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1、tune的用法总结大全tune的用法总结大全tune的意思n. 曲调,曲子,和谐,调谐,语调,心情vt. 调整,使和谐,使一致,调整(频率),为调音vi. 协调,无线调谐变形:过去式: tuned; 如今分词:tuning; 过去分词:tuned;tune用法tune可以用作动词tune的根本意思是“调整”,指一物与他物之间或几个事物彼此之间的调整,以使其一致起来,和谐地工作。除指“调音”外,也指调试机器、调整情绪等。tune可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。tune后接副词in表示“收听”; 后接副词out表示“调掉(收音机的干扰等),对不予注意”; 后接

2、副词up表示“调弦,定音; 调试”; 后接介词to表示“调到”。tune用作动词的用法例句The orchestra tuned their instruments.乐队在给乐器调音。The machine has just been tuned.机器刚刚调整过。Please tune up your instruments before class.请在上课前调好乐器的音调。tune用作动词的用法例句Please tune up your instruments before class.请在上课前调好乐器的音调。We always tune in at ten oclock to hear

3、 the news.我们总是在10点钟收听新闻。tune用法例句1、It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune.他声音很一般,但唱得都在调子上。2、More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day.每天有600多万年轻人收看“热门大片”这档节目。3、Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.今天,他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍。优美旋律:tune怎么用?A real l

4、eader faces the music, even when he doesnt like the tune. Anonymous一个真正的指导者敢于勇往直前,即便他不知道前方是悬崖还是峭壁。匿名者一、你知道tune有几种含义吗?n.1.曲调,曲子,调子;主旋律CHe whistled a popular tune.他用口哨吹了一首流行曲调。2.歌曲,短乐曲CShell also be playing your favourite pop tunes.她还将演奏你最喜欢的流行乐曲。3.和谐CGuitar plays in tune with piano.吉他与钢琴合奏很协调。4.(收音机、

5、电视机等的)调谐C5.心情CYou should give him a more relaxed tune.你要给他一个比拟轻松的心情。v.1.为(乐器)调音THe sat down on a block of stone and tuned his harp.他坐在一块大石头上,弹起他的竖琴来。2.调频道,调台,调谐I,TShe tuned her television set to the film channel.她把电视调到电影频道。3.调试,协调,调整;使和谐,使一致I,TThe colors are perfectly tuned to each other.颜色很协调。二、含有t

6、une的常见短语call the tune v.定调子,发号施令,操纵tune in v.调频,调谐,收听,收看;协调,一致tune up v.1. 调音,定弦2. 调整,调节;调试,维修3.【口】开场演奏signature tune n.(电视、播送节目的)信号曲,开场曲,完毕曲三、词义辨析:表示“乐曲、曲调”的有哪些词呢?melody 指悦耳的曲调旋律。song 多指配有歌词的歌曲。tune 指曲调,与配有歌词的歌曲相对。theme 指主旋律。四、一起来做个填词游戏吧This poem goes to the of “This old Man”.这首诗与这位老人的曲调相配。He strum

7、med on the piano and told me about the .他在钢琴上弹了几下,然后告诉我就这个调子。外刊系列要学会tune outHello,没想到这么快又见面啦(而且又是学习嘿嘿嘿)。第一篇文章只发给了几个好朋友看,我想等有一定的积累后再发圈,反正主要自己写到就是赚到,有志同道合的朋友喜欢会是锦上添花,但是还不着急。今天我们继续精读上一篇文章(外刊系列(一)特朗普病毒)。今天分享的是几个很有用的动词和动词短语。touch offgear toseek topledge toexceptnavigatesteer throughtune out对于单词或者短语,我认为有这

8、样的过程:初见、再见、熟悉、会用、纯熟。上面这些词我们可能大局部都见过,却不能主动的灵敏运用。我们一个一个放在句子中来看。1. touch off原文:The Obama Administration dispatched an air ambulance to carry them home,swathed in white protective gear, for treatment at Emory University Hospital, in Atlanta, and this touched off a media spectacle.这里是讲奥巴马执政时期遇到埃博拉病毒爆发。两名

9、因一线抗疫而感染的美国医生被从利比亚专机接回后穿着白色防疫装备的场面touch off,即引发了一波媒体盛况。理解touch off这个短语你可以想象一根火柴丢进汽油里的场景。延伸的英文释义是to make something happen, especially something that is difficult to control.Touch还有一个短语touch and go,意为情况危急或者命悬一线、气假设游丝,比in critical conditions要更形象、更紧迫。i.e. This is a touch-and-go situation.2. gear to原文:Th

10、e system is really not geared to what we need right now.翻译:这个体系确实不能满足我们的需求。Gear这个词用法很多,这做动词,意为adjust or adapt so as to make suitable。这个动词含义直接来于下面这个名词含义:equipment, such as tools or clothing, used for a particular activity。比方渔具,从来都是fishing gear。另外,gear up (for sth),(为某事)做准备。比方出去骑行,带队假如说gear up,你就要穿好装备

11、带上平安帽之类的准备出发了。3. seek to原文:Last Wednesday, the President sought to reassure the nation in a prime-time address from the Oval OfficeSeek to do sth尝试做某事,虽然意义根本等同于try/attempt to,但是暗含的语气我觉得是有微妙的区别的,大家自行体会一下(扶额)。重点想说的是seek的词性,它同时是及物和不及物动词,词典中看到的固定搭配有Seek sth, seek a solution(寻找解决方案)Seek to do, seek to do

12、 good(想做好事)Seek somewhere for sth, seek the garden for peace(躲到花园里清净)想到一个和seek看起来有关系却大有不同的动词searchSearch for sth/sb,search for the right word to say(遣词造句)Search somewhere for sth, search the desk for a pen (从桌子上找一支笔)Search sth, search your soul/conscience/heart,扪心自问(当代青年要多做一些soul-searching)注意哈,在你要找的

13、那个东西或人和search之间一定要有一个for,也可以说,search做及物动词时后面紧跟的不是你要找的东西,而是你搜寻的场所或范围。关于seek和search的不同,用一组句子来看一下,I will seek a solution in this book.I will search this book for a solution.3. pledge to原文:Trump won the Presidency while pledging to wall America off from the world;Pledge to的中文意思很简单,承诺,有时可以和promise to互换。但

14、是两者有不同的适用场景,前者倾向于工作或公共事务,i.e. I pledge to donate some money to the charity. 而后者较多用于私事,i.e. I promise to take good care of you.4. except原文:The United Kingdom and Ireland, among a few other countries, were excepteda decision with no grounding in science.这句话是说特朗普下令欧洲禁飞美国,但禁飞里排除了英国和爱尔兰。Except有介词、连词和动词三个

15、词性,这里是较为少见的动词用法,意同exclude或leave out。5. navigateNavigate the pandemic,顺利渡过疫情(不是“度过”),也可以用survive,ride out英文释义:To follow or find a course across, over, or through比方,navigate the downtown streets,想象一下在熙熙攘攘的城市街道,你要怎样穿过人群去找你的小伙伴?6. steer through原文:The President is steering the country through a challenge of yet unknown magnitude.翻译:面对这场未知的挑战,特朗普是美国的掌舵手。Steering wheel方向盘,steer就是掌舵、掌握方向的意思(看了阳光普照的人都知道“把握时间,掌握方向”),搭配through的过程含义,就是指导/带着X渡过危机/困难的意思。再有,steer the ship of your life掌握人生的航向;steer the ship o


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