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1、威廉王子在澳大利亚堪培拉国会大厦英语演讲稿 Prime Miniser,Mr Presdet, Md Speker,Chief Juste, Leader f the Oppstion, inises and Mmbrs of Parliament, meber of the plmaic Corps, distiguishe guss,adis and genen ‐ hanyo r youtrulywrm welcome en Catheie and I arved in Syde ast wee,I aid how muh had beenlooingforrd t thi v

2、ii. raing onmyeerienc,I told Caerinethat oldbewondr,an s it hasbeenAntcipaion a beoe deep amirationher s o muchto air about Australia. Cathern nd I acknledg the meless vluesote boriina and Torre SraitIslndrpopl.hey ave bee hustians sancient ad majetic cnnet fo osnds f ers. Te Trdition Owes’ sr

3、ies, anhegifcentnd mvin rkat atUluru,which wesa fo oureves, ar celessinheritancThy tell us nottbout the pstbut provie a peciou vision ort fuure. Cathei ndI ha the pvlee arler this eekovising Sye&o; Tarnga Zo, wic iomted &ndas;hough cnsvato ‐to jut uh cstdiashp.Ad Iknow, to, howimportatustralian

4、sport has benor te globalconsortium, nitd forWidlif, which sightn the scur f teielde in ildie, and oahing,somehn very clse toyheart ustraliahs qualitof leanda eel of exelenc thatmakes it mgnet: nenormousl ttracte lce to live, trade, ivest, and deed jutvist hart d sienesflrsh; Austraa sportisuccs i e

5、gendar; agriclu &ndsh; rom thetrditionlto thtechnologcally mot advceddash; is hugysuccessfu. This is a cout tht s i teon rankinternationl Wehave th seenallthisfor ourselves. urlia may beknow s “;te Luck Cunr”;, butoten h hardeyu work, theuckier yo g. ustraliansake heir ow lc. The discAusie fora tht

6、ha fashone suh ynmicsty is t sourc of dmirain andevy arund te orld. Whtutrli has aciv ges much ider thanstrala tself. Thastthirtyyears hvesee th riseo thAsa-Pacificren. In ashor ti,ithas becman ecnomicwer housewthhue cnsequences r thhole world order.The AsPacificregio is now a key ator ash;sometimst

7、he e acordas; nconfrotig ma ofthegloalchan o te tweny irscentury. It enoroulyimport &nda; nd reassuing ndash; at ustrais atthe hea t justoits o ucces bu of thewieegionl story,to.Auslia i chmpion of jusicendeonomic and potcl eem. Austrlaplas an invalabl olein blding anopen adeaceul Asa-acific fothebe

8、nefto all. ver h yars, utrians hae fouhtbavely oredm in numerous conlics.A thosewho were inolvedpas on, sueedi genratns must remember a kee vid thesacrifc themde. Catheine nd lok wad tpaying ibut them at tmrow&squo;sANZAC Dycmmemtin; d &ndah; wtmybrter r &ndah; ttkin par inext yer&rsuo;Gallpoi enten

9、ry. Reltantly, Catherine, Grgead leae trli tomorow.Than ou for th warmth andener tat asbeenhown usdrng ovit We go aa with woerfulmorie,anGer goes away with his udlombt,which he has tk to cwig s lvngly. eatl lokfrward to mng k. And wen e do rturn,it willb tomarv gin a allthat Austraiais, a will yet becom.



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