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1、精品文档译林新版小学五年级下册知识点整理Unit 1知识点一、单词 :because因为fairy仙女fit合适,合身have to不得不,必须mushroom蘑菇prince王子pick摘,拾take off脱下clothes衣服let让put on穿上understand明白,理解before在 以前late迟的try on试穿be bad for有害的pick摘leavebehind留下,丢下二、词组:be sad伤心go to the party去聚会at the party在聚会come back 回来take off脱下have a good time过得愉快try on试穿hav

2、e to go必须走leavebehind留下,丢下in the forest在深林里under a tree在一棵树下look so nice看起来很漂亮are bad for us对我们有害的pick a big red mushroom摘一个大红色的蘑菇at the princes house在王子的房子dont have any nice clothes or shoes没有漂亮的衣服或鞋子三、句型:1. Why are you so sad ?你为什么这么伤心?2. Because I cant go to the party.因为我不能去参加聚会。3.Why?为什么 ?4.Beca

3、use I don t have any nice clothes and shoes.因为我没有漂亮的衣服或鞋子。四、语法:cant = can notdont =do not知识点 1:can 的用法1) can 表示能力,意思是“能,会” 。 后面直接跟动词原形,用于一切人称和数。 Can 的否定形式为 can not ,其缩写为“ cant 。如: We can speak much English now. 我们现在能说英语了。2) 表示许可,意思是“可 以”。如: You can watch TV after supper. 晚饭后你可以看电视。如: You can stay he

4、re for another six weeks.你可以再待在这儿六个月。3) 和 can相关的常用句型a ) Can I help you?Yes,please./ No , thanks.B) Can I borrow your book?-Yes, of course.c) Can I write on the book? -No, you cant mustnt.批注:could 是 can 的过去式, 同时也可以用来表示委婉语气, 但在小学阶段重点考察委婉语气的用法。如: Could Can you help me? - Yes, of course. Certainly . Sur

5、e. Could Can you tell me t he way to the Zoo ?情态动词的基本用法:1)情态动词没有人称和数的变化;如: Li ming can speak English.2)情态动词的后面必须跟动词原形;如 :He should go to school on time.3) 情态动词的句式变化A. 变否定句,变化规则是在情态动词后面not 。例如: He can play the piano.(改成否定句) He can t play the piano.B. 变一般疑问句,变化规则是将情态动词直接提到句首,后面保持不变。例如: He can play the

6、 piano.(改成一般疑问句)Can he play the piano?C.变特殊疑问,变化规则是词加情态动词开头的一般疑问句。例如: He can play the piano.(对划线部分提问)What can he play ?.精品文档知识点 2:Would 表示建议“你愿意 吗”Would you like to go shopping with me? -Yes, Id love to. /Id love to.But I m busy now. Would you like something to eat / drink? -Yes, IdlikeUnit 2知识点一、单词

7、 :far from离 远near在 附近by 乘 bus公共汽车,大巴士on foot步行metro地铁taxi出租车,的士bike自行车plane飞机ship轮船train火车ride骑车show 给 看basket篮子city城市二、词组:very big很大by bus乘公共汽车your new home你的新家on foot步行by metro乘地铁far from school离学校远by taxi乘出租车come to school来学校a taxi driver一位出租车司机in the park在公园里can fly会飞live on Moon Street住在月亮街上too

8、 young太小(年龄)sit in the basket坐在篮子里show his bike to sam展示他的自行车给山姆看near City Library在城市图书馆附近三、句型:1. Where do you live?你住在哪里?2. I live 我住在 3. I live near/ far from 我住在附近 / 离远4. How do you come to school?你怎样来学校的?5. I come to school 我来学校 Unit 3知识点一、单词 :along沿着,顺着ask the way问路askfor help向 求助full满的,饱的get t

9、o到达on your right在你的右侧next to在 旁边turn left向左转See you later.一会儿见。traffic light交通灯turn right向右转bookshop书店get off下车get on上车take搭乘walk 走;步行street街道excuse me劳驾;对不起cinema 电影院hospital医院shop商店zoo 动物园supermarket超市stop车站over结束二、词组:get to到达get on上车come out from从 出来walk to走到get off下车see a new film看一部新电影anext to在

10、 旁边on the street在街上ask a policeman for help向一位警察求助be over结束want to visit想要参观on your right在你的右侧turn left向左转turn right向右转go along this street沿着这条街走wait for the bus等公交车take the metro乘地铁at Park Station在公园站at the traffic lights在交通灯三、句型:1. How do I get to ?我怎样到达 ?2. Go along this street.沿着这条街走。3. Turn lef

11、t / right at the traffic lights.在交通灯向左 / 右转。.精品文档4.Get on / offat 在 上 / 下车。5. You can see the bookshop on your right.你可以看见书店在你的右手侧。Unit 4知识点一、单词 :feel感觉toothache牙疼anything任何东西See the doctor看医生check检查dentist牙医bedtime就寝时间giraffe长颈鹿neck脖子have a rest休息sh o u l d应该brush ones teeth刷牙drink water喝水point at指

12、着,指向take medicine吃药二、词组:see the doctor看医生have a headache头痛drink some warm water喝些温水 let me check让我检查have a fever发烧eat a lot of sweets吃许多糖at home在家feel cold感觉冷before bed time在就寝时间以前have a rest休息see the dentist看牙医too many sweets太多糖brush your teeth刷牙take some medicine吃些药三、句型:1.Whats wrong with? 怎么了?2.I

13、 / They have a fever / headache 我 / 他们发烧 / 头痛 3.He / She has a cold / toothache 他 / 她感冒 / 牙痛 4.What shoulddo ? 应该怎么做?5.should have arest. 应该休息。四、语法:have has (三单 )shouldnt = should nottooth teethUnit 5知识点一、单词 :parent父或母clean擦,洗cook烧,煮busy忙的go away走了,离开ladybird瓢虫pest害虫grow种植garden花园sweet甜的sweep the floor扫地wash the dishes洗碗make the bed整理床铺二、词组:Saturday morning周六早上clean the car擦车help him帮他cook breakfast做早饭in the kitchen在厨房sweep the floor扫地make the bed整理床铺cook d



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