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1、八、英语会话7、接着我们一个一个地做报警/安全保护装置的功能试验1、早上好good morningNow we will do the function test about alarm and safety device2、今天我们准备交验油水分离器8、设备交接基本结束Today we will test the oily-water separator.Now the test is over3、请跟我来9、请部有何修改意见?Please fellow me.Do you have any questi on ?484910、非常感谢17、这里增加一只落水斗ThanksAdd a drai

2、n plug here11、再见18、请用空气压缩空气吹干Good byePlease dry it by the compressed air12、请把这对法兰撬紧松开19、我将回车间支拿肥皂水Please tighte n/release the flangeI will com to my workshop to take some soap water13、这路管子是从发电机单元来的20、这个系统非常重要的,一定要认真检查The pipi ng is from to the G/E un itThis system is very important,please check itca

3、refully14、这对法兰/接头在漏21、请交验收整改意见This flange /connection is linkingPlease check your remarks15、这路系统的试验压力是7公斤22、天太热了,请休息一会The test pressure of the piping system is 7 barIt s too hot ,please take a rest16、这里请加强 please make a clamp here23、我负责这项工作1 am in charge of this job电气部分ELECTRIC PART5051一、常用词汇Words a

4、nd expressi on模拟An alog(ue)2182千赫值班接收 机2182KHz watch receiver锚灯An chor lightA异常Abno rmal风速风向仪An emorumbometer应答Ack no wledge阳极Anode有功功率Active power天线Antenna执行器Actuator天线馈线连接器Antenna feeder conn ector调整Adjust天线引入绝缘端子Antennaleading- inin sulator空气断路器Air circuit breaker天线共用器Antenna multicoupler报警系统Alar

5、m system天线调谐器Antenna tuner交流电Alter nati ng curre nt电焊机Arc welder电流表ammeter声音的Audible放大器Amplifier自动海图标绘仪Auto chart plotter自动舵Auto pilot自动的Automatic5253自动雷达标绘仪Automatic radarplott ingaid球鼻首警告灯Bulbous bow warning light自动电话Automatic teleph one汇流排Bus(-)bar电压自动调节器Automatic voltage regulator汇流排Bus - tie -

6、in自动化系统Automati on system蜂鸣器Buzzer压载控制台Ballast con trol con soleC电缆Cable镇流器Ballast电缆填料函Cable gla nd底座Base敷设电缆Cable layi ng电池Battery电缆管Cable pipe (con duit)铃Bell电缆扎带Cable strap弯曲Be nd电缆托架Cable tray床头灯Berth light校准器Calibrator失电Black out电容capacitor刹车Brake阴板Cathode电刷Brush警告牌Cauti on plate5455顶灯Ceiling l

7、ight通讯Communi cati on中央处理器Cen tral process ing unit计算机Computer通道Channel接头Conn ector充电器Charger恒电流Con sta nt curre nt充放电板Charg ing& discharg ing board消耗Con sumpti on海图灯Chart table light触头Con tact检杳Check接触器Con tactor-H- LJL 心片Chip控制箱Con trol box清洁Clea n控制箱Con troller雨雪清除器Clear view scree n芯线Core二氧化碳释放报

8、警CO2 release alarm角灯Corner light同轴电缆Coaxial cable计算器Coun ter线圈Coil电流Curre nt冷库呼叫Cold store calli ngD损坏Damage5657危险气体报警箱Dan gerousgasdetect ing& alarm box双极单刀开关Double polesi nglewayswitch白昼信号灯Daylight sig nal light双极双刀开关Double pole two way switch去耦Decoupli ng set天线收发转换开关Duplexer台灯Desk light值班水手呼叫Duty

9、 sailor calli ng控测器Detector接地Earth拨号Dial接地排Earth bar数字选择呼叫收信 机Digitalselect- callreceiver测深仪Echo soun der丄用、|/,耳g调光器dimmer电工试验板Electric test panel直流电Direct curre nt电机员Electrical engin eer直接起动Direct on - line starting电极Electrode磁盘Disk应急照明分电箱Emerge neelight ingdistribution box显示Display应急示位标Emerge neep

10、ositi onin dicati ng radio beac on遇险信息控制器Distress message con troller应急停Emerge nee stop多普勒记程仪Doppler speed log5859应急配电板Emerge ncy switch board馈电品Feeder panel机舱报警Engine alarm滤波器Filter集控台Engine con trol con sole火警复显器Fire alarm repeater机舱监测报警Engineroommon itori ng& alarm system防火风闸控制单元Fire damper con t

11、rol un it轮机员呼叫Engin eer calli ng panel火警检测箱Fire detect ing box轮机员安全Engin eer safety system火焰探头Flame detector增强群呼叫收讯机Enhance group call receiver闪光灯Flash light交换机Exchanger浮充电Float charge防爆灯Explosi on proof light强光灯Flood light延伸报警板Exte nsion alarm panel流程图Flow chart故障Failure流量开关Flow switch故障Fault荧光灯Flu

12、oresce nt light反馈Feed back雾笛Fog horn频率Freque ncy6061熔丝Fuse感温探头Heat detector填料Gasket底座Holder通用报警Gen eral alarm电笛、喇叭Horn发电机Gen erator病房呼叫Hospital call ing发电机屏Gen erator panel照明Illu min ati on(铜)锣、钟Gong白炽灯Incan desce nt light全球卫星定位导航GPS navigator指示器In dicator组合灯板Group alarm light pillar卫星B站INMARSAT B s

13、tati on组合起动屏Group starter panel卫星C站INMARSAT C stati on电罗经Gyro compass输入输出In put /output卤素灯Haloge n light安装In stall听筒Han dset仪表In strume nt硬件Hardware绝缘胶带In sulat ing tape航向Headi ng绝缘In sulati on6263接口、界面In terface限位开关Limit switch连锁In terlock连接Li nk中断In terrupt负载Load逆变器In verter劳莱收信机Lora n receiver接线盒Jun cti on box磁罗经Magn etic compass键盘Keyboard主机电子调速器Main engine electro nic gover nor灯泡Lamp主机功率、纽力仪Main engine power& torque un it液位开关Level switch主机遥控系统Main engine remote control system液位传感器Leve


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