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1、Unit D at in ls Seco A (20分钟 50分). 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完毕单词(5分). lse be in reading roo. . Dot list tomsc in te classoom Yo can lisen to i o . 3Jay hou wi nShangai tomrow. 4. Are here osf (规则)t your home? 5 It (重要的)to arnEglish wel .用所给词的合适形式填空(5分)1. Dont (run)i th cassroom2 My oher (ave)to alk wth herog af

2、te supper 3 Wcat (eat)in he clasroom. 4 ust (work)hard. 5 Tiss our (on)las toay. . 单选(0分)1 We munt figt our assate .witB. to C.in D.at2. u must be f css.n ime . ntimeforth irs timeD theim3. Tm, yo hulnt u cattoscool Sory,r.Green. wont d thatgain. A. tke Brin C.iv D. t4 When yorv shooevery da? At eih

3、 oclock.n B. o C. D of5. Is r old. Plae yur sweatr in . wer C.utn D n.句型转换(0分)1. ecana in the dningal.(改为否认句)We in the ining all. Hehastogooschoo on fot. (改为一般疑问句) he gotoschooln fot?.Com t hool omorrow.(改为否认句) to sool tomorrow We avet earaunorm t shool (对画线部分提问) whav at school? 5. Dnttlk ithe reagr

4、o (改为同义句) i the ingoo . 完毕句子(5分) 别在课堂上吃东西。 i cass2. 我们将乘公共汽车到北京。We wi Bijingybus. 3 不能在走廊里大声发言。Dotlk loudy . .请认真听我说。Pease careflly.5.你今天不必上学。You goto shol today. 补全对话(5分)从方框中选择最佳选项完毕对话。A.Do yo hve o wear nifoms?B. ut dot lthe rus. . Anwcanteat inhecasroo D.N,eca. E. Ye, we o : i,on owwa our ewshool

5、?B: ts ery g. 1A: Oh.Wht rue?Dou ave to wer sort hoesor gym ases? B: 2 : B:No, dont, but we cnwear sots. A:How the dinr?B: Wav o eati e dining hall.4 A: n yu pla basetbal i te classrom? B: 5 1 2 . 4 5. . 任务型阅读(10分)hya No. 1 Middle cholRlo usYou mutnt*ook clea and td*r radoor CDpaer chol*e uie in the

6、librar*n o sht i the schol buildings(建筑物)stay ithe paygrond a breakfsttim*tal ldly in te halwaysbing aetter frmorns ifyoureil*leave shol a brea tme or anh timestand u whenateacheroes ito te clasoomfigh*rive at choy hal ps seve*wjnsrtrainr* in our homeor otieeat o drink in thelassroom如果你是实验一中的学生, 请根据

7、校规内容回答问题。.Can youruorshoutwhen yourenthe school ulis?_. Can ouleav school tlunchtime? _3. hamutyo do wen your eachercoes intyorclasrom? _4. Whatdo the school rulssay about ightin? _. Whemustou gettschol ery ornng? _Uni4Dneatin clas ection B (0分钟50分). 根据句意及汉语提示完毕单词(5分)1.Leclean he oo Its to (脏的). 2.T

8、he tea watu to (遵循)heschoolrues. . I kno him, bt I cant (记起)hi name 4. My motrcooks reakt i the (厨房)evry morning. 5 o mst do our hoerk first (在此前)you wach TV. 用所给词的合适形式填空(分)1. I lke gentle mic I (rlax). 2. Thsuprmake is to (noise). Many eolearehee3. want learn (play)baskebl on weekds. 4Les help m o

9、the (dish).5. Ihaveo boks, but I want t by (ay). 单选(10分)1. Mo,rmer a pe fo me. OK.I illA. uy B. to buC buig Dbought2 Tre are pole itehallsA tomuchB.to manymuh toD. mnytoo3m practice the i fominutevr.A. to plaB playC playigD. playing4. Dont you sholbag ho. leave. teC.brigD. get5 Bils faheristrit him.

10、 A. i. atC. forD. wih 句型转换(0分)1. Go to bed lt tonigh. (改为否认句) to bed latetigh2.Yo can playwit yourfriend and ach TV.(改为否认句)Yo aywth orfriends wach TV. 3.h hve o racie theguita after cas. (改为否认句)Te practice h gi after clas. 4 I f hapytoday. (对画线部分提问) do yo ? 5. o mustntwatch TVno.(改为祈使句) T no. . 补全对话(10分)



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