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1、英语口语(1)第1-3单元自学指导第1-3单元涉及的语言功能包括介绍、问候,邀请、通知,请求、提供帮助,所涉及的话题是结交西方朋友、邀请/被邀请时应注意的事项以及美国高等教育的现状。一、文化背景知识1结交新朋友:结交英语国家的朋友,要注意文化习惯的不同,有时会出现一个表达方法虽无语法、词汇方面的错误,却不能进行有效交流或造成误解的情况。因此需注意: 英美国家的人以他们特有的方式互相问候,问候语有正式、非正式之别;初次见面时有些话题可以谈论,有些涉及个人生活和各种敏感性问题的话题不适宜谈论(Safe topics: weather / sport / hobbies / movies / hol

2、idays / books/ jobs / music /studies;Unsafe topics: age / marital status / income / property / religion / political views / prices of personal belongings) 英美国家的人在很多情况下不使用职业+姓氏这种称谓。2邀请请客吃饭对于东西方有着不同的理解。英语中有一句谚语 “We eat to live, not live to eat” (我们吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭),透过这句成语,也许我们可以理解为什么被外国朋友请去吃饭时发现“吃得很简

3、单”。做客需要注意的事项有: 在吃饭过程中吸烟被认为是无礼的; 在应邀吃饭时客人一般应按时或晚到几分钟,除非是非常要好的朋友,提前到或迟到很久被认为是失礼的; 吃饭时主人会说 “Help yourself!” 或 “Would you like some more?”,客人应把自己盘里的饭菜吃掉,不要剩下; 客人给主人带礼物通常考虑对方的年龄、爱好等,礼物不论轻重,包装一定要美观。 二、请参照下面的表格总结你的学习进展情况。FunctionsUseful expressionsTopicsIntroducing oneselfIntroducing othersResponding to in

4、troductionsGreetings/repliesIm/My name is/My names/ By the way, my name isPlease call meAllow me to introduce myself. Im fromThis is / Meet Let me introduce/ Id like to introduce/ Allow me to introduce/ May I have the pleasure of introducingNice to meet you/Glad/pleased/ happy to meet you.Ive heard

5、so much about you.Hi/ Hello/How are you/ How have you been/ How are you doing?/How do you do?Hi/Hello! Fine. Thanks./ How do you do? What topics of conversation are suitable between Chinese and a Westerner? State them and give your reasons. What are the sensitive issues that wed better not to touch

6、on when we talk with foreigners? Why? What are the differences between Chinese and westerners in greeting people/addressing people? State them and give your reasons.Extending/Accepting /declining invitationsMaking announcementsDo you feel like/what about/how about doing sth.I was wondering if you wo

7、uld like to do sth?Thats a terrific/great/ wonderful idea.That sounds like a /great/wonderful idea.Thanks for the invitation/ Its very nice of you to invite us.Sorry, but I have to do sth./ Id love to, but I wont be able to/ Im afraid I cant.Hello, everyone, I have got something to say.Ladies and ge

8、ntlemen, I have an announcement to make/ Id like to tell you Thank you for your attention. What is a typical Chinese guest / host like? What is a typical Western guest /host like? What differences in culture do you see at a Chinese dinner party and a Western dinner party?Making requests / Responding

9、 to requestsOffering to help/ Responding to offersCan/could you do sth., please?Will /would you do sth., please?Would you mind doing sth.?Would you be so kind as to do sth.?Sure/ Certainly.Id be glad to. Can/May I help you?Would you like me to do sth?Shall I do sth?Is there anything I can do for you

10、?Yes, please. Thats very kind of you.Thanks for the offer, but I think I can manage.What differences do you know between Chinese colleges and American colleges?What extracurricular activities do you enjoy?三、以口头或笔头方式复习在下列情景中应如何提问应答: Youre at a job interview. What do you say to introduce yourself to t

11、he department manager who is the interviewer? You meet Mr Smith, an American friend at a party. Greet each other and talk about the weather, the course you are taking and the work your friend is engaged in. Youve just got a job at a joint-venture company. It is your first day of work. Introduce your

12、self to your colleagues with whom you share the same office. Youre reading in your classroom. An American man comes to the door, and introduces himself as Jack and wants to see one of your classmates. Greet him, introduce yourself, and offer to look for the classmate for him. What do you say? What w

13、ould you say to end a conversation with the following persons: an old friend/ your teacher/ a stranger whom you just met or who has just helped you? Youve been asked by your university to go to the airport to meet Professor Jones, a famous British writer. Youve seen his photo and think the man whos

14、coming out is Professor Jones. Approach him and introduce yourself. What do you say? Youre taking your American friend Peter to your Chinese friends birthday party. Now youve arrived at your friends home. Introduce Peter and your friend to each other. What do you say to accept your friends invitatio

15、n to have dinner at his home? Also ask if he needs anything that you can take to him. Youd like to invite your classmate to play tennis with you after class. You know hes busy with his study, but you think some sport activities will do good to him. What do you say? Youd like very much to go with your friend for a movie tonight when he asks you. But you have a night class that you dont want to miss. What do you say to him? Your friend has typed your term paper for you, and did an excellent job. What do you say to your friend? You are having dinner with a friend. You dont reall


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