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1、黄淮学院本科毕业设计 2011届本科毕业论文韩庄花园商住楼施工组织设计 系 院:建筑工程系学生姓名:张 大 龙学 号:0737130151专 业:工程管理 班 级:0701 B完成日期:2011年5月19日指导教师:余 春 华 摘 要施工组织设计是规划和指导工程投标、承包合同签订、施工准备及施工全过程的全局性技术经济文件。施工组织设计文件编制时,应根据国家有关的技术政策、规定,并根据业主对工程项目的各项要求,从拟建工程施工全局出发,结合工程的具体条件,确定经济、合理、有效的施工方案和切实可行的施工进度,同时确定合理有效的技术组织措施及科学的施工现场空间布置。这样,就能在工程投标竞争的战略部署中

2、以及工程实施的战术安排中统筹规划,并协调好项目的设计与施工、技术与经济、各施工阶段和施工过程之间的关系;就能采用科学的管理方法,有效使用人力、物力,安排好时间、空间,以达到耗工少,工期短,质量高和造价低的最优效果。在建筑设计中还要充分考虑建筑的节能设计和抗震设计。 在熟悉相关工程量清单计价规范和对系统的需求分析的基础上,对工程量清单计价模块进行了总体设计。独立完成了报表系统的实现,并参与了工程管理模块、清单编辑模块的工作。工程量清单计价系统的实现不仅为施工企业能够更好的适应国内招投标市场,快速方便而有效的制作标准规范的招投标文件,增强在日益竞争残酷的建筑市场的竞争力,而且为项目决策者提供项目管

3、理所需的定额信息,实现施工过程的成本控制与管理,同时对于进一步促进工程量清单计价模式在国内的规范统一并逐步实现在国际上的接轨,具有积极的现实意义。毕业设计是联系学习阶段和实际工作的桥梁,是所学知识综合。通过本次毕业设计的锻炼,使我们形成了观察问题,分析问题并正确的解决问题的思想和方法,养成了严谨的科学态度和良好的工作作风;培养了我们运用所学理论知识和技能模拟解决实际问题的能力,提高了基本工程素质和科学素养;培养了我们获取信息,搜集文献资料和运用文献资料的能力;提高了语言表达能力以及合作工作能力;进一步巩固和深化了所学理论知识与初步专业技能。让我们能更自信的走进社会的大 关键词:施工组织设计;

4、成本控制与管理 ; 项目管理 AbstractConstruction organization design is the planning and guidance of the project tender, contract signed, construction and construction of the whole process of preparations for the overall technical and economic documents.The preparation of construction design documents should be

5、in accordance with national policy-related technologies, regulations, and the owners of the project in accordance with the requirements of the proposed construction from the overall situation, combined with the specific conditions of the project to determine the economic, rational and effective cons

6、truction programs and practical construction progress at the same time to determine a reasonable and effective measures of technical organizations and scientific spatial arrangement of the construction site.In this way, will be able to compete in the tender as well as the implementation of the strat

7、egic deployment of the tactical planning arrangements, and coordinate design and construction projects, technology and economy, the construction phase and the relationship between the construction process; will be able to adopt scientific management methods, effective use of manpower, material, and

8、arrange the time and space in order to achieve less power workers, short-duration, high-quality and low cost of the optimal effect. In architectural design but also give full consideration to energy-efficient building design and seismic design. Familiar with the related projects in the bill of quant

9、ities of the system specifications and requirements analysis based on the BOQ pricing module of the overall design. Statements independently completed the system, and participated in the project management module, a list of the work of editing module.Quantity pricing system not only for construction

10、 enterprises to better adapt to the bidding of domestic market, quickly and easily and effectively regulate the production of standard bidding documents, to enhance competitiveness in an increasingly brutal competitiveness of the construction market, but also for the project decision-making required

11、 to provide project management of the fixed information, the construction process to achieve cost control and management, at the same time to further promote the BOQ pricing norms in the country and the progressive realization of a unified international standards, have a positive practical significa

12、nce. Graduate study stage design and the actual contact of the bridge work is a comprehensive learning.Graduation project through this exercise, we observed the formation of the problem, analyze problems and correct problem-solving ideas and methods, developed a rigorous scientific approach and a go

13、od work style; trained to use the theory of our knowledge and skills simulations ability to solve practical problems and improve the quality of basic engineering and scientific literacy; culture of our access to information, the collection of documents and the ability to use literature; increased la

14、nguage capability and the ability to work co-operation; further consolidate and deepen the theory preliminary knowledge and professional skills. Let us be more self-confidence of the door into the communityKey words: Construction organization design; Cost control and management; project management目

15、录 1.编制依据12.工程概况12.1建筑概况12.2结构概况22.3施工条件与工程特点33.施工总体部署33.1施工项目管理目标33.2施工组织33.3施工规划44.施工项目管理组织机构建制54.1项目部管理组织机构为直线管理制54.2项目部班子主要成员及技术力量的配备54.3现场质量管理组织机构64.4项目部的组成与要求64.5项目经理常驻现场的保证措施75.施工准备与资源配备85.1技术准备85.2场内准备85.3场外准备85.4主要施工机械设备使用计划表85.5主要施工周转材料使用计划表105.6主要工艺检测计量器具使用计划表105.7专业施工人员使用计划116.施工现场平面布置126.1现场布置原则与标化管理要求126.2施工现场用电平面布置136.2施工现场用水现场平面布置146.4现场主要垂直施工机械布置146.5现场生产、生活设施146.6施工现场排水、消防通讯平面布置157.工程测量157.1测量仪器与专业人员的配157.2轴线控制157.3高程控制167.4沉降观测168.土建主要项目施工方法及技术措施168.1土方开挖与排水施工168.2基础钢筋工程178.3基础砼工程施工,模板工程18


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