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1、Unit2 Healthy eating一 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。There are no shortcuts to getting fit, and in fact it will take working and sweat at least three times per week for you to feel healthier, and possibly a decrease in your weight and waistline._1_ However, if you cou

2、ld make this for 45 minutes four times per week youll be flying towards a new you.Remember:_2_ All of these actions ruin your body and stand in the way of your fitness goals.Exercise should involve an aerobic(有氧的)workout, weight training and stretching to avoid injuries and increase flexibility._3_

3、Joining a health club, leisure centre or gym will allow you to become a part of a supportive community and explore options and classes.An exercise or fitness video is a great way to try new activities in the privacy of your own home.Youll be more likely to continue exercising if you like the activit

4、y.Take into account our personality and the reason why you are exercising when selecting your activities.For example:_4_If you are serious about relaxing, check out yoga classes.If you are goal competitive, think about running or swimming.Aim for at least eight hours of sleep per night to help your

5、body recover from all of this new activity._5_ But as you discover your favourite activities, youll feel nothing but faster and smarter!A.Its easy to become fit.B.Stop smoking, drinking or using drugs immediately.C.If you are outgoing and looking for new friends, consider a team sport.D.It will take

6、 you a while to get through them all since therere various centers.E.These may sound like just a few more chores to add to your already packed schedule.F.Keeping an exercise journal will give you motivation and help you track your progress.G.Accepted advice is that everyone should exercise for at le

7、ast 30 minutes three times per week.二 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A little girl took out the bottle. She 6 the coins carefully. The total number had to be exactly perfect. No chance for 7 .Carefully placing the 8 in the bottle, she walked to a drugstore and waited patiently for the pharmacists (药剂师) 9

8、 , but he was too busy.She 10 her throat. Nothing. 11 she put a coin on the counter heavily. That 12 !“What do you want?” the pharmacist asked 13 . “Im talking to my brother from Chicago whom I havent 14 for ages,” he shouted.“My brother,” Tess answered, “is really 15 and I want to buy a miracle (奇迹

9、).”“Pardon?” said the pharmacist.“Andrew has something bad growing inside his head. Dad says only a miracle can 16 him. So how much does a miracle cost?”“We dont sell miracles. Im sorry,” the pharmacist said.“I have money. 17 it isnt enough, I will get the rest.”The pharmacists brother asked the lit

10、tle girl, “What miracle does your brother need?”“I dont know,” Tess replied with tears. “Mum says he needs a(n) 18 . But Dad cant 19 it, so I want to use my money.”“How much do you have?” he asked.“One dollar and eleven cents. And its all the money I have.”“A dollar and eleven cents? Thats the 20 pr

11、ice of a miracle for your little brother,” smiled the man from Chicago. He took her money in one hand and held her with 21 , “Take me to where you 22 . Lets see if I have the right miracle.”That man was doctor Carlton Armstrong.The operation was done with no 23 and soon Andrew recovered. Mum and Dad

12、 were happily 24 the miracle.“The operation,” Tesss mom smiled, “was a real miracle. How much did it cost?”“One dollar and eleven cents and the 25 of a little child.”6.A. madeB. watchedC. countedD. collected7.A. questionsB. mistakesC. decisionsD. regrets8.A. coinsB. toysC. sweetsD. drugs9.A. adviceB

13、. respectC. devotionD. attention10.A. clearedB. changedC. managedD. hurt11.A. SimplyB. GenerallyC. FinallyD. Slowly12.A. movedB. failedC. continuedD. worked13.A. nervouslyB. angrilyC. doubtfullyD. patiently14.A. seenB. playedC. arguedD. competed15.A. sickB. upsetC. tiredD. afraid16.A. ignoreB. prote

14、ctC. saveD. remind17.A. UnlessB. IfC. ButD. And18.A. friendB. connectionC. suggestionD. operation19.A. carry onB. work onC. pay forD. seek for20.A. usualB. exactC. lowD. least21.A. othersB. someC. anotherD. the other22.A. liveB. studyC. visitD. teach23.A. choiceB. chargeC. chanceD. request24.A. cari

15、ng aboutB. worrying aboutC. talking aboutD. thinking about25.A. mindB. joyC. truthD. faith三 单句填词1Lets_(结合) my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.2We all let out_(叹息) of relief when we heard that they were safe.3For the_(利益) of these people who arrived late,Ill just go over the plan again.4They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal_(限制)5The little boy_(怒目而视) round the


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