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1、牛津小学英语6B Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend教学设计江苏省连云港市赣榆县城头镇中心小学 222131 孟秀娟 13675278232一 教学内容:牛津小学英语6B第七单元第一教时(A. Listen, read and say)二 设计思路:本课是一节对话教学课,对话教学要体现整体教学的理念。每篇对话都有一个完整的情节,教师教学时要从学生整体理解和把握对话内容入手,用话题这一主线把对话中的语言知识点串连起来。设计教学活动时,采用“先听说,后读写;先整体,后局部”的办法,引导学生进行发散思维,最大限度地发挥学生的主体性。三 教学目标:知识目标:1、“三会”掌握单

2、词:read(过去式), writing paper, an envelope, both, also, e-mail address.2、“三会”掌握本单元日常交际用语:Can I have . . .? What for? I want to . . . Sure. Here you are.技能目标:能运用本单元的日常交际用语,通过询问来了解他人的家庭、爱好等。情感态度目标:培养学生乐于与人交往的情感。四 教学重、难点:熟练掌握要求四会掌握的内容。能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读及初步表演。五 教具准备:课件、句型卡片等。六 教学过程:Step 1. Warm up1.Greetin

3、gs.2.The teacher introduce herself.a. Show a photo and a name card of the teachers.b. Let the students ask some questions, according to the name card.Name: ChristAddress: TownFamily members: mum, dad, a brother and a sisterHobbies: listening to music and taking photosc. Say the details of the teache

4、r.(设计意图:让学生在边问问题边总结教师各种信息的过程中,有效的复现了本课的一些主要问句,例如:Where does he live? /Does he have any brothers or sisters? /What are his hobbies?等等,激发学生学习兴趣的同时,也很好地分散了本课教学的重点和难点。)Step 2. Presentation and practice1. Learn “also”和“both”a.学生根据提示问教师问题,当学生问及教师的爱好后,教师随机反问:Do you like listening to music and taking photos

5、?当学生回答Yes.后教师总结:Oh, you also like listening to music and taking photos. We both have the same hobbies.b.教学生词also, both及句子We both have the same hobbies.(多种形式朗读)2. Learn “penfriend , writing paper, envelope”a.Introduce: This is Tom.(出示Tom头像)Hes my penfriend.(板书penfriend并让学生试读,并告诉学生这是一个合成词)b.Ask: I hav

6、e a penfriend. Do you know how I contact with him? Can you guess?(学生猜过后教师加以总结)We usually send massages. Sometimes we write e-mails and chat on QQ, and we often write letters.(设计意图:考虑到学生的生活实际,很少能有学生有笔友,因此此环节中,教师用自己的笔友Tom与学生一起学习如何与笔友交流,并展示了教师与笔友联系的多种途径,让学生在较真实的情境中知道笔友的含义。另外,此环节还巧妙地由笔友之间相互写信引出了本课的又一重点写

7、信时所需要的物品:信封、信纸和邮票。)c. The teacher asks: Can you write a letter? If we send a letter, what do we need?(随机教授单词an envelope, some writing paper, some stamps,多种形式操练单词)3. Induct the text.a. 评价:Good job. Youre so clever. Our friend Liu Tao also has a penfriend. Lets watch a cartoon about him.b. Watch the c

8、artoon and answer the questions:Q1: Does Liu Tao want a penfriend?Q2: Whats his penfriends name?Q3: Where does he live?(设计意图:让学生在初次感知课文时布置给学生一定的任务,让学生带着任务有目的、有重点地听,可以有效培养学生的听力和理解能力。)c. Answer the questions and show the answers in the screen.4. Learn the text.My penfriend , Tom writes a letter to you

9、. Lets have a look.Dear boys and girls:You did a good job. I have 4 tasks for you. Can you finish them? Try your best! Your friend, TomT: Can you try? Come on, boys and girls.(设计意图:教师巧妙设计真实情景,让学生在趣味性的完成任务的过程中不知不觉理解并掌握了本课的教学重点和难点。)a. Task 1: Listen and fill in the blanks.(Listen to the preface)Liu Ta

10、o _ about an English boy, Peter _ yesterday afternoon. Peter wanted a _ in China. Liu Tao would like to _. He wants to _ Peter.Read the preface and discuss in your groups, then finish the passage.Let a student say the answers, then check together.b. Task 2: Listen and match.(Listen to the dialogue o

11、f Page 54)Liu Tao wants to lives in LondonPeter some writing paper, an envelope and some stampsLiu Tao wants write to Peter.Ask: How do you know?(读课文中的相关对话,并教学句型:Who do you want to write to?)c. Task 3: Listen and answer.(Listen to the dialogue of Page 55)Does Peter have any brothers or sisters?What

12、are his hobbies?Do Liu Tao and Peter have the same hobbies?What is Liu Tao going to tell Peter about?d. Task 4: Read by yourselves and then retell the text according to the sentences below.Liu Tao wantsWhos Peter?eg: Liu Tao wants some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps to write a letter to

13、Peter. Peter is an English boy. He lives in London.He has a brother and a sister. He likes listening to music and making model plane. He and Liu Tao have the same hobbies. Liu Tao wants to be his penfriend. He is going to tell Peter about his school and his favourite subjects. Hes also going to tell

14、 Peter about his new house.(设计意图:将本课的课文分解为四个阶段进行教学,前三个阶段是分解,最后一个阶段是整合。在前三个阶段,教师将课文合理地分解成三个部分并对其进行有针对性地分析,而且每一阶段教师所采用的方法是不同的,在不断带给学生新鲜感的同时,有效地巩固了每一部分的内容。最后的复述课文,教师给予学生一定的提示让学生试着总结,很好地锻炼了学生的口头表达能力。)Step 3. Consolidation1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. The students lead the teacher to read the text.

15、(设计意图:在平时的教学中,跟读课文的形式是比较固定的:听录音,全班跟读或者当遇到较难句子时,全体学生跟教师读。而在此环节中,教师避开了传统的跟读形式,采用学生带教师读课文的形式进行。这样,可以很好地激发学生的表现欲,带给学生全新的朗读体验,而且很好地培养了学生的朗读习惯,并树立了学生的自信心。)Step 4. SummaryT: This lesson we learned Part A of Unit 7, and we know what we need if we want to write a letter: some writing paper, envelopes and stamps. And we also knew Liu Tao wants to be Peters penfriend, and we knew something about Peter. Do you want a penfriend? I can give you some d


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