高中英语外研版选修6学案:Module 5核心要点回扣 含解析【精校版】

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1、外研版精品英语资料(精校版)核心要点回扣.重点词汇1. v使惊恐,使受惊吓 adj.感到害怕的 adj.令人害怕的2. v使觉得恶心;使厌烦 adj.讨厌的,使人反感的 adj.厌恶的,反感的3. v拒绝 n回绝,拒绝4. v呼吸 n呼吸5. adj.有益的,有用的 n益处,好处 v对有益6. v抵抗 n抵抗,对抗【答案】1.terrify;terrified;terrifying2.disgust;disgusting;disgusted3.refuse; refusal4.breathe;breath5.beneficial;benefit;benefit6.resist;resistan

2、ce.重点短语1burn2.3.4break5.【答案】1.out;down;up;away;to2.with;by/in;in3.to;from;of;of4.down;up;through;out; into;in 5.to;on/at;in;of;with.重点句式1The novel immediately became very popular and (一致认为) it is one of the best science fiction stories ever written.2 (上大学时)at university,he discovers the secret of ho

3、w to create life.3 (很显然)some voluntary code of practice among scientists has to be agreed.4 (勇敢新世界这本书现在仍然很出名,原因是) it describes a terrifying future world that is becoming more and more possible.【答案】1.it is generally agreed2.While studying3What is clear is that4.The reason why Brave New World is still

4、 so famous is that.回顾话题用本模块词汇或句式完成写作任务科学家弗兰肯斯坦用克隆技术创造了与人一样的生物。这个生物黑色的头发、白色的牙齿与他起皱的黄色皮肤及黑色的嘴唇形成了可怕的对比,吓坏了见过他的每一个人。现在一些科学家正试图克隆人类,这事颇有争议。相反的观点如下:支持克隆人类的人认为我们可以依靠克隆抵抗或治愈疾病。那些反对的人认为克隆将限制物种的多样性。克隆对人类有益还是有害还不清楚。为了避免失去控制,强制性的政府法规将不得不控制克隆。 【参考范文】Frankenstein, a scientist created a creature identical to a hu

5、man being using the techniquecloning.His black hair and white teeth contrast horribly with his wrinkled yellow skin and black lips.It terrifies everyone seeing him.Now some scientists are trying to clone humans, which is controversial.The contradictory opinions are as follows.Those for the idea thin

6、k we can rely on the clone to resist or cure some diseases.While those against it think cloning will restrict the biodiversity of the breed.Whether cloning will be beneficial or harmful to human beings is unknown.To avoid getting out of control,compulsory government regulations will have to control cloning.



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