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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 填空题Directions: In this passage, there are 10 mistakes. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the correspond

2、ing blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (/) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.Example:Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods. 1. time(s) /periodMany of the arguments having

3、 used for the study of literature 2. /As a school subject are valid for / study of television. 3. the Every week hundreds of CVs land on our desks.Weve seen it all: CVs printed on pink paper, CVs that are10 pages long and CVs with silly mistakes in first paragraph. A 71._good CV is your passport to

4、an interview and, ultimate, to 72._the job you want. Initial impressions are vital, and a badly presentedCV could mean acceptance, regardless of whats in it. 73._Here are a few ways to avoid end up on the reject pile. 74._Print your CV on good-quality white paper. CVs with flowerybackgrounds or pink

5、 paper will stand out upon all the wrong reasons. 75._Get someone to check for spelling and grammatical errors,because a spell-checker will pick up every mistake, CVs with errors 76._will be rejected-it shows that you dont pay attention to detail.Restrict your self to one or two pages and listing an

6、y 77._publications or referees on a separate sheet.If you are sending your CV electronically, check the formattingby sending it to yourself first. Keep up the format simple. 78._Do not send a photo unless specifically requested.If you have to send one, make sure it is one taking in a 79._professiona

7、l setting, rather than a holiday snap.Getting the presentation right is just the first step.What about the content? The Rule here is to keep it factual andtruthful-exaggerations usually get find out. And remember 80._to tailor your CV to each different job.【答案】71. first前加上定冠词the72. ultimate改为ultimat

8、ely73. acceptance改为unacceptance74. end改为ending75. upon改为among76. 在will和pick 之间插入not77. listing改为list78. Keep up去掉up79. taking改为taken80. find改为found【解析】71. 考查冠词。表示“第几”时,要在序数词前,加上定冠词the。这里要表达的是第一段,因此要在first前加上定冠词the。72. 考查副词。本词用在两个逗号之间,单独使用,是整个句子的插入语,应该用副词形式ultimately“最终”。另外,形容词ultimate只能用在名词前做定语。73.

9、考查上下文语义。原文句意:第一印象很重要,表现得很糟糕,不管简历上写了什么,都可能意味着被录取。由此可知,原句意逻辑不通,很糟糕的第一印象应该意味着不被录取,而非录取。因此acceptance应改为unacceptance,句意:第一印象很重要,表现得很糟糕,不管简历上写了什么,都可能意味着不被录取。74. 考查非谓语动词。Avoid+doing表示避免。此处end (up)接在动词avoid后面,做avoid的非谓语,其形式应该为ending。75. 考查介词。句意:简历有华丽的背景或者用粉色的纸打印会在所有错误的理由中脱颖而出。根据句意,“简历有华丽的背景或者用粉色的纸打印”这两个错误在所

10、有的错误中格外突出,此处用介词among“在中”比介词upon“在上”更好。76. 考查上下文语义。原文句意:找一个人帮你检查拼写和语法错误,因为拼写检查工具会找出所有错误。由此可知,原句意逻辑不通。如果拼写检查工具可以找出所有的错误的话,就不需要再专门找一个人检查了。所以正确的句意是:找一个人帮你检查拼写和语法错误,因为拼写检查工具不能找出所有错误。因此,要在will和pick之间插入not77. 考查并列句和祈使句。原文Restrict your self to one or two pages and listing any publications or referees on a s

11、eparate sheet.(把你的自我介绍限制在一到两页,并在另一张纸上列出任何出版作品或者推荐人。)此处是用and连接两个祈使句,因此,listing应与restrict一样使用动词原形list。78. 考查动词短语的使用。句意:保持格式简单。Keep up虽然有“使继续,保持”的意思,但是该短语的用法是keep sth up“继续某事”,例如:I was so hungry all the time that I could not keep the diet up for longer than a month.(我总是饿,所以我的节食一个月后就继续不下去了。)由此可知Keep up用

12、在此处,句意和用法都不对。去掉up,直接用动词keep“保持”就可以满足要求。79. 考查非谓语动词。句意:确保是一张在专门的地方拍的照片,而不是一张旅游快照。此处take in a professional setting 做one(指代前文的photo)的非谓语,taking表主动;taken表被动。这里是被动,所以应该用taken。80. 考查非谓语动词。句意:夸大其词通常会被发现。Find out“发现”做get的非谓语,过去分词形式表被动,get found out表示被发现。2. 单选题It is up to the Government to tackle the air pol

13、lution problem and _ measures in line with the councils suggestions.问题1选项A.set aboutB.work outC.fill upD.bring over【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析与上下文语义。A选项set about“(doing sth)着手;开始做”;B选项work out“制定出;解决;算出”;C选项fill up“填补;装满”;D选项bring over“说服;把某物或某人带来”。句意:政府有责任解决空气污染问题,并根据委员会的建议_措施。根据句意,政府的责任是根据建议,制定计划和措施,B选项最符合句意。

14、因此,本题最佳选项为B。3. 单选题Behaviors that we do not understand often become nearly invisibleeven when, in retrospect, we see how truly strange they are.When I was a psychiatric resident, we had a faculty member who was famous for his messy office: stacks of papers and old journals covered every chair and table as well as much of the floor. One day, as I walked past the open office door with one of my supervisors, he murmured mildly, “Od


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