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1、Part One 书本第一部分教材重、难点梳理第一讲基础知识即时训练一、1. title 2. greeting 3. manager 4. construction 5. business 6. achieve 7. address 8. length 9. magazine 10. express 11. dancer 12. fail 13. electricity 14. continue 15. friendly 16. physics 17. uniform 18. architect 19. own 20. excellent 21. probably 22. discuss 2

2、3. collect 24. return 25. dentist 26. correct 27. explain 28. temperature 29. truth 30. energy二、DBABD ABBAB三、1. 收到(某人)来信 2. work as 3. 对着迷;热衷于 4. would like 5. 多高 6. reply to 7. 负责;管理 8. find out 9. 不睡觉;熬夜 10. on the way to 11. 照顾 12. lose ones temper 13. 体育锻炼 14. in the middle四、1. owner 2. friendly

3、 3. length 4. dancing 5. highest 6. greetings 7. collected 8. assist 9. polite 10. truth 11. express 12. excellent 13. probably 14. business第二讲基础知识即时训练一、1. dial 2. minus 3. trouble 4. Indian 5. ambulance 6. multiply 7. tourist 8. divide 9. stare 10. percentage 11. steal 12. Egyptian 13. purse 14. in

4、vent 15. report 16. international 17. thief 18. accurate 19. weight 20. especially 21. notice 22. soldier 23. discover 24. programme 25. ancient 26. however 27. electronic 28. separately 29. decide 30. accident二、CACBD三、1. 发现不见了 2. in a flash 3. 解决;处理;应付 4. at least 5. 凝视 6. pick up 7. 戴上手铐 8. on the

5、 other side of . 9. 用很多不同的方式 10. stand for 11. 由组成 12. run away 13. 取出;伸出 14. fire service四、1. stolen 2. weigh 3. argument 4. Egypt 5. invention 6. decision 7. developed 8. risen 9. especially 10. international 11. nearly 12. Indian 13. powerful 14. missing第三讲基础知识即时训练一、1. astronaut 2. escape 3. imme

6、diately 4. captain 5. land 6. interrupt 7. otherwise 8. attack 9. pilot 10. suddenly 11. steel 12. damage 13. appear 14. secretly 15. trust 16. passenger 17. forecast 18. crash 19. rope 20. liter 21. underground 22. suggestion 23. intention 24. invite 25. arrange 26. survey 27. suitable 28. almost 2

7、9. aim 30. base二、DACAC AB三、1. 偶然发生 2. wake up 3. 爬进 4. go out 5. 平安地;和平地 6. fall asleep 7. 着陆 8. in pieces 9. 装扮;打扮 10. go through 11. 把带出去 12. aim . at .四、1. sudden 2. invitation 3. appearance 4. people 5. safe 6. brought 7. suggestions 8. suitable 9. sailing 10. immediately 11. secretly 12. asleep

8、第四讲基础知识即时训练一、1. defeat 2. include 3. spread 4. fight 5. provide/offer 6. product 7. pollute 8. relax 9. interview 10. harmful 11. project 12. natural 13. communicate 14. chemical 15. plastic 16. oxygen 17. alive 18. fresh 19. plan 20. capital 21. culture 22. exhibition 23. concert 24. collect 25. br

9、eathe 26. produce 27. destroy 28. reduce 29. agree 30. insect二、CBABA CC三、1. 例如;诸如 2. spread ones wings 3. 过去常常做某事 4. be famous for 5. 与沟通交流 6. in danger 7. 呼吸新鲜空气 8. cut down 9. 为什么不 10. living things 11. 对感兴趣 12. go abroad 13. 以的顺序 14. give out四、1. centre 2. skiing 3. products 4. natural 5. pollute

10、d 6. breath 7. harm 8. including 9. culture 10. communicate第五讲基础知识即时训练一、1. sense 2. gentle 3. drum 4. balance 5. fierce 6. tongue 7. blind 8. contain 9. found 10. allow 11. describe 12. convenient 13. armchair 14. mend 15. disability 16. book 17. lie 18. cartoon 19. exist 20. plant 21. amusement 22.

11、 roof 23. exit 24. bark 25. dead 26. seem 27. mind 28. mail二、CABCC A三、1. 属于 2. all year round 3. 小心 4. fire alarm 5. 引领某人到 6. more than 7. 突然发出响声 8. show up 9. 小心 10. die out 11. 像一样 12. fire exit 13. 以为基础 14. put out 15. 消防车 16. learn about四、1. death 2. used 3. found 4. advertisement 5. twice 6. de

12、scribe 7. lying 8. located 9. led 10. gentle 11. amusement 12. convenient 13. disability第六讲基础知识即时训练一、1. servant 2. foolish 3. explanation 4. form 5. battery 6. lively 7. concern 8. bored 9. accept 10. waiter 11. pain 12. cheerful 13. ring 14. fair 15. brain 16. successful 17. generous 18. patient 19

13、. movement 20. flow 21. connect 22. politely 23. iron 24. encourage 25. similar 26. harbour 27. blow 28. proud二、DACBB三、1. 在某种程度上 2. run in rings 3. 把变成 4. lie down 5. 与相似 6. water heater 7. 带着微笑 8. stone deaf 9.(使)链接;接通 10. keep lively 11. 终于;最终 12. feel like 13. 砰地关上门 14. thank goodness四、1. connect

14、ion 2. moving 3. polite 4. explain 5. proper 6. speak 7. fool 8. noisy 9. lively 10. suggestions 11. cheerful 12. successful 13. encourages 14. similar 15. patient 16. proud第七讲基础知识即时训练一、1. stream 2. pour 3. obey 4. travel 5. ordinary 6. total 7. publish 8. secretary 9. march 10. shame 11. praise 12.

15、 design 13. match 14. absent 15. term 16. solid 17. liquid 18. cover 19. waste 20. pollute 21. valuable 22. customer 23. hold 24. consider 25. experience 26. briefly 27. conclude 28. form 29. deserve 30. design二、ACCBA CAB三、1. 打扫干净 2. take notes 3. 选举某人担任 4. in one weeks time 5. 负责;管理 6. in fact 7. 首

16、先;起初 8. ask for 9. 商量;讨论 10. pay for 11. (把)关掉 12. look around 13. 对负责 14. chief editor 15. 把扔进 16. come out of四、1. frozen 2. valuable 3. suggestion 4. briefly 5. conclusion 6. pollute 7. customers 8. owner 9. absent 10. designer 11. pleased第八讲基础知识即时训练一、1. detective 2. recent 3. case 4. recognize 5. necklace 6. separately 7. insurance 8. frightened 9. monitor 10. speak



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