度假。( decide on)33. 世界人口正在增长。34. 干酪汉堡包通常在快餐店有售。35. 医生建议我卧床。( advise)36. 这个顾客被警告要提防小偷,但是不幸的是他丢了皮夹子。( warn)37. 老师警告我如果我再迟到的话,就让家长来学校。38

5、. 我既没看到史密斯先生也没看到史密斯夫人在教堂做礼拜。39. 吃多样化的食物对健康有好处。( good)1. Influenced by his parents, Simon prefers vegetables to meat. Simon prefers vegetables to meat under the influence of his parents.2. The team, including four engineers and two professors, will set out for the lonely/ remote village tomorrow.3. S

6、he became a vegetarian when she saw the cruel way animals are/ were killed.4. The book contains all the information you want/ need.5. The concert contains 12 performances, and includes / it includes / , including a dance by American students.6. We dont use wood any longer. Instead, we use plastic.7.

7、 Tom stayed at home instead of going out to play football.8. We went to attend the lecture on foot instead of by bus.9. I dont want to influence you. You have to make a decision by yourself.10. He would not listen to my advice at all; instead, he did everything against me.11. During rush hours the b

8、uses are often crowded with passengers.12. These programs on meat industry had /have a great influence on vegetarians.13. Yesterday they went shopping instead of climbing the mountain.14. Environment will have a great influence on peoples life15. Nowadays more and more people keep in touch with thei

9、r friends by email instead of by letter.16. The team is made up of 10 people, including two doctors.17. He has been playing video games all afternoon instead of doing homework.18. The strange smell of the dish made me lose my appetite.19. Experts suggest that we should eat more vegetables and fruits

10、 containing vitamins.20. In order to prevent their cows from getting sick, the farmers had them take drugs/gave them some drugs.21. Children are always influenced by a variety of TV programmes.22. Children usually spend one or two hours in finishing their homework every day.23. This short article on

11、 diet and health made me lose my appetite for meat.24. Instead of talking about whether to eat meat or not, they changed their subject while they are eating.25. He hasnt had such a good appetite since he got sick.26. There is no doubt that environment has a great influence on childrens growth.27. A

12、balanced diet is becoming more and more popular with people.28. The USA is called “ Melting Pot” because various people with / who have various cultures can be found there.29. Dont risk your life climbing the hill. Its dangerous to you. Dont climb the hill at the risk of your life.30. The citizens w

13、ere warned of tats/ mice because many rats had been seen already.31. Can you tell facts from opinions in this article?32. In the end, the family decided on a trip to Hainan Island for a holiday.33. The world population is increasing.34. Cheeseburgers are often sold in fast food restaurant.35. The do

14、ctor advised me to stay n bed.36. The customer was warned against thieves, but he lost his wallet unfortunately.37. The teacher warned me that he would ask my parents to the school if I was late again.38. I saw neither Mr. Smith nor Mrs. Smith at church.39. To have a variety of food is good for ones health. /


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