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1、小练习14编 号课 题班 级姓 名评 价7B505AIntegrated skills翻译下列短语:1.害怕动物_ 2.嗅觉灵敏_3.在寒冷的冬天吃的很少或几乎不吃_4.更好的了解动物_ 5.需要保持房屋干净_6. 不再_7. 听说_ 8. 第二天_9.同时_ 10.用一只手写字_11.用另一只手画画_12.骑车环游80多个国家_13.蛇_ 14.蚂蚁_ 15.骆驼_ 16.粉笔_17.不多的,少数的_ 18.干燥的_ 19.离开,没有_20.前几天_ 【当堂巩固】选择题:( )1.Without _ a word, he left.A、saying B、talking C、speaking

2、D、telling( )2.please _ who broke the window.A、look B、find C、find out D、look at( )3._ you afraid of _ out at night?A、Are, go B、Do, go C、Are, going D、Do, going( )4.We are _ to know that the artist can draw threeD pictures _ chalk.A、surprising, in B、surprised ,with C、fun, by D、funny, on( )5.Each of the

3、 students _ an English book.A、has B、have C、there is D、there are( )6.There _ a pair of red _ under the chair.A、is, shoe B、is, shoes C、are, shoes D、are, shoe( )7.These arent _ cards, theyre_A、ours, their B、our, theirs C、our, their D、ours theirs( )8.It _ him an hour to play basketball every day.A、spend

4、s B、took C、costs D、takes( )9.Does this book belong to _?A、me B、mine C、I D、my( )10._knows anything about him, because he never tells us _ about him.A、Nobody, something B、Nobody, nothingC、Nobody, something D、Nobody, anything动词填空:1. Im frightened of _ (travel) by plane.2. What _ (happen) to you just no

5、w?3. Thank you for _(write )to me.4. Its interesting _ (look) after the baby.5. It _(take) us 3 hours _ (finish) the work yesterday.6. I will go to the library _ (learn) some animals.7. Andy is crazy about _ (dance).8. The following Saturday, we _(visit) the great museum.9. He always practises _(spe

6、ak) English in or out of class.句子翻译。1. 蛇在寒冷的冬天长时间吃很少或什么也不吃,这也很令人吃惊。It is also _ that a snake eats _ or _ for a long time in cold winter.2. 现在我不再害怕动物了。Now I am not _ _ animals _ _.3. 我听说了一个年轻人,他骑自行车游览乐80多个国家。I _ _ a young man. He _ _ over 80 countries by bicycle.4. 前几天我读到一个人的故事,他能同时用一只手写字,用另一只手画画。I _ about a man the other day. He can write _one hand a draw _ _ _ at the _ _.5. 我了解到一位画家,他能用粉笔画立体画。I _ about an artist. He can draw _ pictures _ _.


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