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1、有关初二英语作文300字汇总0篇 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都不生疏吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织实力。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是我整理的初二英语作文300字10篇,欢迎阅读与保藏。 初二英语作文300字 篇1 y m isoming a liktraveli e uc. Ltsummar, wentote Gat Wall wh yfamy. t was fine ttday. e wnt there by bu erly intmrnin. Whn we gott, tere ere man thervsitor ere. en yfailand wentonto t

2、e Gt Wall, we saw beauifulscnry(风景).We al weremaze(惊异的)byho eautiul it ws. We took u afe photother. hada good ime ere. The tme flew y, nd so e d to g bck. I was tird aftetravlg, bt I ey ejydvitin the Gea Wal! it2 Howoftn yu xercise?初二英语作文300字 篇2 God arestn iteofthe flood dste, a good avet is stll in

3、 sight. Yesteay ee to a nearby village to lp th easantsget n e ops Welef ourschol arly nth orn It tok us half hur to ec he illage. A son as we got hre,we onede pesnt in theiharveting or They tauh ho to cut rice, d hoo tie i. Itwas the ieldsthatwe had o lunh. Afer lunc, e ha a sor rest. Wewe fascnate

4、d by the beaifl cney of he utryside. It o darwen e etund home. We ee vry tired, wefelt very happ.初二英语作文字 篇3 M Eglish Tacr Ms Wng ismy Enlish teacr. Seloks very yung.Shes abot thity yrs l, se aloghir,twobi ys dalloutSe fnny,u she i sict wih .She wants us to udy ard, Herlesson ae itesg e arevery hayin

5、 hcass andell liker lssons.Shis od teae, we al like her. 王老师是我的英语老师。她看起来很年轻.她大约三十岁,她有一头长发,一双大眼睛和一个小嘴巴。她很好玩,不过,她严格要求我们。她要我们努力学习,她的课很有意思。上她的课我们特别兴奋,我们都喜爱她的课。她是一位好老师,我们都喜爱她。初二英语作文300字 篇Thes times,Iav agoor. Her name is Anna ,sh is vry bautifl.Ansh is talertan me,bt I e outgin.WhenI vproblems,e alays nd

6、esndig me n help .Howv,ifse ha robs,oo.I lo canelp her.Beause Aur frie eaches or yur hnd d touh yor herI hope e frindhip c revr最近,我有一个好挚友。她的名字是安娜,她很美丽。她比我高,但我更外向。 当我有困难时,她总是理解我和帮助我。但是,假如她有问题,我也帮助她。因为“一个真正的挚友握着你的手,触动你的心。” 我希望我们的友情可以恒久。初二英语作文300字 篇 Haveyou vead deam bout your splenid utur orimagined s

7、omethngueal bu iresting o meanigulTelur cosetrend aot ow. MyDeam I haea dream that I am lwaysung. Thn I ill a nugh egy todo everthngwhnver I w. Moreoer, I dnthave to ory aoute l age dun which I evn ct tae caref msf. Iknowthat m dremwill not cmetr Hoee, I thn i i lukythat I am young now. o wil reasur

8、 m te, noy y lifeand y my est to do everthng ell.初二英语作文300字 篇6 odvni! aies and getm,Welcom our lss nd wcome to ur Englis Eeing. Firs f all, let may fewods about our clss. Thee are 60 studentsin our class. 32ofus aeby and thothr a gir.ost o us likeEnlish and tudy hard a it.Inour fr timewe oten reElh

9、books, nwspapes andmaazines. etimes we larEgih o te adian stie n TV. Tis eenng l eoy somesor py, songs,dnc aso onby ur classmaes.I oeyoull lie tese prgs ndhae a good time. Thak y!初二英语作文300字 篇7 ear Jean, Iam sorytoargue with yuseveral dayago.Wha t taked ith ech otertheseays.Yoaremy best friend,aren t

10、 ou? Few y go he I had yu lt my lovel ook,Iwas reall ma,o arguedithyou,an said thatIould no beur fnd rom h n.Lter,I didn tseep well those days.I awas rememered alot uehd.SoI cided to wriaettrt sorry to. asothn ou suld be careulandtake go ce f yor thgs.t bbes frend agai,K?初二英语作文300字篇 It wsrning hen T

11、om was o hiway ome. He peed hs umbrela and walkedfastr. Sudl h saw an old woan aggeringforwrd with a tick in e an. Shdt ot an umbrela wtherand wawet aloverTom went toherand tid oshe his urella wi her Bt h old oman was aland he was ohort too it high enough. Theh sa e old woans tickad a god id ae to m

12、 He tried adt tie e stick to the hane of he umrella.Thn te umllaw ln enu fr bot othe. Teowoan haked himagain aain.en tey wt on wlki home.初二英语作文300字 篇9 Wgo to scholor eucatio larn Maths, ngls,hinee, Pysis ad oher subjects Soleducioni ncessary and ipotant Hwever,o oe canlean eerythng fschol. en a vry goodtece can no ellhis tudens evrything they ant t n. Edison didnt avemch scooling, buthe beme afamos scietistItdoesnt men ta schooleducation is no impotantHenew how to le



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