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1、 工程名称:渭玉高速 交底日期:2021年04月16日交底工程盖梁台帽施工交底人赵建华1. 所有施工人员在施工前必须接受平安教育培训,凡患有高血压、心脏病、贫血病、癫痫病、四肢有残缺者,不得从事高空作业工作,饮酒后禁止任何人从事高空作业。2.电工、起重工、机械操作手、焊工必须有资格证和操作证,并考核合格前方可上岗作业。3.进入施工现场人员必须佩戴平安帽,严格遵守平安操作规程,不得简化工序,盲目赶进度无视平安规程。4.严禁施工人员穿拖鞋、高跟鞋、硬地易滑鞋及赤背进行作业,以保证平安及施工形象。5.施工现场用电必须有专业的电工负责,配电箱、柜的使用符合用电平安规定,现场严禁用裸漏线作临时照明,所有


3、平台,砼浇筑时,不得冲击振动支撑杆、模板。8.高空作业人员严禁随同吊篮一同上下,严禁使用吊车吊人,上下必须使用爬梯,吊装升降应设专人指挥,吊车悬臂半径内严禁其他施工行为,落斗前,作业人员不得站在吊斗下方,待吊斗平稳前方可手扶,严禁吊斗碰撞模板及及脚手架 。9.养生时,作业人员必须记好平安带,输水管及其他设备应拴绑牢固。10.撤除模板前,必须设立禁区;撤除时,按规定的程序进行,先拴牢掉挂机具,再撤除模板;模板、材料、机具不得向下扔;施工人员与模板之间要有一定平安距离。11强风、浓雾等恶劣气候不得从事高空作业;强风暴雨后,对高空作业设施逐一进行检查,发现有松动、变形、损坏等现象,立即进行处修复,直

4、到符合要求。接受交底人:(全员)席生金代班马永兵 林海玉 杨永强 林冬冬 董志健 白永利 白生利 兰 剑英文版 easily blame, to prevent the broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of the and , lead to safeguard the solemnity and authority of the party discipline, ensure tha

5、t the party discipline and the laws and regulations for implementation in place. Throughout the discipline in the daily supervision and management, strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough investigation of violations of discipline behavior. Strengthen to key areas, key departments an

6、d key projects as well as the masses reflect the concentration of the units and departments for supervision. - strengthening supervision, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for compliance with the and is a man must be hexyl, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Disciplin

7、e inspection organs as the executor of the party discipline, and supervisor of the defenders, for its supervision must be more strictly, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution, sense of discipline and rules consciousness, politics loya

8、lty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an example of the regulations of the rule of law, strengthen supervision and accept the supervision of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with and . To firmly establish the discipline must first be disciplined, the supervisor will be subject t

9、o the supervision of concept, and consciously safeguard and implement party compasses party, take the lead in practicing three strict real strict, so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitution and the as morality, politics and brought to fruition; to implement , do not want to, dar

10、e not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; to discipline a ruler, often the control inspection, and consciously in the ideological red line to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom line, so that the heart has fear, said to have quit, the line has ended. Attached: indiffere

11、nt to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there are many unpredictable things will happen, some good, some bad things, we cannot control is powerless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes turns out to be not good, some bad things finally turned out to be a good thing, but then

12、we muddy however did not know, this is the life teach us things. 1, life can be complex, can also be simple. Want simple life of precipitation, to have enough time to reflect, to make Become more perfect. Life is the most important thing is not to win, but the struggle; not to have conquered, but to

13、 have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of life. Live a plain life, give up on themselves is not a coward, but the wise answers; not disillusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the storm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of u

14、nrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is no noise noisy, no earthly troubles, more did not fill in the discontent of desire, some just a calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to erase the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beginning, the struggle is a kind of process, dea

15、th is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is the helpless, do not give up the abandoned, do not give up this giving up is ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent. 4, a thing figured is heaven, think impassability is hell. Since the living, to live better. Sometimes we because

16、 of too narrow-minded, too care around the chores and penny wise and pound foolish, not worth the candle. Some things to attract trouble and worry, completely depends on how we look at and deal with it. Dont always take everything back to things, and dont get into a blind alley, dont want to face, dont be narrow-minded. Poke to care, is a kind of


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