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1、Unit 1 When is your birthday?1. When is Tobys birthday? Toby的生日是什么时候?In December. / Its in December. / Tobys birthday is in December.在十二月。2. Today is Pits birthday! Happy birthday! Thank you. 今天是Pit的生日!生日快乐! 谢谢。3. Have you got a pet? Yes, a cat. 你有一只宠物吗? 有,一只猫。4. Do you like your yellow T-shirt? Yes

2、, I do. 你喜欢你的黄色T恤吗? 是的,我喜欢。5. Whats your favourite colour? Its green.你最喜欢的颜色是什么? 绿色。6. Whats your favourite day? My favourite day is Saturday.你最喜欢哪一天? 我最喜欢星期六。7. When is your birthday? Its in March.你的生日是什么时候? 在三月份。8. Where are you from? Canada.你来自哪儿? 加拿大。9. How old are you? Im twelve. 你多少岁? 我十二岁。10.

3、 Spring is green. Summer is red. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white.春天是绿色的。 夏天是红色的。 秋天是黄色的。 冬天是白色的。Unit 2 In the classroom1. Whats this? Its a floor/door/. 这是什么? 它是一块地板/一扇门/。2. What about this? 那这个呢?3. Where is ? Its in/on/behind/under/in front of . 在哪? 它在 里面/上面/后面/下面/前面。4. Are there any chairs in th

4、e room? Yes, there are./ No, there arent.房间里有椅子吗? 是的,有。/ 不, 没有。Is there any milk in the glass? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.杯子里有牛奶吗? 是的,有。/ 不,没有。5. Are there three mice behind the curtains? 窗帘后有三只老鼠吗?-Yes, there are./No, there arent. 是的,有。/ 不,没有。Is there a mouse behind the curtains?窗帘后有一只老鼠吗?-Yes,

5、 there is./ No, there isnt. 是的,有。/ 不,没有。6. How many books are there? Five. / There are five books.有多少本书? 五本。/ 有五本书。7. Lets catch it! 让我们抓住他吧!8. Well done! 干得好!9. Put it in your bag. Put it on the board. 把它放你包里。 把它放在黑板上。 Put it in the teachers desk. Put it under the teachers desk.把它放在老师的桌子里面。 把它放在老师的

6、桌子下面。10. Good idea. 好主意。11. Here you are.你在这儿啊!12. Its my turn.轮到我了。Unit 3 Numbers1. Ive got a wonderful friend. / He has got a brown cat.我有一个非常棒的朋友。 他有一只棕色的猫。2. He eats thirty-three bananas for breakfast/lunch/dinner.他早餐/午餐/晚餐吃三十三根香蕉。3. His favourite colour is yellow. My favourite number is fifty-f

7、ive.他最喜欢的颜色是黄色。 我最喜欢的数字是五十五。4. He lives at the zoo. 他住在动物园。5. Twelve is two plus ten. Two plus ten is twelve.12=2+10 2+10=12 What is ninety-nine minus twenty-six? Its sixty-three. 99减26等于多少? 等于66。6. Youre hot. Take your money. Put it in your pocket. Run to the shop.你很热。 拿你的钱 放进你的口袋 跑去商店Open the door

8、. Say “A big ice cream, please”. Thats seventy p.打开门 说“请(给我)一个大冰淇淋”。 七十便士。Look for your money. Oh, no, there is a big hole in your pocket.寻找你的钱。 噢,不,你的荷包里有一个大洞。7. An apple and two bananas, please.请(给我)一个苹果和两根香蕉。How much is it? How much are they?它多少钱? 它们多少钱?Thats 70 p. Theyre 70 p.七十便士。 它们七十便士。Here y

9、ou are. Thank you.给你。 谢谢您。Unit 4 School1. We have classes in the classroom.我们在教室上课。2. We often read in the library.我们经常在图书馆阅读。3. We have lunch in the canteen.我们在餐厅吃午饭。4. We play sports on the playground.我们在操场上做运动。5. We have computer class in the computer room.我们在微机室里上计算机课。6. Here is my prize.这儿是我的奖品

10、。7. Help me, please.请帮帮我。8. Where is my pencil case? Its not here.我的笔盒在哪里? 它不在这儿。9. Ive got it!我找到它了!10. She is from America.她来自美国。11. He has got red hair. I have got short hair.他有一头红头发。 我有一头短发。Unit 5 Free time11. I can swim. He can play the guitar. She can stand on her head.我会游泳。 他会弹吉他。 她会倒立。12. I

11、can ski. He cant skate. She cant ride a bike.我不会滑雪。 他不会轮滑。 她不会骑自行车。13. Can you swim? Can he swim? Can your father swim? Can they swim? 你会游泳吗? 他会游泳吗? 你爸爸会游泳吗? 他们会游泳吗?14. The boy in the green T-shirt cant play the football.那个穿绿色T恤的男孩不会踢足球。15. Lets go to the park. Yes, lets. Lets go.我们去公园吧。 好,我们去。 我们走。

12、16. Girls first./ Lady first.女生优先。/ 女士优先。17. Your turn.轮到你了。18. You are the winner/loser !你是胜利者/失败者!19. I dare you to shoot the duck. I dare you to swim in the river.我赌你不敢射那只鸭子。 我赌你不敢在河里游泳。Unit 6 Games1. Throw again.2. What are the colours of the rainbow?3. Whats your favourite day?4. Miss a turn.5. Name three things in your room.6. Name five things you can eat.7. Go back to school.



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