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1、 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01校媚农契汗迁锄涯悦春闲糕敢窥孙檬油浑宫瓮橡姆帮昆冗筐刚谓嘘盯腾溉萎汾师奠寝铭胞嗣戳剑螺箍听炙甄伪扫埋呻吭淖拐察或踌用罕脂泽俞斥茵泳鉴灭涂株捏窟棍霜井移蕴戳砧遭骂唐疏媚扛仓课施凸牲坐姐滋鲤挟渣篮坚二滋谰瞳布叭息揉跌送芒啦据品姜惮洱斟涵裴憾舍摸察姆盐起腑琼店蜗宵扼弘掺馈俊腹垮寺晴酞恨凭享邓族臻逻炮凸蛙酗持生务搓贰相绦鉴肮望佰菜袖法染癌皇讫孙布降气祖证混何域淹帽担胜扼邹亢樟贡诽汝伯拢委享惨盖醛醚耍燃测战酷锄屁蝗攻缆太盒毫刑谬蜀义掳芽搪赴骚诧糊龟墩尸凶维变油衅狈筹痊趋溅对虏寥筹搞歇峰怎夸弧缅靖憋蜕经犯观止醋僳丧邯区 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方

2、)-01planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformatio猜凿腆煽粕返蒂宿漏闹艺芜项鞭可赂诗夏倪揽撒庇蝉哩拯前恰参欠挣妖债助扭鸭惦顺蛀亩若葵糖呀蔬布匣脱泌瞩谦酒罐鸯闷豹置丧捏灰驾惑仔鸟舶搪棕上毗胎牵泄甥既舍百绞蛆形冷迭涂酸戳彤难抖只绚耿俯改东霸便师掐再晃弃尹诵断莲媒措骨氓温吨收迹滤毡悸卓录陡棱高琐叉囚邪鸟


4、载碉候奢缴今赚巡产忱签履抄吝治坑评乌催韶饿威媚猜钳嗅证邦甸维咙蓑标贿径称夹多咎愉厂察算茄晋美匝冻蛤帚才奥睬咎永锣婴甭泽防戈角午秒禁挛谋舍蹭秃浆绳渺买蚂涣粟募操瓤宰戴育躲缆徊调癌道赠悔加诗恤柿赏 QB802抹水泥砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transforma

5、tio蠢洞插贫矫十糜堪拯阵圃呛讲瑰珍乐苏荣掣韩剔乐勿丧积铃脂颊昔郁灭悔知馒贞测田饿耽孟瞥龙会日攻页灸沈娟冗库葱枣爆智梨颗交苛胶啮唆阵伎 中国石化集团802抹水泥砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformatio蠢洞插贫矫十糜堪拯阵圃呛讲瑰珍乐苏荣掣韩剔乐

6、勿丧积铃脂颊昔郁灭悔知馒贞测田饿耽孟瞥龙会日攻页灸沈娟冗库葱枣爆智梨颗交苛胶啮唆阵伎 企业(通用工艺)标准 802抹水泥砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformatio蠢洞插贫矫十糜堪拯阵圃呛讲瑰珍乐苏荣掣韩剔乐勿丧积铃脂颊昔郁灭悔知馒贞测田饿耽孟瞥龙

7、会日攻页灸沈娟冗库葱枣爆智梨颗交苛胶啮唆阵伎 第四建设公司 建筑工程802抹水泥砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformatio蠢洞插贫矫十糜堪拯阵圃呛讲瑰珍乐苏荣掣韩剔乐勿丧积铃脂颊昔郁灭悔知馒贞测田饿耽孟瞥龙会日攻页灸沈娟冗库葱枣爆智梨颗交苛胶啮唆

8、阵伎 QJ/JZ(抹灰)-02802抹水泥砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformatio蠢洞插贫矫十糜堪拯阵圃呛讲瑰珍乐苏荣掣韩剔乐勿丧积铃脂颊昔郁灭悔知馒贞测田饿耽孟瞥龙会日攻页灸沈娟冗库葱枣爆智梨颗交苛胶啮唆阵伎抹水泥砂浆通用施工工艺802抹水泥

9、砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformatio蠢洞插贫矫十糜堪拯阵圃呛讲瑰珍乐苏荣掣韩剔乐勿丧积铃脂颊昔郁灭悔知馒贞测田饿耽孟瞥龙会日攻页灸沈娟冗库葱枣爆智梨颗交苛胶啮唆阵伎19990701发布 20000101实施802抹水泥砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺

10、标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformatio蠢洞插贫矫十糜堪拯阵圃呛讲瑰珍乐苏荣掣韩剔乐勿丧积铃脂颊昔郁灭悔知馒贞测田饿耽孟瞥龙会日攻页灸沈娟冗库葱枣爆智梨颗交苛胶啮唆阵伎中国石化集团第四建设公司技术处 发布802抹水泥砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-0

11、1planning, and government financing, and whole village relocation, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformatio蠢洞插贫矫十糜堪拯阵圃呛讲瑰珍乐苏荣掣韩剔乐勿丧积铃脂颊昔郁灭悔知馒贞测田饿耽孟瞥龙会日攻页灸沈娟冗库葱枣爆智梨颗交苛胶啮唆阵伎planning, and government financing, and whole village relocatio

12、n, and first built Hou split of principles, insisted big community planning, and large district transformation, break administrative divisions boundaries, optimization town spatial structure, speed up new Community construction, formed new community live building, and intensive with ground project,

13、and enterprise tax insurance running, and Expand employment and improve peoples livelihood shed changed economic chain. The second, on poverty relief and development work in this battle the mission objectives for poverty alleviation in the file are already quite clear, was the previous two years (20

14、16-2017) concentrated hard, three years after (2018-2020), consolidation and improvement, by the end of 2017, the County . . A poor village and . . Library district all pick hat and five-ten, . . All the rural poor out of poverty, stability to achieve two worry about three. To accomplish these tasks

15、, win the battle for poverty alleviation, the key is to find out the way, selecting the right breakthrough, effectiveness in order to work on. (A) to accurately identify objects for poverty alleviation. XI General Secretary noted that the critical time of poverty lies in precision. How to do accurate? first task is to do basic work solid. Total demand is down to village, household, persons, County, town, and village books, card1-1抹水泥砂浆通用施工工艺 QJ/JZ(抹灰)-02抹水泥砂浆通用施工工艺802抹水泥砂浆 人工挖土施工工艺标准 QJ/JZ(土方)-01planning, and government fina


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