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1、北京语言大学21秋商务英语在线作业二满分答案1. I suggest we put the scheme into effect, for it is quite _.A.eligibleB.sustainableC.probableD.feasible参考答案:D2. A quota can be expressed in terms of either physical quantity or value.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B3. Amortization is the allocation process of writing off bond premiums and d

2、iscounts to interest expense over the life of the bond issue.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A4. C is an object-oriented programming language.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B5. A committee which is established on a permanent basis is known as an ad hoc committee.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A6. I&39;ll have my mother mended the shirt to you.(

3、 )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B7. A backup program _.A.makes a copy of files you selectB.returns you to the previous programC.undoes the last change you madeD.None of the above参考答案:A8. A check is essentially an order instructing the bank to pay a given sun to a designated person or firm.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. If the

4、proceeds from the sale of bond investments exceeds the carrying amount of the bonds, a gain is realized.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A10. sophisticated的意思是:having, revealing or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture ( )T.对F.错参考答案:T11. 下列英汉互译是否正确:“不动产”“Freehold pre

5、mise”。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B12. What is the explanation for the fact adults have more difficulty in acquiring additional languages than children have?(语法上正确与否) ( )T.对F.错参考答案:F13. For accounting purposes, the business entity should be considered separate from its owners if the entity is ( )A.a corporation

6、B.a proprietorshipC.a partnershipD.all of the above参考答案:D14. To handle the crop of 1919, the government appointed the first Canadian Wheat Board, with total authority to buy, sell, and set prices.(语法上正确与否) ( )T.对F.错参考答案:F15. An example of an external user of accounting information is the government.

7、( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A16. They are _ children that they can&39;t dress themselves.A.so littleB.such littleC.so smallD.too small参考答案:B17. Securities markets can be divided into primary and secondary markets.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B18. The ability of a business to pay its debts as they come due and to earn a reas

8、onable amount of income is referred to as ( )A.solvency and leverageB.solvency and profitabilityC.solvency and liquidityD.solvency and equity参考答案:B19. The double-entry accounting system records each transaction twice.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B20. 下列英汉互译是否正确:“相关性”“reliability”。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21. A computer

9、must include three of following. Which one is not necessary?A. systemB.output systemC.processing systemD.networking system参考答案:D22. How much did you _ repairing the bike?A.payB.useC.spendD.take参考答案:C23. “Leverage”应译为“杠杆”。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B24. In general, there are several types of life insurance: _A.

10、term life insuranceB.whole life insuranceC.limited payment life insuranceD.endowment life insurance参考答案:ABCD25. The primary purpose of a stock split is to ( )A.increase paid-in capitalB.reduce the market price of the stock per shareC.increase the market price of the stock per shareD.increase retaine

11、d earnings参考答案:B26. Cigarettes, snack food, soft drinks, candy and other frequently purchased goods are the major items sold in vending machines.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A27. Click the open folder button to open an existing workbook.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A28. We would appreciating you sending us the latest samples

12、 with their best prices.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B29. Speculators are mainly interested in stocks which give high dividends and/or are likely to rise in price in the long run.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B30. _ provides reliable, full-duplex connections and reliable service by ensuring that data is resubmitted when trans

13、mission results in an error.A.TCPB.ARPC.UDPD.IP参考答案:A31. Which of the following is not the e-commerce business models?A.Business-to-Business(B2B)B.Electronic fund transferC.Business-to-Customer(B2C)D.Customer-to-Customer(C2C)参考答案:B32. An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil import

14、s and cut the budget _.A.dispositionB.discrepancyC.defectD.deficit参考答案:D33. A program is a set of words and symbols that allow a programmer to tell the computer what operations to follow.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A34. exotic的意思是:originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country ( )T.对F.错参考答案:T35. Psycho-linguistics is the name given to the study of the psychological processes involved in language. (语法上正确与否) ( )T.对F.错参考答案:T36. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind


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